"Commandeer Miranda. We are approaching the "Storming Wolf" but it seems there is another pirate ship in the port. though it appears that it is about to leave"A marine told Miranda "Shot them down, don't leave any of them alive. I don't won't to be bothered with them while I try to catch "Black Coat"Miranda said cold "Yes mam"The marine said "fire the canons"he shouted as they fired at Matt's ship "crap its that cold marine lady, I can't fight her.. time to hide!"Kyo said as he hide behind a stick "Capt.."Ryota tried to say but was interupted "quiet she might find me"Kyo said
OOC:I'm thinking about introducing one of the marine org members, she's suposed to have followed Kyo to the grand line bic: "Captain, bad news its the marines"Ryota said as he came runing "WHAT!!"Kyo shouted suprised "don't tell me, its her isn't it" "Yes it is capt"Ryota answered
"Why do you keep asking that question?"Kyo asked Blade
"well that's that"Kyo said "I'll get going I haven't eaten in hours"he said "I'll make Itsuki make us some food captain" Ryota said running to the ship
"ready"Kyo said
"Hmm.. i wonder where he went?"Kyo said thinking.. for once
"Well i was kinda fighting him a second a go, and he was quite strong"Kyo said not really caring
"By the way who are we stealing from?"Kyo asked curious
"oh right, I'll help"Kyo said as he to began pushing
"This guy he's really funny"Kyo said laughing
"Of course, I'm going to become the pirate king after all"Kyo said With a huge smile
"I'm not know as anything around here, I just entered the Grand Line"Kyo said
"Really? then It may be time for an introduction. I'm Kyo D. Yuudai Nice to meet you"Kyo said
Kyo noticed Blade "Oh its you, You where in the bar right?"He asked
"Wasn't that Matt's voice?"Kyo said "Who's matt?"Ryota asked suprised "Oh, a pirate I met earlier today. Let's see if he need some help"Kyo said running towards the mansion
OOC:got ya bic: "Damn he got away"Kyo said to himself "Captain what is it" Ryota said as he came running "There is a logia user on this Island, and i have the feeling that he is one of them"Kyo said "Okey, then I'll keep an eye out"Ryota said "good, now keep the gun away from me"Kyo said getting nervous "Sorry captain, lets get back to the ship"Ryota said
"Oh no you don't"Kyo said as he destroyed the ground around him with an attack
"Crap, I can't defeat him like this" Kyo thought. he pulled up a gun an fired a signal fire into the air. "Now I only need to keep him busy"Kyo said to himself OOC okey my internet is kinda unstable so I'll be posting real slow
"Demon wing"kyo shouted while he flew forward holding his swords crossed in front of him
Kyo cut the air and destroyed the spikes "And no on attacks me when i laugh"he said as he charged at Plum