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  1. zexionXienzo6
    I'm going with this person. Everyone shut up this argument will never end if we keep going.
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. zexionXienzo6
    I'll just call him.... um... I don't know... well he's ugly and bald... I guess I'll call him the ugly-bald-guy.
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. zexionXienzo6
    then Axel went to the kitchen and saw Marly... he was eating a bannana.
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 20, 2007 in forum: Archives
  4. zexionXienzo6
    I don't care about Kairi... she could run around naked durring the game and I wouldn't give a crap.
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. zexionXienzo6
    Stop denying it people! He's gay!
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. zexionXienzo6

    Gay Gene?

    You are very stupid... haven't you been to science class where they show you all about DNA and stuff? It doesn't say anything about the "gay gene".
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 20, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  7. zexionXienzo6
    *wakes up from very long sleep* " What did i miss?" asked Zexion.
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. zexionXienzo6
    I'm sorry... I think he's gay but I don't think they'll ever fully show it in the game because it's rated E10. Seriously he's one gay guy!
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. zexionXienzo6
    Riku because he never does anything important... and yeah he's pathetic.
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 20, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. zexionXienzo6
    I've never done this before but can I be Zexion pleeeease!
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. zexionXienzo6
    My Stories:

    Organization 13 at school:
    All Chapters^

    *More stories to come*
    Thread by: zexionXienzo6, May 15, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. zexionXienzo6
    Well I started to get naked and dance around and... well do you really want to know the rest?

    I know... freaky.
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. zexionXienzo6
    Favorite: Zexion (of course)
    Least favorite: Namine (what a bit** I meen witch)
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. zexionXienzo6
    Moogle... should I really be proud about that?
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. zexionXienzo6
    I barfed on it.
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. zexionXienzo6
    Confusing... but it was decent.
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 14, 2007 in forum: Archives
  17. zexionXienzo6
    I'll just say that... I'm really short... but not a midget... I'm like 5'1.
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 14, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  18. zexionXienzo6
    Yeah they're the only students... it would be too much trouble to make other random people.

    thanks everyone for your great comments!
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 14, 2007 in forum: Archives
  19. zexionXienzo6
    organization 13 at school (Chapters 6,7, and 8))

    Howdy! Time for gym! Enjoy!

    Chapter 6: Sixth period gym class.

    Everyone was racing back to their lockers! Everyone was excited excpet for Zexion and Demyx... they usually get hit with a ball or trip or something. They all raced to the locker rooms and got changed at lightning speed. Except Larxene she takes up half the class to get changed... since she's a girl and all (no ofense to girls though). Everyone had normal gym clothes on except Marluxia... he had pink short shorts and a tight pink top... scary.
    " What the hell are you wearing Marly?" Axel asked.
    " Whats wrong with it?" Marly asked.
    " It looks gay..." Said Axel.
    " Well exscuse me!" Yelled Marly as Axel walked away.
    " You're excused." Said Larxene as she came out of the locker room.
    " Thank you!" Said Marly.
    " Ok everyone sit down and pretend to be normal." Said the gym teacher. "What we will be doing today is going to be basketball on one side of the gym, relay races on the other side, and then the high jump on that side." Said the teacher.
    " CRAP! I hate everything!" Said Zexion.
    " Now I'll split you up into three groups and tell you what sport you'll be doing... Luxord, Zexion, Roxas, and Xigbar will be playing basketball. Axel, Larxene, Lexeaus, and Demyx will be relay racing. And Saix, Xemnas, Marluxia, and Xaldin will be on the high jump.
    " What in the name of kingdom hearts is a high jump?" Asked Xemnas.
    " How do you play basketball?" Asked Luxord.
    " I don't know how to run!" Said Demyx.
    " This is going to be one long gym class." Said Larxene.
    " Don't just sit there like bumbs! Get going!" Yelled the teacher.
    So they all went to their stations. The basketball people started to play a game of knock out. The high jump people started to randomly jump around like idiots. And the relay race people started playing tag. The teacher went up to the high jump people since they were doing really bad.
    " What the hell are you doing? STOP JUMPING!" Yelled the teacher.
    " Well this is the high jump right? So we jump high." Said Marly.
    " NO! You're supposed to jump over that string onto the matt with out touching the string!" Shouted the teacher.
    " Oh... ok." Said Xaldin.
    So Xemnas went and tried it out... but he tripped over the string and landed hard on the mat.
    " Ow" Said Xemnas.
    " This looks dangerous! I don't wanto to go!" Yelled Marly.
    " SUCK IT UP PINKY! Now go!" Yelled the teacher.
    So Marly ran towards it but forgot to jump and he ran into the string. The string made him fly backwords onto the unforgiving gym floor. And was knocked out.
    " You guys are pathetic.." Said the teacher.
    So he went to see the relay race people and left Xemnas hanging over the string and Marly laying unconcious. The racing people were still playing tag.
    They suddenly stopped their giggling and running around.
    " What the hell is wrong with you people?! Demyx, come up to this line! And Axel come up next to Demyx. Larxene and Lexeaus go to the other end. When Demyx comes running with this stick he will hand it to Larxene and she will run to the finish line. Same with you two. GO!" Yelled the teacher.
    Demyx started running but he tired out half way... Axel on the other hand ran like a cheeta and handed his stick to Lexeaus. Then a while later Demyx came with the stick.
    " Give me the stick you idiot!" Yelled Larxene.
    " NO IT"S MY STICK!" Yelled Demyx panting.
    " Are you reterded!? GIVE ME THE DAMN STICK BI***!" Shouted Larxene.
    " NO WAY WHORE!" Yelled Demyx.
    So, Larxene tackled Demyx to the floor and they were fighting over the stick. Meanwhile Lexeaus was waiting down at the finish line and Axel walked down there with Lexeaus. The teacher gave up on them and headed towards the basketball people. Zexion was stting there with a bloody nose trying to control it with a tissue, Roxas was having a tempertantrum about losing a game, Xigbar was shooting the ball underhanded at the baskett, and Luxord was playing solitare.
    " What is wrong with these people?" The teacher muttered under his breath. "What the hell is going on over here!?" Yelled the teacher.
    " Well, we were playing knock out and Luxord was the first one out so he started playing solitare. Then I got out so I sat there. Then Zexion won and Roxas got mad and threw a ball at him. It hit his nose. Then Roxas started crying and banging his feet around. Um... the end." Said Xigbar.
    " Well get up and play AGAIN!" Yelled the teacher.
    So the got up and got in line and started to play. Zexion shot the ball while having a tissue up his nostril and made it in. Then Roxas shot it and missed. Xiggy shot it and made it in and got Roxas out which made him really mad.
    " YOU PEICE OF DEER DROPPINGS!" Shouted Roxas... then he went up to Xiggy and punched him in the stomach knocking the air out of him. Xiggy landed on the floor knocked out. Then Luxord shot the ball and missed. Zexion shot it again and made it getting Luxord out. Then Xiggy woke up and got up. Then he shot the ball and missed. Zexion then made it getting Xiggy out.
    " YEAH BABY!!!" Zexion shouted.
    " DAMN YOU TO HELL!" Shouted Roxas.
    " No need to be jealous little Roxas. I know I'm the bomb!" Said Zexy.
    Then he went up to Xiggy and rubbed it in his face. Xiggy then punched him knocking him out totally.
    " That ought to do it." Said Xiggy.
    Then the teacher walked away from them randomly and looked around the room. He saw that the high jumpers were really bad. Marly was still unconcious, Xemnas was making out with Saix (Which the teacher just ignored), and Xaldin was sleeping. Next he looked at the runners... Larxene was crying because she broke a nail and Demyx was comforting her. Axel was juggling his chakrams, and Lexeaus was sleeping with Xaldin... wait that didn't sound right. I mean he was sleeping next to Xaldin. Then the teacher looked at the basketball players... Zexion was in a corner reading with a big black eye and a bloody nose, Roxas was playing poker with Luxord, and Xiggy was just sitting doing nothing starring at Zexion. Then the bell rang... thank god! This was getting a little awkward. Everyone went back to change in the locker rooms. And then hurried back to their lockers to get their stuff for social studies.

    How'd you like it? The 7th and 8th chapters will becoming out in this same thread soon. The next chapter is in social studies.
    This is going to be chapter seven... eww social studies! ENJOY!

    Chapter 7: Seventh period social studies (history).

    Everyone was so bumbed that it was history class! It's so boring... so they all walked as slowly as possible to their lockers. Marluxia had a huge bump on his head and was walking around liike he was drunk. Zexion looked like he went through a war. Roxas was still mad. Larxene's nail grew back magically. Demyx still had his stick. Luxord was normal. Axel was normal along with Lexeaus. Xemnas and Saix were still making out. Xaldin was normal. And Xiggy was normal. Then Vexen came back from band class and saw everyone...
    " What the hell happened to all of you?!" Vexen asked.
    " Long story." Said Axel.
    " This is why I always skip gym for band class." Said Vexen.
    Once they were all seated in history they all took out their homework... but Demyx didn't have his.
    " Where is you homework Mr. Demyx?" The teacher asked.
    " We didn't have homework!" Yelled Demyx.
    " Yeah we did." Said Larxene.
    " Crapomoly! Well i guess I don't have it then." Said Demyx.
    " Then go sit in that corner over there where someone vometed." Said the teacher.
    " EW! Do I have to?" Said Demyx.
    " Yes" Said the teacher.
    The vomet was brown and crusty and had chunks of white in it... (too much detail right?) Demyx started to gag. Then Marly fainted onto the floor.
    " What's wrong with him?" Asked the teacher.
    " He fell in gym." Said Xaldin.
    " Gym is not the place for you guys!" Said the teacher.
    " That's why I skipped it!" Said Vexen.
    " Take Marluxia to the nurse Larxene." Said the teacher.
    " Why me? Can't ketchup head do it?" Said Larxene.
    " NO YOU WILL DO IT WOMAN!" Yelled the teacher.
    " Dirty animal!" mumbled Larxene as she dragged Marly out of the room to the nurse.
    " Anyway back to the homework." Said the teacher... then he just mumbled on while nobody listened.
    Then Axel made a paper ball and threw it at Demyx who was now dry heaving in the back of the room. He opened it and it read: Xiggy keeps starring at Zexy... Ewwww. Then Demyx started to giggle.
    " Why are you so happy Demyx? There is no happiness in my class room!" Yelled the teacher.
    " Um.... I was... um... I... um... was.... um..." Stuttered Demyx.
    " Damnit the suspense is killing me! Just say it!" Yelled the teacher.
    " AXEL DID IT!" Yelled Demyx.
    " What the hell did I do!?" Shouted Axel.
    " Well you did something and I want to know what it is!" Said the teacher eagerly.
    " You threw a note at me!" Said Demyx.
    " OOOO! I want to read the note! Give it to me!" Yelled the teacher jumping for joy.
    Then the teacher read it silently.
    " This is juicey!" Said the teacher.
    " What does it say?" Asked Roxas.
    " Xiggy keeps looking at Zexy... Ewww!" Said the teacher.
    " I AM NOT! I'm uhh... um... I don't know what I'm doing but I am not looking at Zexion!" Yelled Xigbar.
    " Yeah actually you were..." Said Lexeaus.
    " NUH UH TIMES INFINITY!" Yelled Xiggy.
    " Sit down Xigbar! Enough of this nonsense! This is a classroom gosh darnit not gossiping galor palace!" Yelled the teacher.
    " What the hell is gossiping galor palace?" Asked Roxas.
    " I have no idea!" Yelled the teacher.
    " A place that you gossip DUH!" Said Demyx.
    " Oh, shut up Demyx!" Yelled Roxas.
    " Yeah what he said... got it memorized!" Yelled Axel.
    " What did he say again?" Asked Demyx.
    " I TOLD YOU TO MEMORIZE IT!" Yelled Axel hitting Demyx with a book.
    Then Larxene came in the room with Marly who was back to narmal again.
    " What the hell!? Who are you two animals? Get out of my class room you bumbs!" Yelled the teacher.
    " But this is our class." Said Marly.
    " I SAID GET OUT!" Yelled the teacher.
    So they got out.
    " They were in our class you know." Said Zexion.
    " Oh, so now you're trying to mess with my mind now Mr. illusion! WELL IT"S NOT GOING TO WORK THIS TIME!" Yelled the teacher and then he threw a pencil at Zexion and it landed in his eye ball.
    Xiggy got up to help Zexion... meanwhile everyone was starring in amazement. Xigbar plucked the pencil out of Zexion's eye and blood came pooring out.
    " I"M BLIND!" Yelled Zexion.
    Then Xigbar quickly rushed Zexy to the nurse. This was not Zexion's day.
    " Well that was interesting." Said the teacher.
    " Why'd he have a pencil stuck in his eye?" Asked Demyx.
    " Because he wanted to see what would happen! YOU IDIOT THE TEACHER THREW IT AT HIM!" Yelled Larxene sarcastically.
    " No need to get your panties in a cow!" Said Demyx.
    " WELL MY PANTIES ARE ALREADY IN THE COW! Wait... what? YOU CONFUSE ME!" Yelled Larxene.
    " That's my job!" Said Demyx.
    " No you've got it wrong... your job is to be confused." Said Roxas.
    " Oh, now I get it." Said Demyx.
    " You guys are the weirdest class ever!" Said the teacher.
    " Well you're the weirdest teacher EVER! What kind of teacher throws a pencil at a students eye?" Said Xaldin.
    " Do you want one in your eye next!?" Shouted the teacher.
    " No thank you!" Said Xaldin.
    " That's what I thought!" Said the teacher.
    " When's the bell going to ring? I'm bored." Said Larxene.
    " When's Larxene going to die? I'm suffering." Said Marly.
    " OH! YOU WANNA TAKE THIS OUTSIDE!?" Shouted Larxene.
    " You will not take anything outside durring this class!" Yelled the teacher.
    " FINE!" Yelled Larxene " But I will get you later!" She yelled.
    Marluxia just sat there looking frightened.
    " My pants are a little wet can I go to the bathroom?" Asked Marly.
    " EW! Yes get those pants out of here!" Yelled the teacher.
    ~In the nurses office~
    The nurse gagged over Zexion's eye... then gave him an ice pack. Then she gave him an eye patch.
    " Hey! Look now we match!" Said Xigbar.
    " Yeah what ever." Said Zexion.
    " What's wrong little dude?" Asked Xiggy.
    " What's wrong with you?" Said Zexion.
    " What do you mean?" Asked Xiggy.
    " Well first you say you slept with me and then you start starring at me! What... do you like me or something?" Asked Zexy.
    " Would it matter if I did?" Asked Xiggy.
    " I DON"T KNOW AND I DON"T CARE!" Yelled Zexion... then he left the nurses office leaving Xigbar feeling hurt.
    ~Back in the classroom~
    Zexion stormed into the classroom. He looked awful with an eye patch, big black eye, and a dried up bloody tissue up his nostril.
    " Hey look! It's a pirate!" Yelled Axel pointing and Zexion.
    Zexion ignored him and sat in his seat with his head down.
    Then Xiggy came in with his head down and walked to his seat.
    " What is this depression lane?" Asked the teacher.
    Then the bell rang... GOOD! This was really getting awkward!
    " THANK GOD! Get outta my classroom!" Yelled the teacher.
    They all walked to their lockers to get ready for art class YAY!

    Well.... what did you think? Next chapter is still going to be in the same thread. ART CLASS NEXT YAY! But the eighth chapter is not the last chapter. There will be one more. DON, DON, DON.

    This is the eighth chapter... ENJOY!

    Chapter 8: *Coming soon*
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 13, 2007 in forum: Archives
  20. zexionXienzo6
    sorry... I didn't see that sticky yet... I'll bunch up my chapters now.
    Post by: zexionXienzo6, May 12, 2007 in forum: Archives