does anyone have a link to kh model downloads and a exporter, please!
ok, this is my first roplay so everyone listen up........ story: on a bright and beautiful day, an army of certain evil clans, known together as the Raskahs, start decimating multitudes of people in there presence, looking or money and power where ever they went. the heros, are bunch of friends who have no home due to the destruction at the beginning, are trying to live through this, as they come across mysteries that unfold and new allies and rivals that have a destiny of their own! willl they succeed? ok, so that is the start, now time for charcters! you have to fill this out in order to have a character........ name: age: gender: weapon/power(optional): personality: hero or Raskah: race: you can only have ONE character, because i can't handle all those names! but basicly, anyone who will not spam here can join! here is my character...... name: thyland age: 15 gender: male weapon/power(optional): giant battle hammer personality:always tinkering with tech, silly and own minded hero or Raskah: hero race: moogle I will anounce when we will start! oh, yah, forgot to mension that i would like everyone to participate! hope this goes well! EDIT:the main bad guy is "Boss" and will be acted by me as well (even though i said that we could only have one character, but i have to so....)! Boss: name: boss age: 52 gender: male weapon: ?(have to see for your self) personality: pitys everyone! hero or Raskah: Raskah race: ?(he wears red armor, so you will found out later)!
ok, so here it goes....... WARNING: this is just a therory, found no flaws yet though you will need a 3.52 custom firmware (which counts as 1.50 normal firmware on the tutorial below) or up. follow this tutorial to import linux to the psp:,1558,1906807,00.asp next, set up this usb system for your psp: psp>usb type B male to type A female>usb hub or....... psp>psp usb cord> usb type A female to type A female usb> usb hub then, hook up a usb keyboard and a usb dvdr drive to the hub (do this after it has fully loaded into linux, you will need those later). using your psp linux, download pcsx2 32 bit 0.9.3 for linux (or you can just download it on your home computer, it doesn't have to be a linux computer, but download the pcsx2 32 bit 0.9.3 anyway, then connect your psp and drag the file into the linux file where all the downloads go). launch pcsx2 and set up the configurations (you might need your keyboard) then once you are done, turn on the virtual ps2 and pop your ps2 game in the usb drive and play! please don't argue, just ask a question if needed. here is the Q and A: Q: you can't play ps2 games on your psp at normal speed! A: you are right, it can't, but to make it close, set the ram to 8 and the mgh to at least 280 (or if you want to take a risk, try 300 mgh, which is exactly like the ps2). Q: the psp can't play games with that kind of graphics! A:yes it can, all though it might play the games with chopy graphics (still worth it). Q: can i play my games with a ps2 controller? they did come out with a ps2 controller to usb port........ A: no, you need to install the driver for that thing to work. Q: what about dumping the BIOS of your ps2 so that the pcsx2 thing is valid? A: when someone really needs a tutorial, i will give them one. Q:the psp can't read those usb items (keyboard and dvdr disk drive). A:no it can't, but linux can! that is why i said to plug them up after it loaded. if you have any other questions, just ask them politely..........thank you.
I hate to get on anyone's nerve, and i just figuered out that there is no "create game" raw code for code breaker, but what i meant to say was, what is the "enable code" raw code for kingdom hearts 2 final mix? again, hope you can forgive me, i am re-asking this question in a different way so you guys can understand what i want you to understand, plus that someone told me there is a "enable code" raw code for kingdom hearts 2 final mix! Edit: this is to the guy who said before that there was not a create game/enable code: THERE IS! EDIT 2: someone please take this down, i forgot that i could bumb up the thread before! please mods please!
look, i went every where looking for this code, so someone please tell me the "create game" code for kingdom hearts 2: final mix so that way i can use codes on it! some people tell me to post it in the cheats section, some people keep telling me to post it in the final mix section, so i followed what the last guy said! P.S- don't hurt me....
I found a game that allows you to create a rpg! i found a link to buy the game and a link to show you a dimonstration! (EDITED FOR ADVERTISING) you can also make assesories for your characters, your own battle system (turn based or action rpg based), landscapes, and more! this game is very old, and i don't know if anyone has made a tread like this, but excuse me for i have only been in these forums for 4 days!
Pwn all who sees all, and khows all and stuff! pwn when i say so and do so, and stuff. pwn when the lord commands to pwn, and pwn when i have flying pigs around me doing an irish dance. I shall pwn who disobeys me or the Lord says me to pwn. I pwn, i pwn, pwn all, I pwn MYSELF! pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn, and shuv it! i give thanks to the dude at blizzard who made this word, thow he sall go to heaven for his own sake! pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn, shalll pwn all! double triple quaddruple pwn all! I love to pwn! the commanding pwnage bible, says to: pwn and that is all! mods mods mods! they love to pwn people like u spammers, so why don't you guys start pwning tham for the reasons they pwn us! together we shall rule! pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0101010100001010111111010010101010001010111110101111010101010101010 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! the end!
when someone finds a picture of this game, a picture of gameplay or trailer, post it here! thank you for your cooperation.....
When someone finds a picture of this game, a picture of gameplay or trailer, i would like you to post it here! thank you for your cooperation....
how do you guys think it willl be wants it comes out. what are you predictions about the game, and what do you guys think the game is about? I think it will be surrounding everything besides the main characters. like it is about the after effects of the fights that happened in the other worlds. I also think that it will surround mickey's life in general, so that way we understand what he went through to protect secrets from sora!
i have a question. every video in from kingdom hearts 2: final mix (every new one, anyway) has jap voice overs! when i lay the game, and when i see the new cutscenes, they have no jap vioce over, or no english vioce over! it just doesn't make since.....
ca anyone get me a little info (more like alot) on this program. i need to be provioded with tutorials, download sites, ect., because i want to get into this kinda stuff.
scientist predict that the people around us are becoming "addicted" to videogames, especcially violent games. they even say that they make up half the reasons why kids do bad things at school. what i just said now, what do you think? support facts for your answer....
can you guys help me get some cheats for kingdom hearts 2: final mix plus that are not in kh-vids?