lol u should if u want to ^^ and yup i do want to learn but never get the time to learn it :/ busy as always :(
Guys which CFW do we need to play this game since BBS wont start on my ISO i means when i click it the PSP logo comes but after that the screen is black so can anyone help me EDIT: Never mind got it to work ^^"
Well about the Final Riku yeah its possible to play with him BUT the bad effects of playing with him are: 1.You cant use Aura or Firaga attack since they both don't come out 2.He'll still be invincible 3.He cant hang on to things since he doesn't have the animations for it aka hell T-stance 4.I cant seem to find the code but its pretty much useless anyway ^^"
The Result: Spoiler its a lil complicated to do these kinds of things but dont worry im sure youll find a way to give Roxas Clothes his org clothes textures ^^
Yo Guys A Special Tutorial on a special day which was yesterday btw ^^" I meant to upload this video yesterday but i was with my friends the whole day so didnt got thee time for this so yeah sorry for the delay ^^" also the last two songs remix is remixed by Sasukeshika Visit his channel for more remixes ^^ Well so yeah guys ENJOY and HAPPY LEARNING ^^ Spoiler Code: BTW here is the play as Roxas Code which i used and Jus made in the battle ^^ 20842458 00C4AEC0 20842468 00C4AEC0 E002FFFB 0034D45C --- Model and Texture Mod 207D7458 00BF0E90 207D7468 00C137C0 E01EFFFD 0034D45C ---- Animations Mod 208CA878 00E68660 208CA7B8 00E88EA0 208C75B8 00E91130 208CA738 00FEA5B0 208C76F8 00E9B910 208C7738 00EA9280 208C7778 00EB6FB0 208C77B8 00EC33E0 208C77F8 00ED10A0 208C7838 00EDC350 208C7878 00EE6E40 208C78B8 00EEE310 208C78F8 00EFD300 208C7938 00F04AC0 208C9A18 00FF3A10 208C9A58 00FF3A10 208C9D58 00FF3A10 208C9F18 01023820 208CA6B8 01038F20 208CA6F8 01038F20 208CA498 01041D00 208C7E78 01080F60 208CA198 0108C180 208CA1D8 0108C180 208CA458 0108C180 208C8318 010556B0 208C8398 010A0320 208C8618 010DE3C0 208C8254 010DE3C0 Press R3 before selecting Roxas Battle.The effects would automatically turn on.Press L3 in the battle for the animations ^^
BTW here is the play as Roxas Code which i used and Jus made in the battle ^^ 20842458 00C4AEC0 20842468 00C4AEC0 E002FFFB 0034D45C --- Model and Texture Mod 207D7458 00BF0E90 207D7468 00C137C0 E01EFFFD 0034D45C ---- Animations Mod 208CA878 00E68660 208CA7B8 00E88EA0 208C75B8 00E91130 208CA738 00FEA5B0 208C76F8 00E9B910 208C7738 00EA9280 208C7778 00EB6FB0 208C77B8 00EC33E0 208C77F8 00ED10A0 208C7838 00EDC350 208C7878 00EE6E40 208C78B8 00EEE310 208C78F8 00EFD300 208C7938 00F04AC0 208C9A18 00FF3A10 208C9A58 00FF3A10 208C9D58 00FF3A10 208C9F18 01023820 208CA6B8 01038F20 208CA6F8 01038F20 208CA498 01041D00 208C7E78 01080F60 208CA198 0108C180 208CA1D8 0108C180 208CA458 0108C180 208C8318 010556B0 208C8398 010A0320 208C8618 010DE3C0 208C8254 010DE3C0 Press R3 before selecting Roxas Battle.The effects would automatically turn on.Press L3 in the battle for the animations ^^
thanks ^^ and yup i know it seems like something messes up its forms animations when e give soras someone elses Effects but i dont think it does the same problem if we give sora bosses effects with mod.... hmmm.....
Thanks alot ^^
Hmm so that measn we cant swap animations with other characters in the room/area??
Hmm u trying to get roxas to have org roxas textures??
hall of cornerstone
Hmm it works for me ^^" try holding R2 when the cutscene comes then skip it
the codes really long ^^"
tht would stop the code form working ^^" and about the Riku with his Dark Firaga attack yup tried it but didnt worked ^^"
yo there ^^ sry but i dont remem u ^^" but anyway welcome back ^^
thanks ^^ ...
hmm kk sure ill make one BUT tomo talkin with my friend whose a girl bout sex and things :P
WATCH IN HD FOR BEST QUALITY AND ALSO FULL SCREEN! :D Yo guys another Tutorial and this time about Effects !! XDDD The final tutorial you guys need to make your own play as bosses code but wait theres still one more tutorial left and thats the Joint mod and the overall texture Mod.After you learn those things you can make your own play as bosses codes using all of the three (four the last one ill release later) tutorials so yeah goodluck guys and happy learning ^^ ;) The songs remixed by TechnoStriker check out his account ^^
Hmm so like bout whts vid m i supposed to make then?? ^^"
hmm thanks ^^
Yup and thanks ^^ well the reason i made him smaller was cause Leav and Ven were about the same size :P