xD, best vid I have ever seen. Christian Bale is my HERO and now ^ that guy above.
Actually Christian and I are just done professionally.
Terminator and Star Trek and that all I actually want to see this month.
Man, some good movies still to come this month.
I much more prefer my insanity gift wrapped. (^worse sentence structure ever by me)
I'm a coffeeholic.
Man, I'm really tired now.
But it kinda back fired when he fought Daken. >.> seems like the only one who can beat him is Logan but since that is his son he can't do what is necessary.
The only thing that was missing was how completely INSANE he is. Plus in that room he could take them all on, xD.
Exactly like all the gay powers they gave him which he doesn't have....well except for the healing factor and the "teleportation". But if they can get good writers and have Ryan Reynolds come back, I think they can make a good movie. But then again this is hollywood....they like to basterdize everything.
I know, I was say Ryan Reynolds was a convincing Wade Wilson/Deadpool. He was able to pull off the whole complete badass with his two katanas and still have that mouth on him that makes people love him.
Actually that was just a rumor, I saw it twice to day so I could see both endings....and well....they made Deadpool completely stupid. Ryan Reynolds did a great job for the brief time he was in it.
Deadpool has been ruined for me.
Shhhhh! My common sense is tingling.....
^ That just sounds dirty in it of itself. Other than my dashing good looks and great witty banter.
Needs more post from me.
I'm up...but probably not at 3:33. Sometimes I'm on the phone.
xD, I like the cheer chant. Kinda catchy.
I'm a person of many wonders.
Yeah, I just noticed it was fixed.