yup true ^^ and also id like to learn some things from you,that is IF you dont mind ^^"
My pleasure :D
yup you can apply the same thing with the normal one and itll work ^^
hmm tried the code and idk why but in rikus other hand theres this heartless comeing up but well whatever the reason try this one DW Riku fix...
lol :P well im re learning some basics things myself about hacking :P and also trying to get myself unbusy so i can go and learn some GBA/DS...
does anyone know how to move our camera up and down like we can move it left and right?? ^^" EDIT: And also my PSP is lagging alot when i play it on remote Joy so can you tell me how to unlag it ^^"
Yo ^^ nm jus playing BBS using remote joy :P wht bout u?? ^^
Hmm but isnt this one Trons world sora with Antis model?? ^^" Hmm about that try giving them donald or goofys status,RCs,neo-moveset and sub-status it migth enable them to work in the emu too though dont go to equipments or anything since i tried that with Axel in KH2FM and it worked :D
oh thanks for telling me kurasa25 ^^
Guys can someone tell me how we can activate that rock one command style which wants us to use blades/detonates commands ^^" and also Xeeynamo how am i supposed to move the aero when the debug screen appears?? ^^"
try upgrading to CFW 5.50 Gen-D(full_ almost all the games works in that version ^^
Hey guys can anyone please tell me that how can i play PSP games with my PS3 Controller in remote joy ^^
Hmm whats vm??
Hmm where do we put the .prx file?? and also then do we write something in the game.txt file?? ^^"
lol yup ^^
kk i will ^^ and also already ported those check the thread :P
HP DOES NOT DECREASE: 200FC580 8C820004 200FC584 0806891E 200FC588 AC820000 20165258 0C03F800 MP does not decrease 2019FF88 00000000
no sry not yet got a lil busy in home and with friends these days ^^"
thanks luxord :DD
Jus click this link ive already gave out a code to play as Roxas http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=102104 see the spoiler for the code