its me again I was listening to a song castles in the sky and wondered what would happen if sora and his freinds had to go to a world that only had catsles and towns in the sky. tell me what to add next if you want something to be added organization xemnas xaldin roxas: OrginizationXIII axel: Last of the Oraganization demyx: SigSig zexion larxene marluxia: GateKeeper luxord characters sora riku namine kairi oc name age power apperance weapon(s) race raven: tenshigrl (me) raven 16 darkness sword of the dead heartless
I think that the kh smexy thing isn't going to work out but this might the theme is the same but very different. may be at least 2 to 4 (my character) Sarah lives in a mansion on top of a hill said to be haunted and one night she saw what appeared to be a vision one night and wrote a letter telling people what she saw and fears that the world is doomed that a great demon will crush the worlds. Sora and his freinds were on destiny I sland when the letter came. please read this the worlds will be destroyed by a great evil and I fear that my house is its portal out please come to the mansion in a world called Phantisma. Sarah would sora and his freinds go there and help? of course they should now the world rests in their hands with a couple of new heroes to help. but will organization XIII help them or help destroy the worlds. made up characters are in to Naruto, kh, and ff Characters more characters pm me when you have a character to add or just post it. sora riku namine kairi cloud leon yuffie naruto sakura sauake kakashi Organization xemnas xaldin larxene: ThunderOfLarxene axel demnyx: roxas: SORA! zexion marluxia: GateKeeper luxord rpg characters Sarah: tenshigrl (me) Delthryn: chendler Rexejon: overlord name age weapon race power appearence sarah 15 sorceress book of the light cast spells
I came up with this last night. may be up to characters unless I change my mind alright a group of girls *made up characters and kh characters* are discussing who is the smexiest guy in kh or ff and it happens that some of the guys are listening in to what their saying. here is how the bio for a made up one is Name: age: weapon: may also be in apperance but name the weapon apperence: race: my character: name Sarah age: 15 weapon: world of life spells apperence: race: spell casters Characters sora riku: GateKeeper namine: lanihead7 kairi: lanihead7 organization give mor names xemnas axel: ShadowofRiku roxas: SORA! demyx: ShadowofRiku saix zexion: sigsig marluxia: GateKeeper luxord rpg character Sarah: me (tenshigrl) max: kitten3510 sojiro: xiegen Story Sarah randomly invites girls to her party but her parents of course said no boys so no boys there is or is there. one of the guys heard about it and told one of them and so on. But sarah doesn't know about it till sometime later in the rpg or one of the other girls. discussion is about whos the smexiest guy you may change it when you get bored or everyone gets tired of it just try not to do to much *waiting* *waiting* theme song: Sarah looked out of her mansion window.
I made up some characters in my mind and I would all like to share them with you all. you may be up to three another adventure awaits for sora and his freinds as things are stolen like peoples hearts or valubles but none knows whos doing it sora thought it was the heartless but it isn't its a band of theives called "Shadow Bandits"ok not the best name but I was running out of good names.but they will work for anyone but at a high price and a certain time they will stop at nothing to get rare items and if the reward is not in they keep the treasure. but they might come in handy if someone helps them out when their in trouble ex. if one is stuck somewhere and your character helps them they will help that character out. if you would like it you may be a ff character Characters may add on Sora: GateKeeper Kari:lanihead7 Riku:ShadowofRiku Namine: organization you may add on xemnas: marluxia: demnyx: zexion: larxene: Nymph of Destiny axel:*TwilightNight* roxas: OrganizationXIII Luxord: Keyblade49 Your characters (I mad three to be thieves but you may add on to the thieves or good guys and bad guys) Wave: tenshigrl (me) Spark: (me) Jet: (me)
you may make your own or be one of the chatacters of khs you may be more than one limit 2. you may also be the tennager form of one of the organization members if you want to. sora thought that his journey was over but it wasn't turns out there is a door that was just opened during his second journey that lead to the past,oraganization XIII's past. now he and his friends must go to the door go inside it and see what had made organization XIII. after that they must lock it but it looks like another organization will stop them or help them in some way. who knows I'm just a narrator telling you the plot. characters Sora:Sora-The keyblade Kairi: Riku:Repliku Namine: (help if you may) Organization XIII(can't get names nor can I spell them if you know please pm me) Larxene:ThunderOfThunder Axel: axel6123 Roxas:SORA! Zexion: Demnyx:hitna3510 Xemnas:Prince of Darkness GK Marluxia:Chendler made up: Melody:tenshigrl (me) Angel:Firekeyblade Terra: tenshigrl (me again) Sharix: darkheart418
you can make a character or be one of the characters from kh
got it memorized kh poison dj cammy remix which is better? sonic with a keyblade or shadow with a keyblade
hi everyone I hope I can make some of you guys my freinds