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  1. khhottie30
    Well, I have a ****ing problem: I still love my ex.

    I try not to show it, but most of the time I do. I cry at night because I know he hates me and probably wants me to go kill myself or something. I've tried talking to him as a friend, but he's always being an *******. Once I tried talking to him in the lunch line, but all he did was quickly get his food and complain about how the line was too slow (he said that because I was right behind him in line). And he won't even look at me. When he does, he just glares.

    I keep making little notes in homeroom and paintings in art, and my friends IRL have given them to him during lunch and break. They said he actually looks at them, then he lets his friends look at them. I told them I was sure he was thinking, "My God, why won't she ****ing leaving me alone? I guess I'll show my friends how stupid she is" or something like that when he passes it to his friends. Speaking of which, whenever I make a painting for him in art, the girls at my table call me stupid and crazy. They also try to ruin my paintings by pouring a bunch of paint on them.

    I don't know what to do. Pretty much everyone has told me to move on and quit being a ****ing crybaby. I told them that's so easy for them to say, they don't know how much I loved him (and still love him).
    Thread by: khhottie30, Mar 7, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  2. khhottie30

    3rd Period!

    So, um...yeah. It's pretty much the back row and all our wackiness. We actually had a sub that day, so we pretty much wouldn't be doing that when the teacher's there.
    Thread by: khhottie30, Feb 16, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. khhottie30

    Kyi's Poem.

    So, this will pretty much be my poetry thread.

    This is a poem for my crush. He knows I like him, but he only sees me as a really close friend.

    I know you'll never feel the same nor will you notice me
    But I really beg to differ when you say we're not meant to be
    You may be three years older, but age really means nothing
    When you're so in love like I am with you, I know there could be something

    Age is only a number, such as three, six, or nine
    I'm sorry I love you as more than a friend, I just wanted you to be mine
    And looks don't show the truth, that's all personality
    On the outside, someone's overweight; on the inside, sugar sweet

    I'm sorry I'm not perfect, I'm sorry I need you so
    I'm sorry that I'll miss you when it's time for you to go
    I'm sorry that my crush on you is filling you with hate
    I'm sorry that while you leave for college, I simply sit here and wait

    Wait for you to someday see that you are my life
    The one to hold and cherish until the day I die
    (his full name here), although you'll never feel the same,
    I still dream about you being my love someday...
    Thread by: khhottie30, Feb 16, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. khhottie30
    This is a song I wrote for my friend, Kyi. So I like him as more than a friend, but he doesn't have the same feelings for me...

    Verse 1:

    Hey stranger, don't you look happy
    I haven't seen you in forever
    Nothing's new in my life, I've just been
    In love with you for 3 days, but who's counting?
    Each day pretty much sucks without you
    But all you can think about is college
    So what if you're about to graduate? I've been
    In love with you for 1 week, but who's counting?


    How do you know it's not meant to be if you won't give it a try?
    I know it, you know it, too
    If you don't feel the same, baby, I'll be alright
    It's okay, I'll still be in love with you
    Like I have been for forever and a day, but who's counting?

    Verse 2:

    Time passes, days turn into weeks
    I've still got the butterflies in my stomach
    And you'll never care, but I've been
    In love with you for 12 days, but who's counting?
    You say I'm too young for you
    But age should never matter, don't you know better?
    You're so cute when you make a fool of yourself
    That's why I've loved you for 3 weeks and counting


    How do you know it's not meant to be if you won't give it a try?
    I know it, you know it, too
    If you don't feel the same, baby, I'll be alright
    It's okay, I'll still be in love with you
    Like I have been for forever and a day, but who's counting?


    You really have no clue (I can't help it, I can't help it)
    How much I've dreamt about you (I can't help it, I can't help it)
    As the months pass, I still hope and pray (I can't help it, I can't help it)
    I'll forever pour my heart out 'til the day you notice me


    How do you know it's not meant to be if you won't give it a try?
    I know it, you know it, too
    If you don't feel the same, baby, I'll be alright
    It's okay, I'll still be your best friend
    How do you know it's not meant to be if you won't give it a try?
    I know it, you know it, too
    If you don't feel the same, baby, I'll be alright
    It's okay, I'll still be in love with you
    Like I have been for forever and a day, but who's counting?


    Hey stranger, I hope you're happy
    Just told you what I've been hiding forever
    I won't get my hopes up, I just wish you'd
    Love me for as long as I've loved you, but who's counting?

    Yeah, he's graduating this year, and I'm just a freshman.
    Thread by: khhottie30, Feb 9, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. khhottie30
    I'm talking about my love life. Well, there's these 2 guys I like. They're both sweet, funny, and really good friends. BUT...they're both seniors, and I'm a freshman. Also, I don't even know if they'd even like someone like me. Not because I'm a freshman, but because I'm kinda fat and not the prettiest girl in the world. Still, just because I'm not the hottest girl in the world, it doesn't mean I don't have feelings and a heart. I really care about the people I love, and I'd do anything for them.

    But if they like me back, here's the big question: who should I choose? One's into sports, the other one's into music. And I'm into both.
    Thread by: khhottie30, Feb 7, 2009, 13 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  6. khhottie30


    So...yeah, we're not writing poetry in my English 1 Honors class until some time next week, but I decided to try and write something about what I chose as my subject. Sucks that I can't change the subject...

    He and I
    We were in love, crazy in fact
    Crazy for each other
    Inseparable, unforgettable, caring
    I missed him every minute of the day
    And he loved me for who I was
    Or so I thought...

    He used me to his heart's content
    And no longer enjoyed talking to me
    His behavior changed oh so much
    I walked to my classes in the morning
    And to the buses in the evening
    All alone...
    Why did he hate me?

    I told him how I felt
    He told me that he would try,
    Try so hard to change back
    To the boy I knew and loved
    But what happened the next day?
    Like an ant on the sidewalk,
    He crushed me and left me to die

    I knew it would happen
    The pain and loneliness of heartbreak can kill anyone
    I convince myself to find someone better,
    But I'm still a little crazy
    Crazy for him, the boy that used me
    The boy that nearly killed me
    And he doesn't even care.

    Yeah, it sucks. And there's no certain rhythm with it and such, so yeah.
    Thread by: khhottie30, Jan 19, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. khhottie30


    I've been feeling very bad lately because my boyfriend dumped me. What makes it worse is that he did it over MySpace instead of in person or over the phone. I told some of my friends that I was over him, but I know I'm not. I cry everytime I hear a love or break-up song, and I just feel so bad because I wrote this song for him, and...

    I'm sorry. I feel stupid and everything, and he said the reason he broke up with me was because we didn't get to see each other a lot and that it just wasn't working out.

    I've already cried to my mom about a gazillion times, and I've kind of...
    cut myself and tried to make myself throw up.
    Thread by: khhottie30, Jan 15, 2009, 21 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  8. khhottie30
    So, here's the thing. I'm writing this for my boyfriend Wes, but I won't give it to him until his graduation day. Which is like next year.

    Once you read it, you'll probably know why. And yes, it sounds weird for a girl to ask a guy that, but oh the way, this is all I've got so far. I have to make it perfect.

    Verse 1:

    I'm so glad that you're here right now
    Boyfriend, girlfriend, nothing can tear us down
    But something's bothering me, and I'm worried to death
    Please stay for a little while, don't go just yet
    Nothing's wrong, I've just been thinking
    Of everything we've been through, and everything we could be
    Will you...

    Chorus 1:

    Marry me, marry me?
    Baby please, baby please
    I don't, I don't
    Want you to leave
    I love you, I love you
    There's nothing else I can do
    I'm so afraid of losing you

    Verse 2:

    I know we're young, but I'm certain we'll make it
    I just wanna be with you, fall asleep and wake up in your arms
    Through every kiss and every hug that made up for every fight
    Trust me, if we stick together, our future will turn out just fine
    Yes, it sounds so scary (Yet I keep wishing for it to come true)
    But please don't reconsider, it's the best thing for me and you
    Will you...

    Chorus 2:

    Marry me, marry me?
    It's killing me, killing me
    I can't watch, I can't watch
    You walk away
    It feels like, feels like
    Eternity, eternity
    Until I get to see your face again
    Thread by: khhottie30, Jan 7, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. khhottie30



    Something random from last semester. Don't ask.
    Thread by: khhottie30, Jan 2, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. khhottie30

    Liar, Liar

    Some song I wrote today after my exam in 7th period. Here's all I have so far:

    Verse 1:

    I usually know a liar when I see one
    But you were the first to catch me off guard
    I believed every single word you spoke
    And I didn't know you would tear me apart
    Baby, how could I be so naive?
    I didn't notice what you did to me
    And now it's my turn to suffer
    But I'll be back to bring you down with me


    I'm finding it hard to believe in anybody
    Ever since you came and crashed the party
    That I call my life
    So long, farewell, just forget about it
    You stupid loser, did you really doubt that
    I would be all right?
    Did I say I'd be crying for you?
    Well, I guess I wasn't telling the truth
    It seems we have something in common:
    We're both liars
    Thread by: khhottie30, Dec 19, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. khhottie30

    Random Story

    This isn't for school or anything. I wrote this out of complete boredom. It's still untitled, and I'm almost finished with Chapter 2.

    Chapter 1

    Dear Mom,
    Where are you? My life has been nothing but complete and total bullshit without you. I'm guessing my letters are beginning to sound like a broken record, huh?

    I can't help it that Harriet does everything she can to ruin my life. I'm 17, and she won't even let me go on any dates with my boyfriend or let me spend the night at my friend's house. She always has to give me a hard time. I'm a senior in high school, and I'm going to be attending college in August. So she better give me!

    Of all the parents in the world that needed a daughter, why did you give me to...

    Well, I better go before she gets home. Bye Mom.
    I love you,
    Shana Juliet Carson

    Another letter to Mom. My real mom. Yes, it sounds stupid, but it's true. Although she claims to be, I know Harriet isn't my real mom. She hates me. Not "despises" or "dislikes". HATES. Harsh, isn't it? Well, that's Harriet for you.

    Sure, go ahead and say there's a whole bunch of people in the world whose lives are way worse than mine. I highly doubt that.

    So I have a house, and a lot of food and water. Still, that doesn't feel like home to me. I have two step-brothers and one step-sister (we are all seniors at Willow Acres High), a pretty cool dad (he's a composer), and some friendly neighbors. Yet, it's still not home. My life would be perfect if it weren't for one thing: my wicked step-mother, Harriet.

    I look over my letter again, checking for any spelling or grammar mistakes. All of my letters have to be perfect for some reason.

    "No mistakes this time," I tell myself as I slide the letter down into an envelope. After writing the sending and receiving addresses on the front of the envelope, I hide it in a very special place: between my first and second of many notebooks containing drawings of and poems about my real mother.

    "I'll be sure to stop by the post office after school," I say before turning off my lamp and heading to bed. I decide to check the time just for the hell of it.

    11:11 P.M.
    I lie down, close my eyes, and make a wish.
    "I wish my mom would write back. Or call. Just something to let me know she cares."
    Thread by: khhottie30, Dec 2, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. khhottie30
    I was very bored today because my mom took my cell phone, cordless phone, and iPod away, so I decided to write some sort of song. A few minutes later, I came up with a good intro to it on my piano, and now my older brother and cousin are wanting to record it. Anyways, here it is. And yes, I know the title sucks.

    Verse 1:

    Free flowing like poetry, like a river
    Forgiven, letting go of me, myself, and I
    A melody and a harmony blending together
    Forever into another song, another rhyme

    Chorus 1:

    But I hope you're happy, so you can just go on without me
    I'll sit here for eternity
    Write some song you'll never see
    And make my broken fingers bleed
    Smashing these piano keys

    Verse 2:

    Alone in darkness I'm of no importance, just someone who
    Used to love you, but you're gone and so is everything we shared
    Once again a heart is broken, and it's so hard to open up to anyone
    Yeah, no one will listen because then don't even care

    Chorus 2:

    But I hope you're happy, so you can just go on without me
    I'll sit here for eternity
    Write some song you'll never see
    Cut my fingers, make them bleed
    Strumming these guitar strings

    (Guitar solo)


    Oh, the music has betrayed me
    Like you did long ago
    If anybody's out there, please save me
    And I don't even know what to do
    My musical pain was wasted on you

    (Drum solo)

    Chorus 3:

    But at least I know you're happy (that's all that matters to me)
    And you're doing fine without me (But before you leave)
    Here's my last song, I wrote it for you
    But you won't hear it, you never do
    Although my broken heart will never mend
    For you I'll never sing again
    So I hope you're happy to finally live your life without me
    I'll sit for always and eternity
    And all my songs you'll get to see
    No longer do my fingers bleed
    Smashing these piano keys (Strumming these guitar strings)
    'Cause no one will remember me

    I know, I know. It a whole bunch of jibberish, but I was bored. Also, my brother and cousin told me to put in some guitar and drum solos.

    EDIT: I know, it sucks. BAD.
    Thread by: khhottie30, Nov 21, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  13. khhottie30

    Kill Me Now

    Yet another song, and like the other songs, it sucks. It's also not finished yet.

    (Kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me now)
    (Kill me, kill me, kill me, just kill me)

    Verse 1:

    Dying inside again (I feel so out of place)
    I'm trying to show you who I am (So much more behind these eyes)
    I could be someone if you would let me
    But you won't accept me, accept me will you?


    Someone please hear my prayer (Because nobody else will)
    Don't act like I'm not here (Why don't you see me?)
    I know you'll ignore me, and I know I'm not worthy enough
    But God, please kill me now

    Kill me now

    Horrible, isn't it?
    Thread by: khhottie30, Oct 23, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  14. khhottie30

    Short story

    Well, we have to write short stories in my English 1 Honors class, and this was the only thing I could think of. Anyways, this is all I have written so far. The only title I can think of for it is "Nevaeh".


    Happily ever after. Good triumphs over evil. Light over dark. None of that applies to me. Though my parents were both pure angels, they gave birth to me.

    The outcast.
    The mistake.
    The dark angel.

    Every angel lives in Heaven. Every angel except "poor little Nevaeh". No one talked to me or even acknowledged my presence in Heaven. You're not supposed to be around a dark angel. Apparently, we possess a power so evil and so great it could destroy Earth, Heaven, the entire universe. So, to make sure I didn't try to use this power like all the others and to stop the humiliation and embarrassment of having a dark angel, Serafine and Leo (I refuse to call them Mom and Dad) sent me to live on Earth...


    So yeah, it pretty much sucks.
    Thread by: khhottie30, Sep 22, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. khhottie30
    This song is untitled for now, and I'm still working on it.

    Verse 1:

    I feel so safe in your arms right now,
    And I wish there was a way we could stay like this somehow
    I'm so lucky to have you here,
    And I know that it's crystal clear
    That you're here to stay
    Please don't go away

    Chorus 1:

    I need someone to hold me,
    I need someone to love me for who I am
    Don't put me down like your friends do
    Can't they see our love for each other?

    Verse 2:

    I can't wait to see you tonight
    If loving you is wrong, then I don't wanna be right
    You're my knight in shining armor, my hero
    I die inside when it's time for you to go
    I really want us to stay together
    Forever and ever because

    Chorus 1:

    I need someone to hold me,
    I need someone to love me for who I am
    Don't put me down like your friends do
    Can't they see our love for each other?
    Thread by: khhottie30, Sep 7, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. khhottie30

    All About You

    No, this time, it isn't a break-up song. It's actually a song I'm writing about this guy I like, Wes. Here it is:

    Verse 1:

    Hello, why hello, why hello there
    My name is Summer, what's your name and number?
    Was that a bit too much?
    I'm sorry for that, I'm just nervous
    I really like you, but there's one major question:
    Do you like me back?
    So many questions, and you're the answer to all of them

    Chorus 1:

    Who's the smartest, the strongest, the coolest, the funniest
    Guy I know?
    Is he loving, determined, so caring, you know that
    He's the one to go to when you need him
    I think he's so cute
    All the stuff that I'm saying is true,
    'Cause it's all about you

    Verse 2:

    I blush whenever I see you
    I'm so glad that I got to meet you, now I hope
    We can be more than friends
    I totally think it could work out
    Though you're a junior, I'm a freshman, there is no doubt
    We can prove them all wrong (Yes we can, yes we can)
    I've been crushing on you
    Since the first day of school

    Chorus 2:

    You're so sweet and athletic, very energetic
    Always on my mind (on my mind)
    I wish you could notice all I write on my notebook is
    "You and I", my first name, your last
    I really love you
    All the stuff I'm saying is true,
    'Cause it's all about you


    You and I together forever
    From the first word to the first date,
    To the wedding day
    Okay, so it's too early to say that
    But it can all start with "Hey"

    Chorus 3:

    I just can't ignore you, of course, I adore you
    So very much
    I wish I could kiss you, oh, how I miss you
    When you're gone, don't know how I'll survive
    When I'm not with you
    All the stuff I'm saying is true,
    If you asked me if I love you, I'd say, "I do"
    L.O.V.E. I love you
    My life is all about you.
    Thread by: khhottie30, Aug 28, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  17. khhottie30
    I was pretty pissed that my ex kept flirting with me and he decides to say that he doesn't like me anymore. So, I wrote this song:

    Chorus 1:

    Hate is too weak of a word
    To describe my feelings for you,
    It's not like I haven't heard
    Everything you said

    Verse 1:

    I break your heart one time
    And all of a sudden, you want me out of your life
    We can't even be friends
    I heard you're going out with someone else
    The rumors and lies, they never end
    Why don't you (Why don't you want me back now?)

    Chorus 2:

    Hate is too weak of a word
    To describe my feelings for you,
    It's not like I haven't heard
    Everything you said
    You flirt with me everyday,
    Try to get my attention
    But all this time, I was a fool
    To fall for you

    Verse 2:

    You used to catch me when I'd fall, and now you do
    Nothing at all (Go ahead, laugh with all the others)
    I think I get it now, why don't you just go along and
    Hate me for what I've done wrong (My God, what is your problem?)
    I'll just ignore it this time (But I hope you know)

    Chorus 2:

    Hate is too weak of a word
    To describe my feelings for you,
    It's not like I haven't heard
    Everything you said
    You flirt with me everyday,
    Try to get my attention
    But all this time, I was a fool
    To fall for you


    I'm so sorry that I broke your heart,
    But just go with it (Just go with it, just go with it)
    And it's not my fault that I pissed you off,
    So get over it, just get over it (I hate you)
    But wait...

    Chorus 2:

    Hate is too weak of a word
    To describe my feelings for you,
    It's not like I haven't heard
    Everything you said
    You flirt with me everyday,
    Try to get my attention
    But all this time, I was a fool
    To fall for you
    Hate is too weak of a word
    To describe my feelings for you,
    It's not like I haven't heard
    Everything you said
    You flirt with me everyday,
    Try to get my attention
    But all this time, I was a fool
    To fall for you...
    Thread by: khhottie30, Aug 28, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. khhottie30
    Some song I'm working on right now. I think it kinda sucks.

    Verse 1:

    Look around, is it too much to handle
    When everybody puts you down, you go out like a candle
    All your friends have turned into your foes
    They don't wanna talk to you ever again, they just want you to go away


    Everyone loves you or hates you or wants you to die
    There's so much pain that you feel like you could break down and cry
    Nobody wants to help out when you don't know what to do
    If they only knew,
    Oh if they only knew

    That's all I've got so far.
    Thread by: khhottie30, Aug 24, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. khhottie30
    To figure things out. If anyone misses me, tough luck. I'll probably come back every once in a while, but I just feel so horrible right now...

    I'm everyone...but especially to Kent...

    EDIT: Also, I wanna put *Polka Dot* in charge of the Rockstar Family...
    Thread by: khhottie30, Aug 23, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  20. khhottie30
    Just some song I wrote today, which I really don't know why because I'm just a freshman. Oh older friends IRL said I should sing it at their graduation, but my other friend Brooke said I should sing it at my graduation.

    Verse 1:

    I need some time to think
    Is this really happening?
    It's so hard to say good-bye
    My family and my friends
    The ones who made me who I am,
    I can't bear to leave them behind
    But I've got my own life to live now,
    I gotta deal with this somehow


    I've been dreaming for this day yet I don't think I'm prepared
    Don't wanna lose those memories, all the times we shared
    Though I hate to admit it, I feel so scared
    I wish I could stay, but it's graduation day

    Verse 2:

    Time has gone by too fast
    From the first day of preschool to the class
    Of 2012
    Back in the day when we were jokin' around
    Now we're all dressed up in our caps & gowns
    To this school, we bid farewell
    There's so much I wanna say that I couldn't before
    Now we're walking through that door


    I've been dreaming for this day yet I don't think I'm prepared
    Don't wanna lose those memories, all the times we shared
    Though I hate to admit it, I feel so scared
    I wish I could stay, but it's graduation day


    I wanna thank all my teachers who've taught me so much
    All my friends I made here, I hope we'll keep in touch
    To my family, I know that it's hard for me to leave
    But I'll make you proud, just wait and see


    I've been dreaming for this day yet I don't think I'm prepared
    Don't wanna lose those memories, all the times we shared
    Though I hate to admit it, I feel so scared
    I wish I could stay, I wish I could stay
    But I've been dreaming for this day yet I don't think I'm prepared
    Don't wanna lose those memories, all the times we shared
    Though I hate to admit it, I feel so scared
    I wish I could stay, but it's graduation day

    Verse 3:

    There is no time to think
    It's really happening
    So I guess this is good-bye...

    My older brother says it sucks.
    Thread by: khhottie30, Aug 20, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Archives