you may name favorite bands here me go first M C R y h o e m m a i n c c a e l Within Temptation F O B a u o l t y l night wish
I hope this is ok... you see I'm done with this kh bloopers with some funny things but I'm not sure if I should load it on youtube and if its good then I will need more ideas
we shall kidnapp all of organization xiii *evil laugh* but we need more traps
when the photos were stolen what was the word well we should fill it in with our imagination and don't use photo until its safe to use it Pence: Its gone our _____ is gone! Olette: You can't say _____ why not? it goes on y'know with the missing word
I made this song with the help of mcr with the song Famous Last Words which shall be the theme song: Its been a couple of years after organization XIII and kh were defeated and after sora and riku come back to their island sora wonders if his heart ever returned and the others who lost their heart. a group comes to the island and kidnaps sora and puts him in a dugeon when riku and kairi hear this they go off to find sora but they will need help from those who helped sora in his last adventure. on their way they saw a girl named Tiffany and when kairi tried to shake her hand it went through and tiffany explained that she was a ghost but will help them when neasesary but needs to hid in their shadows. riku and kairi agree to this and the ghost girl hid in kairi's shadow. tiffany told them that the group that took sora had ties to organization 13 and they will give sora to organization 13 if he does or doesn't have his heart. thus the journey begins if you be sora your captured LOL but you may still try to fight your way to freedom you may be up to 4 characters ff characters are in organization XIII is back..back again...organization 13 is back....tell some freinds have fun if they ain't on the list I might have forgotten them or I just dunno if your character is a ghost they either stay in someones shadow or not characters sora riku kairi namine roxas leon cloud yuffie tifa organization 13 mysterious organization xemnas xigbar xaldin larxene zexion axel demyx luxord marluxia ocs tiffany: tenshigrl oc name age power appearence part of the group that kidnaped sora (optional) weapon Tiffany 7 since shes a ghost she can control enemies and has the power of water not part of the group unknown
Q:If you were in a kh game which side would you choose? Q: Don't you wish that they will make a kh game and you can make your own character? Q: How long will the kh series last? Q: If god created us, was god there or did some thing create god and if something created god what is it and what created it or was it there? Q: Don't you wish you had a keyblade or an awsome weapon like they do in kh? Q: If a black portal appeared one day what would you do?
I came up with this yesterday or today I don't know but anyway a mysterious force made sora and his freinds go the the land hyrule and they need to find their way back while wondering around they see a girl who is part animal trying to run away from these creatures adn when sora and his friends saved her she thanked them and realized that they weren't from around there as she was since she traveled from world to world she takes them to a village, called ordon village, and told them to not do anything until she gets back and when she gets back she told them that they are allowed to rest but don't cause any trouble and they have to make a place to saty but she said that she made a house of her own and it was big enough for them to stay in for now since she travels. while their there ami wants to see soras keyblade and when he pulled it out the necklace she had had reacted to it and the keyblade unlocked it and the small keychain necklace turned out to be a keyblade. more news organization 13 is back you can have ocs I will make a list of characters kh and ff characters are in you may be up to 4 or 5 characters you may also be a character and an oc you can be an organization member you may be a villian or a hero characters link zelda midna zant gandorf: overload sora: The Servant of Light riku kairi: Kairi9020 roxas: The Servant of Light namine leon cloud yuffie: tenshigrl aerith (can't spell it if wrong) tifa sephoroth (can't spell it either if wrong) organization 13 xemnas xigabr xaldin vexen axel zexion demyx luxord: TheGamblerOfFate larxene marluxia ocs Ami: tenshigrl Xert: Xert Kent: Trace000222 Rexejon: overload oc name age home weapon power apperence Ami 15 unknown earth keyblade (new generation)
I got the idea when I was watching meriks evil council room of doom and wondered what would happen if organization xiii had one and brought the other villains to their hideout and discuss how to get rid of sora you may be up to 2 characters I will not keep a list
I had a lot of thought about this one and I think its ready credit goes to for helping me out with the title SoraNRikuNkairi for picking this title #1 DinestyX for thinking of four then I choose 2 then I pmed SoraNRikuNkairi who picked Soul Lust I came up with this story part, but now its up to those who join this one to decide the outcome and how chaos begins and hopefully it will be finished. you may be up to 4 or 5 characters. and this is fan made and if you say one of the organization XIII members names that we know their real names are listed you are them and their somebodies or something. it starts before organization 13 came and leading to when chaos happened. a scientist named dr.shroud, looks like diz, is experamenting with the human souls and needed assistance with the help of ansem the wise and his apprentices. ansem the wise aggrees to this and so do his apprentices. dr. shroud has apprentices to about 7 or 8 two of them are rita and nori (they are in kh strikerz which I spelled it as stikerz) nori has a crush on Ienzo when she first saw him when they first came to their parts a little outside of radient garden. miles is a local boy of the town who did some errands for the dr and rita had her crush on him. nori was asking dr. shroud for something and when ansem the wise and his apprentices came in she saw ienzo and was kinda shy when dr. shroud introduced her to them. "nori say hello to our visitors." he said and she slowly walked behind her master and said "hello." in her shy way. the dr. laughed at this "nori is shy when she meets strangers but not like this." he said and chuckled. then rita came in and cheerfully said "hello" dr. shroud introduced her next "rita is entergetic and full of spirit but I never will use her as an experiment." he said. and the meeting begins.... characters (some of the names came from photo bucket and some I knew) Ansem the Wise: ansem the wise 59 Xehanort: SoraNRikuNkairi aka Xemnas Braig: aka Xigbar Dilan: aka Xaldin Even: aka Vexen Elaeus: aka Lexaes Ienzo: SoraNRikuNkairi aka Zexion organization XIII saix: OrginizationXIII larxene axel: Luna561 marluxia: Chendler luxord demyx: hintna3510 roxas: Luna561 ocs Dr. Shroud: I tenshigrl will play as him since I made him up Nori: me tenshigrl Rita: me tenshigrl Miles: its me again tenshigrl Anna: #1 Dinesty Erin: #1 Dinesty Lynn: hitna3510 Kent: Trace000222 ocs name age power apprentice lvl (optional) if has lvl you may choose 1-7 or 8 apperence hometown (optional even thought its the outskirts of radient garden) Dr. Shroud unknown (I didn't think about it much) data he is not an apprentice he is the dr lookes like DIZ Radient Garden Nori 16 lighting is an apprentice lvl 4 radient garden Miles 17 darkness not an appretnice just runs errands for the dr. radient garden Rita Rita 16 light and dark is an apprentice lvl 3 radient garden
I need some assistance with this rps title story it starts before organization 13 came and leading to when chaos happened. a scientist named dr.shroud, looks like diz, is experamenting with the human souls and needed assistance with the help of ansem the wise and his apprentices. ansem the wise aggrees to this and so do his apprentices. dr. shroud has apprentices to about 7 or 8 two of them are rita and nori (they are in kh strikerz which I spelled it as stikerz) nori has a crush on Ienzo when she first saw him when they first came to their parts a little outside of radient garden. miles is a local boy of the town who did some errands for the dr and rita had her crush on him. nori was asking dr. shroud for something and when ansem the wise and his apprentices came in she saw ienzo and was kinda shy when dr. shroud introduced her to them. "nori say hello to our visitors." he said and she slowly walked behind her master and said "hello." in her shy way. the dr. laughed at this "nori is shy when she meets strangers but not like this." he said and chuckled. then rita came in and cheerfully said "hello" dr. shroud introduced her next "rita is entergetic and full of spirit but I never will use her as an experiment." he said. and the meeting begins.... the titles are KH Ansems Apprentices Dayz KH Soul Lust
I had this idea about these special types of keyblades with some of these forms form 1: looks like a regular key chain but when a door is opened one is awakened form 2: can go from big to small form 3: I can't think anymore LOL ok heres the story () might be my opinion in the story after sora is awakened and xemnas was defeated some keyblades stayed hidden as long as the doors were not locked or unkocked but when they were some people were attack or chased but since the new keyblades power was unlocked so they were protected but the organization is resurected (don't ask me way cause I'm just as confused as you guys are) our story begins at radient garden (I liked the name hallow bastion it had a ring to it) where a girl was nearly attacked by some heartless but the keychain she had turned out to be a keyblade and she was able to save her own life but the kappa doll that she had became real since when she put the keyblade (small version since it will turn back to small after the battle unless the master still wants to fight) and turned it like a key which unlocked its prison and its kinda like her guide but hes kinda of like a swear mouth when he gets ticked off. one another day a bat, with a strange name, shark, came and wanted to help them as a better guide and that made kappa curse in anger saying "I'm going to kick you ***" and etc but shark just snikered and so shark and kappa are rivals when it comes to being guides but when not guiding they're ok. when sora hears about the new keyblades and that organization 13 will be after them him and his friends will have to find these new keybladers before organization 13 does. this rp has adventure a little drama friendship betral and aww lets just do this you may be up to 5 characters ocs are allowed characters sora riku kairi leon cloud tiffa yuffi namine roxas organization xemnas xaldin xigabr zexion demyx vexen axel larxene marluxia luxord ocs oc name age power weapon (may show pict) appearance home town companions (optional) Zena 15 light and fire keyblade radient garden so far its kappa and shark
sorry miss type it was supposed to be KH STRIKERZ a couple of years passed (about 2) since xemnas was defeated and sora and riku returned home but another world has emerged and its all future like but organizations have formed as well. sora and his freinds were attacked on destiny Islands by an organization called the "wolf riders" and the others on the other worlds were attacked by groups called "shadow dragons" in hallow bastion "Magna Shooters" in disney castle "Twilight Riders" in twilight town "Night Gladiaters" in olympuse and "Hurricane Squad" in tranverse town. but none really knows the world but in that world there are keyblades that may be small but when sora unlocked or locked a keyhole their powers came to be and one organization that are bounty hunters the "Lighting Raiders" can sora and his freinds take them down and teach them a lesson or will they fail to beat them at their own game in a colliseum where ultimate battels begin and only few get out and become an organization. but something worse has happened organization XIII has risen again and seek revenge on sora by holding the games and seeing the new organizations. you may up to 4 characterz ocs are allowed I only named the ones I know you may tell me who I forgot and the organization groups need to have five ppl or 7 ppl in it characters sora: Trace000222 riku: #1 DinestyX kairi namine mickey: Trace000222 roxas leon cloud yuffi tifa organization XIII xemnas xigbar xaldin axel: OrginizationXIII saix vexen larxene luxord marluxia demyx: hitna3510 zexion organization groups "wolf riders" leader: miles second in comand captain general knight knight knight "shadow dragons" own dragons leader: Anna second in comand captain general knight: Erin knight knight "Magna Shooters" leader second in comand captain general knight knight knight "Twilight Riders" leader: rita second in comand: Nick captain general knight knight knight "Night Gladiaters" leader: xert second in comand: alex captain: Nori general knight: Sharix knight: Tom knight "Hurricane Squad" leader: Kent second in comand: Trace captain general knight knight knight "Lighting Raiders" leader second in comand captain general knight knight knight unsure lynn none of them Hiro oc name age power gang weapon if a shadow dragons dragon and weapon apperance rank theme song: Nori 16 lighting night gladiators ax captain
I decided to make another side of the story of kh which means a dark stroy will unfold from time to time part of the past will appear after something is revieled (can't spell)ocs are may go up to 3 ppl oc and character, oc and oc, or character and character ect. during sora's adventures another story had brgun before his a gruop of friends were in their home town, it is a dark version of destiny island, a girl named shana and her two companions were making a portal, they belived that they could go to other worlds through the portal by this instead of making a boat, they were nearly done when 13 ppl on black cloaks came up to them, of course it Organization XIII, shana felt uneasy but when they offered to help them but in return they will help them with something she couldn't refuse since she was anxious to go to other worlds but she had to discuss it with her friends first..... what happens next well thats why its an rp and I like to see your opinions of what should happen next oh and we start today or as soon as we get the two companions and some of organization XIII it doesn't really matter as long as their more thing shana and her friends will meet sora and riku and might fight them it depends on what they choose.also some characters from ff are in this also characters sora: Dawn riku kairi namine leon yuffi cloud tifa organization xemnas xaldin xibar axel: chula-claire saix demyx roxas zexion: tenshigrl (me) marluxia: chendler larxene: Nymph of Destiny luxord oc Shana: tenshigrl (me) Eira: chula-claire Hiro: Xx.KeyBladeMaster.xX Shelkle: Dawn ocs name age weapon (you may show picture which is optional) good or evil power appearence freind of shana (optional) race (optional) Shana 15 sword of darkness (pict.) darkness and lighting swordswomen
if any of u ppl have watched epic movie then good for u cause I also watched it lol just add anypart you want and the first person to tell me what place to speak now and forever hold your peace if you speak second thats the next place and so on. ocs are in and also characters from any of the kh games. all of this may be jumbled up so I need one of u ppl to tell me end of adventure 1 (2 and so on) by pming me ok. btw no list so take out a piece of paper or I might as well pull one out ok and keep a good list ok ok. start at anytime. btw you may be up to 3 characters or 4 oc name age weapon power appearence
I had an idea that what if sora riku and kairi go on an adventure but they happen to go to this school that teaches them how to play a childrens card game but as they're there sora and riku are kinda having trouble understanding the rules like attack the opponet with your monsters not you attack your opponet. but kairi got the hang of it just fine and this new girl is there to and her name is shana who understood how to play it fine but wants to duel sora and when they duel sora wins the duel and this boy named jaden yuki was impressed by sora dueling styles and all of a sudden an earthquake happens turns out the organization XIII have awakened the 3 sacred beasts now sora riku kairi and their new freinds will now duel organization XIII in a shadow game. organization XIII will cheat since their evil and I will name the yugioh gx characters Jesse Andersen Jaden Yuki Alexis Rhodes Atticus Rhodes Syrus Truesdale Chazz Princeton Bastion Misawa Tyranno Hassleberry Blair Flannigan (girl) Zane Truesdale Aster Phoenix Jesse Andersen Axel Brodie Adrian Gecko Jim Crocodile Cook ocs are in name age appearence deck (optional) power (optional)
you may be up to 3 characters which means you may be and oc and a kh character or a ff character if you have another character from kh or ff please let me know ok sora and his freinds happen to be in hallow bastion when a gust of wind stired up for some reason and then bursted through the area. a girl named wendy was laughing having a blast flying and was to blind to see what see was doing to be honest she just regained her powers. sora and riku tried to stop and get her attention but wendy wasn't going to let ppl ruin her fun and then with one swipe a dust devil hit sora and riku against a wall. it turns out that a freind of ansem the wise created these ppl with elemental powers and had to erase their memory once they got out of control but only a few who had not lost control have the memoery of those who have the power and how to stop them, things get worse when organization 13 rises back up and once they discovered the elemental power that these projects have they decide to use them to get back at sora and his friends. can sora and his freinds get the elemental power before organization 13 or will they fail? characters sora riku kairi namine: naminestwinsister roxas leon cloud yuffie tifa organization 13 xemnas xaldin xibar axel zexion demyx marluxia larxene: naminestwinsister vexion luxord oc element oc wendy: tenshigrl (me) lura: tenshigrl (me) Jake: ShadowofRiku oc and element name age power weapon (optional) appearance wendy 10 herself wind
I came up with it yesterday so it might not comew together and remember made up you may go up to 3 ppl Anna a 17 year old girl who lives in twighlight town was looking at an article about a boot camp she was preety much bored and was interested in it. she wrote to sora since they were once pen pals she wanted a chance to actually see him for once. but she caught a glance and saw that the fillout sheet asked about the persons bio and was curious about it since she hated her bloody past. she wrote down to sora about the boot camp and wanted him to come and if he wanted to, to bring his freinds. chracters sora: Sora/Roxas riku: naminesgirl kairi: Nymph of Destiny namine: naminestwinsister roxas: Twilight--XIII organization xemnas xaldin xibar axel: naminesgirl zexion demyx: Twilight--XIII saix larxene: naminestwinsister marluxia vexen luxord oc name age weapon power home world appearance bio oc anna: tenshigrl (me) kelvin: naminesgirl Nova: Sora/Roxas Wendy: tenshigrl (me) Anna 17 dark keyblade darkness twighlight town nothing but a bloody nightmare ppl killing others for no reason and ppl killing them selves like my lil sister to end everyones troubles for something she caused. someone dark helped me get my revenge on those who tore my heart apart and made my world shattered she gave me my dark keryblade and also the power of darkness so I got my revenge but my feelings got in the way so when I got rid of them I became emotionless until the killing was over.
I just thought of this and am wondering now what is the secret to the keyblade how can it appear into its master's hand. well it looks like our kh chracters and oc will help some of us figure out the secrets behind it. but will organization XIII figure it out first only we the narrators can make it happen or not. you may be up to three characters oc and kh chracters characters sora: riku: naminesgirl kairi namine organization xemnas xaldin xigbar axel: naminesgirl roxas: orginization XIII marluxia luxord demyx larxene zexion: sigsig oc Anna: (me) tenshigrl kelvin: naminesgirl sierra: xAquaLinax oc name age weapon element appearence
I thought of this last night when I was in bed I made 4 characters including stacy (in secrets to the spirit gate) the other 3 names are: Alexis (girl), Shawn (nickname Shaw by friends)(boy), and Roka (boy). they all live in tranverse town but go to dofferent worlds on one of the trips even though tranverse town's keyhole was locked doesn't mean that it settled down in the distrects. trouble starts again as some heartless nobodies and some weird thieves start to cause havoc just to get something but what is it? only you can decide on what they are after items or something important don't worry everyone can put down what they might be after, there can be more than one item. up to 2 or 4 characters. chracters sora: tummer73 riku: Orginization XIII namine: lanihead7 kairi: lanihead7 cloud leon tifa yuffi stitch: tummer73 orginization xemnas xaldin axel roxas: GateKeeper luxord marluxia larxene demyx: hinata3510 zexion oc name age apperance weapon element hometown (optional) oc alexis: me tenshigrl lynn: hinata3510 stacy: me tenshigrl roka: me tenshigrl (for now) shawn: me tenshigrl (for now)
its been 2 years since kh and xemnas has been stopped but something happened in another world that would leave all the worlds with no souls. new heroes has risen with weapons that act like the keyblade in one way.(they only have one ability like it) sora riku kairi and the others have to fight these new enemies and go to new places to find the gate to all souls and stop it or all the worlds are doomed. the organization has risen back and now that they heard what is about to happen will they use this gate to destroy sora or help him defeat these new enemies. can be at least 2 characters characters sora: SORA! riku: naminesgirl kairi: naminestwinsister namine: naminestwinsister leon cloud: GateKeeper yuffi: lanihead7 tifa: lanihead7 organization xemnas axel xaldon roxas: SORA! zexion demyx luxord marluxia: Chendler larxene: Nymph of Destiny oc name age weapon weapon's ability element (if you want them to) appearence oc stacy: tenshigrl(me) gatekeeper : himself Nova: Sora/Roxas kelvin: naminesgirl Stacy 15 hammer of life free hearts and souls earth takes place in Hallow Bastion when sora hears what is about to happen riku and kairi follow him there to get more information about this new quest