OOC: ehh Ryuu has taken your sword
Ryuu picked up the sword "Now he can talk"
Ryuu stood up and and made sparks fly out of his hand hitting Nate. it was only powerful enough to paralyse him
"So when are we starting?"Ryuu asked
"what is the mission?"Ryuu asked
Ryuu satt down tough he didn't quite belive that it wasn't a trap he was looking to from left to right very often
"sure this isn't another trap" Ryuu said
"then lets go"Ryuu said beginning to move
"good point"Ryuu said "well anyway where are we supposed to go now?"Ryuu said
"its thanks to a special stone"Ryuu said "why do you wanna know anyways?"
"you mean this?"Ryuu said as he made a little spark fly between two of his fingers
Ryuu finished him of by increasing the amount of electricity
No but this is"Ryuu said as he sent a deadly amount of electricity trough the metal thread which was connected to the knife the ring master was holding (he has to touch it to pull it out)
Ryuu threw a knife at him, tough it missed completely an hit the ring master in the leg
"I'll have to kill"Ryuu said holding a knife
"Hey dude I suggest you live them alone"Ryuu said to the ring master
"as expected they are not here, well I'll just have to go back and kick their a** then"Ryuu said turning and heading back to the others
"now where are they Keeping the prisoners?"Ryuu asked himself as he continued to walk
"well I think I'll find the way on my own"Ryuu said as he took and shaked the guards hands. both at the same time. but as he did so he fired a deadly amount of electricity into their body's OOC: My new computer Rocks :D
"Are we there yet, my feet are tired"Ryuu said, after all he had been running most of the day