You so quiche whatchu' talkin bout jvakabdjgfs~ >u<...
And congrats to Cstar too~ ;D Nearly wrote Tsar for a second xjbrlahdkssn so glad I corrected autocorrect's mistake before I posted first hand~!
Ahh! Thank you uwu Glad to join you all~!
8) Why thank you~! How are you doing?
Kinda in the same situation as you xD
Damn updates take forever 8( I'll add you first thing in the morning on my end uwu
*also runs to the PSN*
Post whatever, whenever 8) Just remember to adhere to the site rules for the spam zones in general and well~ Have fun~!
Hihi Please replace { with [ {SIZE=1]{COLOR=#cc99ff]{/color]{/size]
We can always trade cartridges ;) So long as it's not haunted by any unwanted spirits~
Of course, I'll be more than happy to~! :3 I'll update my initial suggestions spoiler tags to include instrumentals/original versions~! Updated~ Nearly all links are in place.
Is it too late to pitch in for this particular song?~
Hope this section will allow for a mini necro-bump, got a few suggestions I wanna share. ^^;; Spoiler Anything sung by Lana Del Rey Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Rule the World - Lorde's Rendition of it Lyrics: Instrumental (Currently working on making a proper one based off the OST, but until then here): Spoiler Let it Go - Idina Lyrics and instrumental: Spoiler Defying Gravity - Idina Instrumental: Spoiler Tomorrow - Annie Soundtrack Instrumental and lyrics: Spoiler Spoiler Anything Queen - i.e Barcelona Spoiler Anything Supercell 8) (Anime Related) Instrumental and lyrics: Spoiler Don't Lose Your Way - KLK (May make an instrumental on this) Spoiler Libera Me From Hell - Gurren Laagan: There are more but I'll write it down sooner or later!
3 potato~
1) Best and worst film you've ever had the pleasure and displeasure of watching? 2) Same question but for books. 3) Favourite anime/manga thingy 4) Have you heard of Saint Young Men? :3 5) How are you mi'lovely~?