Good point my young student. Today we must find a rival gang for us to have a dance off with.
So you want to have a dance off with our rival gang.
Dueling to the death isn't what I had in mind. But it's nice to see that you are thinking outside of the oval.
There really needs to be more action around here.
That is what I put on my resume.
I'm cool, yeah I said it.
Silent as night itself.
Rated PG-13.... Now you've lost me.
That is only cause you're not hopped up on some form of mind altering drug while you where eating you cereal.
What's wrong?
Man, it has been awhile since I have read a good book. So glad I have found sometime to sit down and actually read.
Why leave it on standby, why not endulge yourself now.
That's not too uncommon around here.
Whom/what is Emil if you don't mind me asking?
If it is busy work....than no.... Kinda reverse philosophy on the whole "survival of the fittest".
Man, I'm bored. I wish I had something to do...but I don't.
I think it has to do more with you enviroment. Not saying that being born with it or have to work at are completely out of the question.
Leave the sarcasim to the pros. I make a living doing this to people.
Really going all out with this battle, huh?
It's not death if you refuse it. Only when you accept it. *Just cause I'm bored*