Bwahaha, glad to also not be alone in that whole dream respond acne sense! Glad to be actively out and about over here again!! :3 How've you...
[strike]Lol in your dreams? You and me both :D[/strike] I am AWESOME thank yew plummykins~ :3
I'm good though dontchya worry :3
Pfft! Oh dear! Well, least I can catch up between today and tomorrow :3 I envy you for having mid term break ;A;! Won't be getting any break from...
Just made a realisation that I haven't watched since past episode 12 and it's off hiatus! xD
Can't wait fer season 2! And I'm getting there with the staying part! Of course that has to mean getting off the helium to stay earth bound~! :3...
It is actually such a royal shame that Disney has gone downhill since the 90's. Not all shows are as bad as some make it out to be, but I do agree when people say that Disney has gone too far astray from its roots. Disney channel (as well as the company itself) has in essence, gradually turned from a channel and a place dedicated to entertainment and being that place where they can say dreams CAN come true, to just being a mere cash cow in the business industry. I would say that Walter would be writhing in his grave, but considering how he's been cremated (contrary to popular belief that he was "frozen", as it were... I have no idea what kind of term to use to explain Walt's reaction to this.
As a practicing catholic, I did find it a disappointment to see that there are (and will potentially always be) individuals that would pull stunts off like this to different religious groups, be it a joke or not. But it is as Styx and other members mentioned earlier. They aren't attacking the content of the bible. If this was the case that they were poking fun as well as attacking what was inside the bible, then it would be an entirely different story. Better to not acknowledge these online posts such as the one shown (no matter how enraging it may feel just looking at it), and keep your chin held high, no matter how hard it is to do so. Try your best to not acknowledge it, especially in a place like the internet where the person is hiding behind a screen posting joke upon insulting joke. That picture is not a representation of how everybody views the religion, be they religious or not. There are people who are respective of those with religion who are not, and vice versa. I'm not saying just ignore these things completely. Its just that it would be better to just leave this particular post be. They're just ignorant individuals who think that it's funny doing something stupid like this. They clearly did not see the physical health and safety implications of putting a book, (any book, be it bible or not) into the microwave with the pizza. They may have thought however it was worth it, all to insult individuals. Anyway, I hope I'm not being mean when I'm saying this, however... joke really is on them if OP's stomach starts disagreeing with them after consuming said pizza. Especially when OP realises that the bible THEY placed inside the microwave contained plastic or some other kind of melted chemical. :3 Hope I've made some sort of sense with this post! ◟꒰⁺᾽ ऀืົཽ ˡ̼̮ ऀืົཽ⁺̥̥̥̥̥꒱◞
Plummo plummie~ :3
Bwahahaha oh my god it's canon?!?!? Could not stop laughing when the P4 dancing game was announced. May invest in getting the game, solely out of sheer curiousity. XD
Tis all going well! Been a while since we last spoke! :O How's life been treating ya Kitty?
IlIlIlIl Buffering IlIlIlIl
O hai thar kitty cat :3
My religious studies teacher from way back thought it was the best idea to screen this repetitively to my former classmates years ago, back whenever a fight occurred in her classroom whilst she was not in the class room. Said it would teach all the girls (those who took part in the fight and those that didn't) a life lesson or something. Not sure if anyone's ever heard of this one, but have you ever heard of the movie dubbed; "Doggy Poo?" Lyk errytim dis makes u cry :'((((( After many years of forgetting this thing even existed, this came across my suggestions not too long ago on YouTube, which seemed a little amusing at the time. In comparison to a few other things I have watched before and since then, it's by no means the weirdest thing I've ever watched, but it invoked some rather odd feelings at the time! :3 So what about you guys? What was one of the stranger things you've been told to watch by a teacher in high school?
It's my second year in Uni, so after this placement I've one more to go before I'm a newly qualified social worker :3
I'm working as a student social worker, in a residents setting :3 I basically advocate, care and assist vulnerable individuals with dual...
Here's to hoping for a better work place on your end uwu!!! *le hugs*
Ooooh that sounds absolutely wonderful! Hope it all goes well there on your end! :D