OMG that message erasure was literally a nanosecond ago :OOO
At the store you work in**** :D
Woo! Glad to hear eveything's been dandy-o :3, and that you don't have to deal so much with that previous staff member!~
Good luck to everybody who submitted their application! May the odds be ever in your favor! uwu
Why of course~ ;D Only new thing in my life at the moment asides from work is baby bro turning 1! How's things been crackalackin' on your end? ;3
why hello to you too bb~
Gotta get 'dat boom boom boom
Please find enclosed films below. Spoiler Doggy Poo the movie: Gnomeo and Juliet: Cinderella: The girl who leapt through time: Battle Royale: Manos Hands of Fate The Hottie and the Nottie Sailor Moon S Heart of Ice (1994)
wub wub wub wUBUBUUBUBUBUBUB wub
Another one bites the dust~
Ok... this time, I'm avoiding the lurker mode!
Very hardcore
Sometimes it's better to take a break every now and again! I'm sure you're doing awesome things out there!!
Thank you for reassuring me... I'm just worried about the 1% happening is all. Should I be better safe than sorry or not in this case?
If you want to read the Hunger Games, I say go for it! Not only is it an easy read (as others have already stated in earlier posts), it's an enjoyable one. In a sense, the film differs more from the first book than the second (or so I heard). The first film missed out on so many components of the first book, such as for example, Katniss becoming deaf in one ear, and the mention of Madge (Mayor's daughter of district 12 and Katniss' best friend) giving her best friend the Mockingjay pin. They did step it up when they changed directors however for this new film. Most of it this time stayed true to the book, which do not often tend to happen with these types of movies.
Banned for the sake of banning ;3
But I'm planning on updating my Mac OSX 10.6.8 to 10.9. Only thing holding me back though at the moment is the fact that this may erase all of my data on the mac. Backing up of course wouldn't be so much of a problem... That is... If the hard-drive wasn't 1TB. (RAM: 2GB) D: Just need a confirmation. If I decide to gamble my choices and update... Will all of my data (this includes videos, photos, applications downloaded... the lot) be deleted?
I'm glad to hear things are going well on your end :D As for me! I'm currently at work, missing the times where Saturday used to be a free day!...