"You mean evil"Ryuu thought OOC: gtg I'm leaving early tomorrow to buy a new computer :D
"And what good is that?"Ryuu said just to keep the conversation running
"Sooo, how much do he pay you guys for doing this"Ryuu asked the guards who was holding him
Ryuu followed willingly "This is even better than I expected"he thought
Ryuu stopped "this is going to be interesting"he thought
"No need to worry, I know what I'm doing"Ryuu said as he Continue to walk towards the ring master
"See you later then people"Ryuu said as he walked towards the ringmaster
"Fine, I'll go. but only if you release the girl her brother and the people you took from the hospital"Ryuu said
"WHAT?? you know this is the fifth time this month"Ryuu said depressed
"That can't be good"Ryuu said punting his hands in his sleeves
"so... where are we?"Ryuu asked
"then I suggest we start moving at ones, we have already stayed here for to long"Ryuu said as he began moving
"I could use ¨that¨but then again the people we tried to save would probably die"Ryuu thought for himself "What do we do now, we don't have any chance to follow them now"he said
Ryuu followed he was nearly out of breath
Ryuu jumped down into the water, and followed them
"Well then lest hurry, if we stay they might find us"Ryuu said
"Mister if you need I place to hide. I can be of assistance"Ryuu said walking towards him
As Ryuu finally escaped a bunch of giant rats he walked towards a point where he could here people
"Well about that. you better keep your nose closed" he said as he jumped down the hole to the sewer.
"Crap"Ryuu said as he grabbed Jasmine and began running towards the sewers