thanks for the rep ^^ and yup i heard tht song for the first time 5 years ago on TV while i was changing the channel rapidly to find something...
My pleasure ^^ and also im bored these days to hell so anyone want to request a hacked fight or something just for reviving this thread again?? ^^"
I'm Still Here ~ John Rzeznik OST from Treasure Planet Try listening to it,its an awesome song :D
Hmm i think i also remem there being a BBS Edition PSP but cant remem for sure ^^"
Oh and check this line im pretty sure tht ths is its exp ^^ 1171c234 0000????
well first request code hasnt been created yet ^^" and second request here 0074 = Darkside
Tic Toc By Kesha
Rise by Safri Duo
THAT my friend is different since if you replace soras running,walking and standing stance with a bosses stance then it would be useless since it wont move(standing stance) and it would keep running continuously (walking/running stance) ^^
My pleasure ^^ well every code is a muchball when making play as bosses code since you cant give him standing,walking or running animations
Hmm thought so :P since if tht was possible then the Roxas VS Riku vid had been made a long time ago :P and also tried to play as Roxas in sky scrapper BUT didnt worked ^^"
Hmm dont know... but he doesnt has the animation for gettin killed or infact gettin attacked at all ^^" so dont know...
Hmm nope since His HP has been modded so tht it doesnt go below a point so he doesnt really die,theres just a time for how long the battle will continue and after the time has ended the battle ends
bagpipes from Baghdad by Eminem XD
I Know You Want Me - Pitbull
My pleasure ^^ and sure,ill b waiting ^^
Hmm nope never happened to me ^^ DMA ^^ since Un-DMA version is freakin too long XD
Toma By Pitbull
yup ur level would be saved ^^ and nope its 1E
Yup i think we can play as an heartless and who is similiar,Boss Riku??