Check and mate OH haha, I see what you're doing. The whole I still own you a spaceship, well I'm not going to pay up.
Those aren't socks...just really hairy arms.
I don't wear clothes....I'm a nudist.
I'll be on for tonight.
I am slyar!
Well with my slew of powers I'm most doubt it is a match for me.
Even though that isn't quite a pun, I'll go with you on this one. DIE TEDDIE!
The unbearable.
So are we set on a time or do we still need to deliberate?
Between 5 and 7 works for me, I'll be able to come on for most of the week.
Well I'm good for most of the week. Except for next week I'll be away from the computer. Also I'm on the east coast time zone.
Yeah, we should set up a the real question is can we uphold it???....
Man, things get intense when I'm not around.
It is when a character knows they're just a character and speak to the audience about it. Like in Farris Bueller's day off is a great example of "breaking the fourth wall". P.S:NO Sai I'll not settle for second place!
I pwn all with my abilities to break the fourth wall.
Is this still going on >.>?
Yeah, I'm not even going to begin to guess that I'm actually following what is going on. It's like being in my own head....freighting stuff.
So what exactly are we doing again?
Time Travel gives me a headache.
I don't know what you've done to me. But I know this much is true, I want to do bad things to you. Interperate how ever you like....Mwuhahahahahah!