HOLLY CRAP!!! You read my mind! Seriously I was going to do that! Freaky...
Doctor Jones by: Aqua.
organization 13 at school (Chapter 5) Hey everyone! It's time for reading class... ENJOY! chapter 5: Fifth period reading class. Everyone was slowly walking to their lockers... they did not want to go to class. Demyx came back from the nurse with a baggy full of barf. Don't ask why he did that... anyway, this is Zexion's favorite class of course. So he was really excited. Demyx went up to Zexion to annoy him... " HI ZEXION! You want to see my bag of vomet?" Asked Demyx. " *gags* Ew gross! Get that thing out of my face you peice of goose guts!" Shouted Zexion as he gagged. Then Demyx tripped on air and flung the bag of barf all over Zexion. And of course Zexion was disgusted. " AHHHHHHH!!!!" Shouted Zexion... then he ran to the bathroom crying. " Whoops... oh well!" Said Demyx then he went to class. " Hello there welcome to the class of read." Said the teacher. " Don't you meen reading class?" Asked Larxene. " No I meen the class of read." The teacher repeated. Demyx gave the teacher a weird look and headed to his desk. " Are we missing some people? It feels as though the room is empty" Asked the teacher. " There's only one person missing... you have twelve people in this class how could it feel empty?" Said Roxas. " Don't get sassy with me young man!" Shouted the teacher. " I'm not getting sassy I'm just pointing out the obvious." Said Roxas. " EXACTLY! Now go sit in the hall!" Yelled the teacher. " But-" Said Roxas. " NOW YOU ANIMAL!" Yelled the teacher. Roxas walked out into the hall with his head down. " Now there are two people missing." Said the teacher. " Zexion has puke all over him and he's in the bathroom crying." Said Demyx. " And you just threw Roxas out." Said Axel. " I KNOW THAT KETCHUP HEAD! How did Zexion get vomet all over himself?" Asked the teacher. " I tripped on nothing and it went all over him." Said Demyx. " What went all over him?" Asked the teacher. " The bag of barf duh!" Said Axel. " SHUT IT PYRO!" Yelled the teacher. " This teacher is out to get me." Whispered Axel to Marly. Marly nodded. " Anyway... Demyx, why were you carrying around a bag of vomet?" The teacher asked. " Because I wanted to annoy Zexy with it." Answered Demyx. " How did you get the vomet?" Asked the teacher. " WHAT IS THIS TWENTY QUESTIONS?! Can we please learn something today! Yelled Larxene. " YOU!" Yelled the teacher. " Me?" Asked Larxene. " YEAH YOU! SASSY- MC- SASS- SASS!" Yelled the teacher. " What?" Asked Larxene. " GET OUT IT THE HALL WITH ROXAS YOU BIG COW!" Shouted the teacher. Larxene got up angrily and stomped out the door. " Fat *** bi** **** whore man boob woman." Larxene muttered as she walked out. " NOW! Demyx, were'd you get the vomet!? The teacher asked. " My stomach." Answered Demyx. " How did it come from your stomach?" Asked the teacher. " Why do you want some?" Asked Demyx. " NO! GROSSY-MC-GROSS-GROSS!" Yelled the teacher. Then Zexion came bursting through the door. " I"M HERE!" Zexion shouted. " You're late! And when you are late you have to eat twent-five bannanas!" Yelled the teacher. " But I don't want to eat twenty-five bannanas!" Said Zexion. " Then sit outside with sassy-mc-sass-sass and Roxas!" Yelled the teacher. Zexion gave the teacher a weird look. " Who's sass-mc-sass-sass?" Zexion quietly asked Xigbar. " You'll see..." Xigbar said. Then Zexion walked out the door. " Ok... I'm done talking about Demyx's vomet. Get out your books and read." Said the teacher. All the organization members had their very own personalized books. Xemnas had How To Take Over The World For Idiots, Marly had Britney's Flower Picking Adventure, Xaldin had Indians That Can Rap, Lexeaus had How To Get Muscles To The Size Of Castle Oblivion In Fifteen Minutes, Xigbar had How To Shoot Demyx Until He Dies, Axel had the I Am Against People Who Are Against Forest Fires, Saix had Moons Moons And More Moons, Zexion had The Emo People Quest, Roxas had The Biography Of Jesse Mcartney, Larxene had How Does Lightning Work, Demyx had Musical Water People, Luxord had Learn To Cheat At Poker,and Vexen had Science Rules. Weird aren't they?... Demyx didn't feel like reading so he threw spit balls at everyone. He spit one at Vexen... " What in the name of science was that?!" Shouted Vexen. Then he saw it was a spit ball... so, he made a spit ball and threw it at Axel because he thought Axel was the one who spit it at him. " What the flajeebies!?" Yelled Axel. " Flajeebies?" Asked Marluxia. " Yeah... that's my new word now!" Said Axel. " Oh... um ok." Said Marly. So, Axel got a random straw and a random peice of paper and spit it at Luxord. Soon after that everyone was spitting spit balls at each other. Then finally after like twenty minutes of throwing spit balls around the teacher finally noticed. " Why are there balls of spit flying around my class room?" Asked the teacher. Then everyone stopped spitting spit balls... but of course stupid Demyx spit one in the teaher's eye. "HOLLY MAC AND CHEESE GET IT OUT OF MY EYE!!!" Yelled the teacher as she ran in a circle. Then the bell rang... everyone left leaving the teacher spinning around in one spot. " DON'T LEAVE GET THIS BALL OF SPIT OUT OF MY EYE THIS INSTANT!" Demanded the teacher. But no one listened... so, they all headed out to their lockers getting ready to go to gym! So... what did you think? Hope you liked it! Chapter six is comming soon to a thread near you! GYM CLASS NEXT!
you should make it longer... but it was good.
whoops that was an accident... ok I fixed it.
Marluxia: My hips don't lie. Sora: They lied to me yesterday *gets cursed*
Yeah but I think they were just really realistic dreams.
sorry i guess i was typing too fast. Thanks everyone!
organization 13 at school (chapter 4) Woop di doo!! Another grand adventure of the organization at school! It's time for recess and lunch... ENJOY! Chapter 4: Fourth period lunch/recess. Everyone was racing down the halls trying to stuff their books into their lockers. Demyx was the only one who brought his lunch because cafateria food makes him barf. And we don't really need barf anywhere. First it was time for recess! They were all doing their usual things outside... Demyx was on the monkey bars, Larxene was smoking pot, Xigbar was smoking ciggaretts, Marluxia was picking daisies, Zexion was reading in his emo corner, Luxord was playing poker with some first graders, Saix and Xemnas were talking about killing King Mickey, Xaldin and Lexeaus were throwing a football around, and Roxas and Axel were singing a Wizard Of Oz song (don't ask why). Anyway it was almost time to gang up on Zexy... don, don, don. Larxene went over to Marly. " Stop picking daisies you idiot! You're embarassing me!" Whispered Larxene. " Well, stop smoking pot! You smell like crap!" Marly whispered back. " Ugh! Let's go gang up on Zexion now!" Said Larxene. " Fine!" Said Marly. Everyone was now around Zexion in his emo corner. " What do you want bit**es?" said Zexion. " Admit it! Admit you slept with Xiggy!" Shouted Larxene. " NO WAY WHORE!" Zexion shouted back. " Boys, get him!" Yelled Larxene. Everyone went after Zexion and pinned him to the wall. Then Axel got a random pocket knife sitting on the ground and put it up to Zexion's neck. " Admit it or this knife with be in your neck!" Yelled Axel. " First of all Axel, get a breath mint. And second, I'll tell you what happened if you put me down! And stop breathing on me Axel! I'm about to barf!"Yelled Zexion. So they put Zexion down and Axel went to get a breath mint (thank god). " Ok... here's what happened: I did sleep with someone but not with Xiggy! It was-" Then Zexion was cut off by the bell ringing signaling lunch time! " OH! Looks like it's lunch time uhh... SEE YA!" Said Zexion then he ran away. " That little piece of SH**!" Larxene yelled. So they all went inside to the cafateria and they found Zexion waiting in the lunch line for the meatlaof suprise. " Now we'll never know!" Saix said. " I'm back with breath mints! What did I miss?" Asked Axel. " Nothing, Zexy ran away." Roxas answered. " Oh well. Hey! want to smell my breath?" asked Axel. " Not really" answered Roxas. " AWW!! Come on just to see if it smells better!" Begged Axel. " Fine!" Roxas said Axel breathed on Roxas. " YUCK! What did you eat?!" Asked Roxas. " Unions, union chips, union rings... that was yesterday but I forgot to brush my teeth this morning." Answered Axel. " Ew... your breath stll stinks." Said Roxas. " SHUCKS!" said Axel. Zexion came to the lunch table with his meatloaf suprise. " EW! what the hell is that?" asked Larxene. " And why is it bubbling?" Asked Xaldin. " It's meatloaf suprise and I'm not eating it." Answered Zexion. " Then why did you get it?" Asked Xaldin. " Because I wanted to know what the suprise was." said Zexion. " The suprise is, is that it makes Demyx puke." Said Larxene. Demyx took one look at the meatloaf and had to go to the nurse. " Great! Now we'll have Mr. union breath and Mr. vomet breath." Said Roxas. Then Xigbar came to the table with a bowl of mashed potatoes. " HOLLY POTATOES! Can I have some?" Lexeaus asked. " NO WAY BIG DUDE! Get your own potatoes!" Yelled Xigbar. " AWW! But I have no munny! Can I please have some?" Begged Lexeaus. " These are my potatoes! MINE!" Yelled Xigbar. " FINE! Then I'll just have some of Zexion's bubbling meatloaf!" Yelled Lexeaus. " NO WAY! I'm still waiting for the suprise!" Shouted Zexion. " Who wants to play poker!?" Asked Luxord. " I guess I will... to take my mind off of food!" Said Lexeaus. " Oh please! You practically ate the entire kitchen for breakfast!" Said Xemnas. " Well, I digest quickly!" Said Lexeaus. " Ok! What are you betting?" Asked Luxord. " Zexion's bubbling meatloaf!" Said Lexeaus pulling the meatloaf towards him. " HEY!! I'm still waiting for the suprise!" Shouted Zexion. " OH WELL! Now it's mine." Said Lexeaus. " That's only if you win!" Said Luxord. DING DING DING!! The bell rang. Lunch was over. " DAMN I ALMOST WON!" Shouted Lexeaus. " We didn't even start playing yet! You big doofus!" Said Luxord. They all sadly went back to their lockers getting their books to go to their next class. Reading... Well lunch may be over but the fun won't stop! The fifth one is comming soon!
HAH! I found it funny when Saix and Xemnas were sleeping together and Zexion was rolling back and forth!
You didn't do anything to me so i don't really care.
REALLY FUNNY! make more please!
I crack my nuckles, knees, wrists, ankles, and toes. I crack a lot of things!
organization 13 at school (chapter 3) YAY math class!! my favorite class!!Enjoy! Chapter 3: Third period math class. That was one weird science class. But oh no it's time for math! The most hated subject! TOO MANY NUMBERS!!! " OW my head... thanks for slamming the bathroom door on my head Axel!" Shouted Marly. " Your welcome!" said Axel. " So, what did I miss in science?" Marly asked. " Nothing much.... we all failed again except for Xaldin and Lexeaus." Zexion replied. " Hm... and they're not very bright either." Marluxia said. " So far we're on our way to being held back AGAIN!"Shouted Roxas. " EW math." Vexen said as he walked into the room. " Welcome students to the room with lots of numbers!" Shouted the teacher with glee. " Yippi-di-doo-da-day..." Said Larxene sarcastically. " Is it that time of the month Larxy?" The odd teacher asked. " No bit** and don't ever call me that again!" Shouted Larxene. " Ok! I see how it is!" Said the teacher backing away. " Ok kids open your very large text books to page... 6,894!" said the teacher. " What the hell... there's more then 6,000 pages in this GOD DAMN BOOK!" Shouted Marluxia in disbileif. " Zzzzzzzzzzzz" Demyx started falling asleep. Then Zexion slapped him and he woke up. " WAH! Where am I?" Asked Demyx. " Welcome to hell." Said Zexion. " Math?" Asked Demyx. " You got it." Said Marly. " Ok can someone tell me what one times one equals?" asked the teacher. " O O O!!! Pick Roxas!" Yelled Roxas raising his hand. " What?" asked to teacher. " twenty-four?" asked Roxas. " What the hell? NO!" Yelled the teacher. Marluxia threw a paper airplain at Demyx. " Not this again!" Said Larxene seeing the paper airplane hit Demyx. " Ouchys! Hey it's an airplain!" Yelled Demyx in excitment. " Open the airplain DAMNIT!" Marly whispered to Demyx. " No way! I'm not destroying art work like this!" Demyx whispered back. So Demyx was stupid and threw it at the teacher. It landed in her afro. Then she started yelling and jumping around. " AHHHH!!! GET THIS THING OUT OF MY HAIR!!!" The teacher screamed. Then she pulled it out and opened it. " Zexion is hot for Xigbar" the teacher read. " WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK I'M SLEEPING WITH XIGBAR!?" Zexion shouted. " Because we heard banging in your room last night." Larxene said. " So i could have been uhh... trying to kill a spider!" Zexion said. " Trying to kill a spider for three hours?" asked Marluxia. " Must have been a big spider!" said Axel. Zexion sat with his head down still denying he slept with Xigbar. " Children why are we talking about Zexion and Xigbar's sex life? That's something to do in health class. Now back to multiplication!" Said the teacher. Larxene sent another plain into the air hitting Roxas up his nose. When he pulled it out it was covered in gooey snot. " EW! Thanks alot Larxene." Roxas whispered. " Just read the damn thing!" Larxene whispered. It said: let's gang up on Zexion until he confesses he slept with Xiggy! Pass the note around! we'll do it at recess!So, Roxas passed the note around until everyone got it. " This is going to be fun!" Larxene whispered to Marly. Marly nodded. " Well if Xiggy confessed why won't Zexy confess?" Asked Axel. " Because Zexion is too chicken to admit he's gay!" Larxene said. " Children what are you whispering about?" asked to teacher. " About how cool your afro is!" said Marly. " Oh! Why thank you Marly and company! It is quit dashing isn't it?" said the teacher. " Oh very dashing indeed!" said Axel. The rest of the period the teacher rambled on about how her hair made her look sexy. Then the bell rang... few. " YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!.... I meen aww..." said Marly. They all ran out the door very excited because next period was lunch! So what did you think of chapter three? chapter four is comming very soon!
Marluxia: You're a piece of cow crap with a side of donkey doo-doo! Sora: huu? *gets cursed*
organization 13 at school (chapter 2) Here it is folks! Time for science class! Enjoy! Chapter 2: Second period science class. All the organization members were finally out of that weird english class. And they apparently all failed it. Axel then came bursting out of the mens bathroom knocking out Marly with the door and making him drop all of his books. Axel look down at him " Well buddy, that's what you get for walking in front of a bathroom door." Then walked away. " You done crying like a big baby Axel?" Larxene shouted at him. Then Axel flipped her the bird (middle finger) and moved on. " You ok buddy?" Roxas asked. " *sniff* well it's hard when you can't get your locker open and then everyone teases you about it! WAHH!" Axel started crying again. He bent down and burried himself into Roxas. " There, there it's going to be alright." Roxas said. Then Zexion and Xigbar walked by. Then they started laughing at Axel. " Atleast Axel didn't sleep with another guy last night!" Shouted Roxas. Zexion and Xigbar quickly stopped laughing and went into the class room. Axel and Roxas were right behind them. But poor Marly was now twitching and spazzing in the middle of the hall. The teacher came out to check on him. " Ew gross!" Then he closed the class room door. " Ok everyone it's time to be assigned your lab partners." said the teacher. " AWW we can't pick them damnit!" shouted Demyx. " NO! SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP BLONDY!" Yelled the teacher. " THAT IS THE THIRD TIME I'VE BEEN INSULTED TODAY AND I'M GETTING SICK OF IT!" Yelled Demyx in tears. " Oh shut the hell up!" shouted Larxene. " Ok let's stop acting like a bunch of wild animals and get down to buisness. The partnters are: Demyx + Larxene, Zexion + Xigbar, Axel + Xemnas, Xaldin + Lexeaus, Roxas + Vexen, Saix + Luxord, and Marluxia is spazzing on the floor outside. " Kill me now god!" Shouted Larxene. " EW I have to be with a girl!" Shouted Demyx. " YES *high five*!" Shouted Zexion and Xigbar. " I hate you Xemnas." Said Axel. " I hate you too cry baby." Xemnas said. And everyone else was pretty much ok with their partners. But Marly was still spazzing. " Ok here's what you have to do: Mix the floroxide megatomic proxide with the olcideflomatomic woxide wiith the yoxide roxoromic choxide and then shake it all up and put it in the oven to bake for thirty seconds. Any longer and it will explode. Then measure the temperature with your finger. If it burns the skin off it's perfect. The put some soda in it and watch what happens... GO!" said the teacher. " What did he say?" asked Roxas. " Mix up all the crap...um... put it in the oven for thirty minutes, make it explode, burn off your skin, drink some soda, and watch what happens!" said Demyx. " sounds dangerous... oh well! Let's get down to buisness Vexen!" Roxas said. Let's go see how Zexy and Xiggy are doing... " Ok... take this thing and put it in thing then take this thing and that thing. Shake it. Then- what?!" Zexion asked because Xigbar was staring at him dreamily. " You're just so sexy when you're working with science!" Xiggy said. " Are you on drugs!?" Shouted Zexion. " A little..." Answered Xigbar moving towards Zexion, getting ready to kiss him. Then Zexion leaned backwards and fell on the floor. "ow" Zexion said blankly. Ok... let's see how Roxas and Vexen are getting along... " ROXAS LET GO OF THE SODA!" Shouted Vexen. " NEVER! I have to drink it!!" Shouted Roxas. Never mind... time to go see Demyx and Larxene... " Demyx you're ruining it you big doof! You have to put the florox in before the woxide! Larxene said. " The what in before the what?" asked Demyx KABOOM!!!!! The chemicals exploded all over Demyx. " I told you, you were doing it wrong you big ******!!" Yelled Larxene. " MY EYES!!!! MOMMY HELP ME I"M BLIND!!!! AHHHHHH!!" Demyx shouted as he ran around the room. Time to go see Axel and Xemnas... "Ok we got it out of the oven now you stick your finger in it to burn the skin off." Said Xemnas. " No way old man my fingers are valuble." Said Axel. " DO IT NOW! Or i'll burn every one of your fingers off!" Demanded Xemnas. " How are you going to do that when i'm the one that's got the FIRE!" Axel said while throwing a fire ball a Xemnas. " *screams like a girl* Don't you ever do that again!!" Xemnas shouted dodging the fireball. Then Axel started throwing fireballs one by one while Xemas tried to dodge them. And Xemnas kept screaming like a girl. Let's go check on Luxord and Saix now... " *playing with cards* This is boring!" Luxord said. " That's because I'm doing all the WORK!" Shouted Saix. " Well that's because if I did the work we'd get an F because I'm dumb and you're smart." Luxord said. " Well... thank you! I take that as a compliment!" Said Saix. " And most importantly because I'd ruin all my new cards!" Said Luxord. Saix gets mad and burns Luxord's cards with a random blow torch he found. " NOOOOO!!! BIT** YOU"LL PAY!!!!" Shouted Luxord very angry. Then they get in a fist fight and no one cares. Hmm... ok let's go see Xaldin and Lexeaus... They both sit there being done. GOOD JOB GUYS! " OK THAT"S ENOUGH EVERYONE SIT DOWN LIKE REGULAR HUMANS!" Yelled the teacher. " Looks like Xaldin and Lexeaus are the only ones that pass!! The rest of you fail because you acted like DOGS!" Said the teacher. The bell rang and everyone ran out of the class room to get away from that scary teacher. Having little hope that their next class would be normal they headed off to math. How did you like it? Chapter three is coming out soon!
*barf* *barf*
I hope you like this story about what the organization acts like in school... hope you enjoy! Chapter 1: First period english class. BEEP BEEP BEEP!! Every organization member's alarm clock rang. It was 6:00 A.M. on a monday. Time for school. Xemnas crunched his clock. Saix just pressed a button on his clock. Axel burned his clock. Demyx threw water on his clock. Lexaeus smashed his clock. Vexen threw his clock on the floor. Xaldin stabbed his clock. Xigbar shot his clock. Zexion threw his clock out the window. Luxord threw a card at his clock (that really didn't do anything though). Larxene electricuted her clock. Marluxia drowned his clock in flowers. And Roxas... well he broke his clock before and never fixed it so, he doesn't have a clock. As you can see the organization does not like alarm clocks. It was 6:15 A.M. and Xemnas was the first one downstairs. He went in the kitchen for some cereal. Axel came running downstairs trying to finish his math homework. Then he tripped and fell down the stairs. Multitasking is not his thing. Saix and Vexen followed ignoring Axel lying on the floor in pain. Then Xigbar came sliding down the railing landing on Axel which was now in even more pain. "Whoops! Sorry Axel!" Xigbar said pulling Axel to his feet. "No problem... I always love getting stepped on in the morning!" Axel said sarcastically. Axel and Xigbar then went into the kitchen. Larxene, Marluxia, and Luxord came downstairs and started eating breakfast while studying for science. Lexeaus then came down. He then ate four pancakes, six eggs, eight pieces of bacon, nine sausages, and two bowls of cereal. It was now 6:45. "Someone needs to wake Roxas and Zexion." Larxene said. "And Demyx." Xigbar said. " I don't care about him." Larxene said. " Well I'm insulted!!" Demyx shouted while coming into the kitchen. " *shrugs* and yet I still don't care about you." Larxene said. Then Lexaeus ran upstairs to wake Roxas and Zexion. " WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS!" Lexaeus yelled. " DAMN!" Zexion yelled grumply. " CRAP! I don't wanna go to school!" Roxas said grumply. After they were all dressed and full of food, they headed out to school. Roxas was still groggy and was falling asleep while he was walking, so Axel had to keep slapping him. When they got to school they all ran to their lockers. The smarter nobodies of the group like: Zexion, Vexen, Larxene, Xemnas, Saix, and Xaldin they all got their lockers open the first time. But the rest of the group had some trouble. Axel got so mad that he burned his locker's lock. " OH NO! Now I'll never be able to open it!" Axel said sadly. Then he went running into the mens bathroom crying. "Talk about man PMS." said Larxene. Demyx kicked his locker until there were dents in it. " I think it's jammed... hey Zexion!" Demyx yelled. " Oh god... WHAT DEMYX!?" Zexion yelled. " My locker's jammed, come open it for me!" demanded Demyx. " Fine!" Said Zexion. Zexion does this everyday so he knew the combonation by heart. And he got the locker open easily. " It's not jammed you piece of crap! You're just too stupid to get the combonation right!" Zexion said harshly. Then he stomped off to class. " MEENY!" yelled Demyx. Then he got his books and went to class. Mean while, all the good locker openers were at class already. Roxas finally opened his locker after sleeping on it. Lexeaus hit his locker so hard that it opened. Luxord gave up and went to class empty handed. Axel was still crying in the bathroom. Marluxia was playing with his flowers on the inside of his locker. And Xigbar shot his locker. But when he opened his locker all of his books and papers had holes in them from the bullet. So far it was turning out to be a normal monday. Once everyone was in class they began. This is english class by the way. The teacher rambled on. Then Demyx started to get bored so he made a paper airplain with a message on it. First it hit Larxene in the back of the head. " WHAT THE HELL!" Larxene yelled. " SHHH" said the random teacher and then went back to rambeling. " Who threw this at me! Whoever did is gonna die!" Whispered Larxene. Then she opened it to find the message. It said whoever catches this is a boob. Then Larxene wrote something on it. She folded it back up and threw it at Marly. It hit Marly in the eye. " OW! MY EYE! Is it bleeding?!" Screamed Marluxia. " SHHH!" said the teacher and then rambled on again. Then he stopped complaining about his eye and read the message. It said Zexion slept with Xigbar last night. " HOLLY COW CRAP!" Shouted Marly. Then he started to crack up. " *GASP* there shall be no talk of cows and their digested food in my classroom! And what ever is so funny?" Asked the teacher. Marluxia quickly stopped laughing. " Heh! it's a secret message. And a funny one too!" Marly said. " Then you will read the message to the whole class and share the laughter." said the teacher. " NO! I can't! It's... inapropriate! said Marly nervously. " DO IT NOW!" Demanded the teacher. " Ok... um... well first it says: Whoever catches this is a boob. And then it says um... *gulp* Zexion slept with Xigbar last night! Marluxia said quickly. " I DID NO SUCH THING!" Yelled Zexion as he stood up. " Well Xiggy, what do you have to say to that?" asked Axel. Xigbar sat there casually and said " It's true... we slept together last night and it was gooooooooooood!" " But, but, but, but!" Said Zexion nervously. " Stop saying but in my classroom Mr. Zexion. We don't need to know about your personal doings in this classroom now do we Zexion? " No..." Zexion said with his head down. Then he gave Xigbar an evil look. " TEN POINTS FROM GRIFFINDOR!!" yelled the teacher. " Um... this isn't Harry Potter you know." Said Xaldin. " Oh um... whoops... sorry. I watched that last night." Said the teacher. " I don't really care." Said Larxene. " POP QUIZ! If you don't finish you get a BIG FAT F!" said the teacher. " But there's only five minutes left in class." said Vexen. " Don't get smart with me Mr. Vexen!" Said the teacher handing out papers. Saix looked at the paper " Math? But this is english class" Saix said. " Oh stop your whining just do it!" Said the teacher. Everyone started writing. Then the bell rang signaling class was over. " You all get Fs! Now leeve!" Said the teacher. " I think she's on drugs" Said Xemnas. Then headed out for science class. Everyone else headed to science class too. Hoping that this class would be a bit more normal. Do you like it so far? There's going to be more. And the classes will still be weird. You can comment if you want!
Marluxia: you smell nice... what shampoo do you use? Sora: Oh! thank you... i use- wait why are we talking about this? *gets cursed because he wouldn't tell Marly the kind of shampoo he uses*
make up an imaginary friend... i know that won't help... atleast I'm trying to help!