With the power glove anything is possible.
xD, well depending on where you live *washington state if i rememeber correctly* then that is going to be one hell of a drive.
Ah, man now I want to watch American Psycho. Hmmmm I wonder where Sai went....I wonder if she thought I was serious >.>
I'm going to beat the sh!t out of you if you don't shut the **** up, you understand! xD, Christian Bale is my hero.
If you are still hired tomorrow I'm walking of the set. I swear to GOD I will!
We are not speaking.......and yes to answer your question.
Don't make me trash your lights. You just don't know how to work with actors. I mean you're a nice guy, a nice guy. But I'm just done with you professionally.
The jib is up, the nuse it out, and they finally found me.
Vampires don't glitter....I don't glitter....I just combust.
If I had a soul.....then I think Sai killed it.....X_____x
I'm going to have to go now. I might be on later not sure, talk soon.
It was beautiful and moving.
That can be our catchpharse.
Ah, yes the language the zombie robot army will speak. Impressive indeed.
Yes, I like the idea...we are one step closer to making our zombie robot army.... Mwuahahahahahaha!
Nice, I really hated that couch. Now if only we had more people we can start a revolution.
In the immortal words of the ninja......"let's kick this pig!".
Oh, but before the arson begins....we need to......suit.......wait for it.......UP!
*High Five!* Man now I'm all jazzed up from that vid.