Wonder how big i can make the tree, Ken though as he sat on top of it and made it grow larger and larger
"that wasn't very smart you know"Lleu said holding his scythe towards Nate
"this is fun"Lleu said as he killed even more people with his Scythe
meanwhile Ken was busy testing the orbs power, he made some trees and flowers grow here and there
"booored"Lleu said to himself as he walked into the centre of the town, "well I might as well have some fun while I'm here"he thought as he began slicing up buildings and people, which made a heck of noise
"What dose the orb do"he asked and by that he triggered their thoughts and he then knew the basics "thanks for telling me"Ken said as he floated away OOC: gtg see ya
"That's what you say"Ken said "either way either you say it or I'll read your mind. its your choice" (he can only read the surfacing thoughts)
"I gave it back"Ken said like that should have made up for it
"because I asked"Ken said, seeing nothing wrong in being a thief
"okey no need to be violent"Ken said tossing him the orb "by the way i got a orb looking something like that. what dose it do?" he asked
three orbs, three pocketbooks, and some rings Ken said holding them up
"no I was playing chase with the bull, and then it accidentally brought me here"Ken said whlie he looked at some stuff he already had stolen from them
Ken looked at him with the worlds most stupid face "What are you talking about?"Ken said
Lleu kept walking towards his house pretending not to be a demon
"that's no need to ruin my fun"Ken said annoyed, he sat down, or technically he sat in the air
After eating Lleu went outside, "oh, forgot to hide my aura again"he said as his demon aura disappeared completely
"hey what did you do that for? now you ruined the game"Ken said hovering towards Hiero
Jumping from building to building Lleu was looking for something to eat, after all even demons feel hunger, he found a fast food store, and bought some food
Still chasing the bull Ken suddenly realised something "watch out there"he shouted to the group as the bull came running towards them
can anyone make me a sig with luffy from one piece? using this pic