*eats*who ever is above me
lol everyone says that! :D sorry for the difficultness
kiss for the heck of it
I wasn't a big fan of the love guru... though it did have it's moments... I pretty much agree with everything else
Hmmm... Idk what to say :D
Any awsome summer movies you've seen?? Any Horrible movies? Share them with us :D
Kiss 4 roxasissomebody :D Srry bout the difficult name :D
I try to awake at 11:00 at the latest... sometimes it goes to 11:30 or 12:00... I wish I woke up earlier
Well I always try not to swear... but i do admit it pops out every now and then... it's just something we have to deal with...
LOL! Is that a problem? :D Gives u kissy 2 :imslow:
Kissy for sora13 cus i feel like it :D
Why, hello there! Welcome :D Hope you have fun here in the magical land of KHV :woohoo:
Diss cus idk any of you Sowwy :)
well SORRY! It's the best i could find... i dont know where else to find it REMEMBER. Your comment was unnecessary :nono:
Hello, I've been looking for the name and artist of this song for quite some time now and i was wondering if anybody new... here's the link: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=SoaXYj0_G5Y The video has a short part of the song in it... if you know it tell me :D
HEYHEY! Welcome :D
A Little Less Sixteen Candles- Fall Out Boy
I like the pairing... for once it's not a gay couple pairing... no offense to gay people it's just that like every romantic pairing is a gay couple and it's getting annoying.
I thought it looked empty...