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  1. tenshigrl

    Idea For A Rp

    I'm watching part 1 of a digimon movie called DIGIMON X EVOLUTION and wa thinking about how it would be to be a digimon (great now I feel like a nerd) anyway I was wondering if you ppl would like to join this kind of rp.
    Thread by: tenshigrl, May 13, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. tenshigrl
    I need some help getting some digimon on my dusk game does anyone know how to...

    get a chaos gallantmon, monmon, phascomon, some of the 13 royal knights and some others that r hard to get
    Thread by: tenshigrl, May 13, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. tenshigrl


    ok I'm really bored and have decided to make a mini series of yugioh gx but I might need some help with what each character says and need some characters to be in. I have edited some but thats all I got to do. for this mini series there is a duel academy like on yugioh gx for those who watch it will know but this one is different in certain ways. their colors are based on the three sacred beast cards, the punishment is slightly (and when I say slightly I mean alot) more than duel academy, the girls have the exact same dorms and ranks like the boys ( not the same like girls live in a boys dorm I mean they also have three dorms like the boys according to their rank), and their dueling styles is different. btw this is fanmade!!!
    sorry if to long

    the character I have made so far is

    name: susie
    age: 14
    rank:Rayel blue
    deck name: dark soul
    bio: susie is just your typical girl living in a "house"with 23 to 30 floors, probably 300,000 or more rooms, most of cousins live in the house and so do some friends, has a nice laboratory, has a pet cougar, happens to have a cousin,eric, to torcher or just to chase around the house when he does something stupid, lab is the very last floor of the house, and happens to be the top duelist of the group. the list goes on form there, so you can practically say you comments . susie just has a life of good and evil times the only time she'll help someone is if she likes them enough as a friend (a guy can be a friend or more than that) she went to the original duel academy (as you may have seen in yugioh gx) she came around sometime in season 2 while her cousin eric came with his friend alex (who is more popular with girls than eric and he has short black hair plays guitar and barely talks also in their band he is the main singer and the only time he does talk is when something is on his mind when he feels like it and I guess when ever he sings) in season 1. eric is a uria red and alex is a rayiel blue in their aedemy but at the duel academy in yugioh gx their slifer reds

    Thread by: tenshigrl, May 11, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. tenshigrl
    I'm bored and I'm editing pictueres and decided to ask you guys which character have you created for any show you like. you may add who they like etc.

    also if you have a favorite video amv or your fav episode form a show I guess you can add it here to.

    my fav video

    made by my freind
    Thread by: tenshigrl, May 10, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. tenshigrl
    I'm bored and I was looking up pictures and decided to make this to see who can find the most coolest pict. of theri fav. character it may be funny or a this will be "me with so and so" I guess just make sure that it is appropriate

    heres some of them I found:


    Thread by: tenshigrl, Apr 27, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. tenshigrl


    who has seen blue dragon ?


    has the game blue dragon?
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Apr 19, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. tenshigrl
    this is another epic adventure since the other one isn't working at all this one should do it
    need help with plot soon

    rules still aply

    1. you can be and original character from kh or be your own character you can chose both

    2. no god mode

    3. if you wish to kill a character ask first

    4. up to 4 characters

    5. you may be yourself as in you r in the series

    6. you can choose a nickname if you r yourself or use your middle name

    7. there might be a limit on weapons if there is a problem

    8. you may be good or evil

    9. you can work for someone or none means who's side your on

    10. you can master one element or master them all unless a problem occurs

    11. don't put in rules that so & so can't die read god mode

    12. may choose both or unsure for good or evil until you decide

    13. can choose none for the work for who part

    more rules when I remember them or if someone wants to add or change one (tell me please and I'll put it up and might put who wanted this rule) also some rules can be taken out

    work for who

    fire ice lighting
    can be both
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Mar 29, 2008, 1,076 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  8. tenshigrl

    an epic kh rp

    I've been thinking of this for a month and so and need some help for when this takes place in kh kh chain of memories or kh2

    well its when you can put yourself or your own character you can put a different name for yourself or what some ppl might call you middle names are accepted or nicknames which fit under the what ppl call you category

    you may choose good or evil who you work for (you can put anyone who pays the most if you want to)

    if you guys would like to I can make about 3 rps for each one which will be difficult to hold onto

    so please tell me by plaising (can't spell it) you vote asap please
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Mar 21, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. tenshigrl

    idea for a rp

    I got some ideas but not sure if it will work

    one of them is when kh and the legend of spyro come together if you think this will be a good idea you may say that will be cool don't know the legend of spyro I'll try to explain to you if you don't think its a good idea thats fine

    haven't made a plot yet but it might build up
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Mar 12, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. tenshigrl
    first of all what category would this be under?

    this rp will be about those who join this rp who might play as themselves use a rp character or an original character from the kh series there might be an excellent plot if something happens for example one of the characters is evil and tricks one of the heroes to doing something like unlocking or getting an item the evil person needed whhappened many times before in animeich has

    but I really need to know if this epic adventure should happen in kh or kh2 first
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Feb 2, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. tenshigrl
    I made this because I made up a girl who is a magician and causes trouble to certain ppl on different worlds and the story goes kinda like this that she targeted sora riku and kairi on certain days and it started on a day that they went to destiny island and thats when it happened.

    sora riku and kairi were hanging around their favorite spot one day talking about certain things until riku stopped in a middle of a sentence and looked back. sora and kairi looked back also, a girl with light blue hair was behind them and was smiling at them. sora looked at her for awhile then asked "do you want something." the girl gigglied and replied "yes I do....need something to entertain me...."she giggled after awhile. riku felt a chill in the air and also felt something wasn't right about the girl then said "whats your name and what do you mean by entertain." the girl looked at him and replied "my name is Eve and I will see how long it will take the keyblades chosen ones to break my spell.." she giggled again. sora riku and kairi just looked at the girl again then kairi spoke up "eve why would you put a spell on someone?" she asked eve. eve looked at them and smiled again then said "a magicaian must never tell their secrets to anyone." then she took her hand up and twirled it a little then said "for the end of time as we speak and let time fly give them a spell that will end through time but until they break this spell keep this up on certain days." a mist rose then subsided the girl was gone and no where to be seen. sora looked at his freinds and asked "do you think she was serious about the whole spell thing." riku shook his head and replied "can't be she kept on smiling and giggling to much she must have been faking it." kairi looked at them and said "what about the mist?" sora thought for a moment "she might have somefriends who where hidden and did that." they all nodded but something bugged sora it was that the girl knew that they had keyblades and wondered how did she know. acouple of days later weird thing started to happen to them on certain days kairi fell down the stairs and there was no cause that anyone could think of sora nearly drowned and riku nearly got run over. they meet back at destiny islands and found eve "what the heck did you do to us!" riku said to her. eve looked up at them "now you come to see me and ask how to break the spell." she said and smiled. kairi stepped and asked "do you know how to break it?" eve leaned left and right and said "maybe I do and maybe I don't." sora looked at her then asked "if you do then tell us." eve looked up and started to laugh. "what's so funny!" sora said "this is serious!" eve stopped laughing and said "I cast the spells my sister breaks them." riku got impaitent and said "then why did you say maybe you do and maybe you don't!" eve looked at him and said "look I can't tell you strait out and you should know how twin witches are sometimes especially in magic one casts them and one breaks them." kairi sighed and asked "where is your sister eve and whats her name" eve smiled and said "lets see her name is eva but she dyed her hair red and I think she's in hallow bastion." sora nodded and said "then lets go there" eve grabbed soras hand and said "I have to come to" they looked at her.

    to be countinued....
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jan 2, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. tenshigrl
    I just made this out of boredom and need help with a plot or a plot twist luckily the ppl who join can help give one there is no beginning yet but oh well there might be one soon.

    not listing them to many
    ff characters are allowed
    not to dramatic
    excitement somewhere
    pm me when you think of a plot twist for a character or story

    characters used

    ninja or not
    part of an organization (optional and you can make an orgaanization just pm me ok)
    bio if you can think of something that we might need to know
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jan 2, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. tenshigrl
    well I think I did and if you realized something to you may put it down also I think

    I think I realized soemthing about Naruto and KH the organizations on both of those well most of them were killed except for the noob Tobi was the noob in the akatsuki and roxas on kh is that a coincidence
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Dec 30, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. tenshigrl
    just bored and barely wrote stories because I never finished them but lets see how it sounds anyway this is part one of the story. one more thing I can't spell and its fan-made.

    Part 1
    Team Lori

    Naruto was on the bridge with his team waiting for their sensai, Kakashi. Naruto grew impaitent and said "Whats taking Kakashi sensai so long." Sakura sighed and said "Naruto you should be used to Kakashi being late." they waited for a couple of more minutes before they finally saw Kakashi they also saw that there was a woman and another team with him. "Oh sorry I just meet this team on the way here and chatted with their sensai since I already knew her." he said Naruto was looking at the team and saw a blonde hiared girl in pigtails (braided) with blue eyes ,a red long sleeve shirt, black gloves, red pants. But he saw no headband anywhere. to the girls right a boy with brown hair ,green eyes, a black jacket with a hood, jeans, and saw his headband on the boys bag. "hey wheres your other member." he said and pointed to the team. the blonde hair girl sighed "Suzu Nara is late again but she'll meet us here soon." the girl shook her head and said with a grin to her comrad "stupid ignorant boy wants to lose asap. what do you think, Doku?" naruto heard what she said and before he could say a thing the boy, Doku, said "I think they might lose if they hide near the yelling boy, GiGi, but thats my opinoin and they might stay away from him when hiding anyway." sakura giggled at that. the woman sighed and said to kakashi "sorry about that its just the way they say their first opinion by what the person does for example when I saw one word like hi I'm Lori they thoguht right off the bat that I would toughen up during missions when a fight is going to happen and training." she said "and it turns out they happen to be right" naruto looked at the woman and asked "who are you?" sakura hit naruto and said "naruto don't you know how to saw your name first before you ask someone their name." the woman saw this and said "no its alright I'm a new jonin since last week now and had a couple of missions with this team. Anyway my naem is Lori not going to tell you my last name because my students will say something to you about my persanal life." she looked at her students and saw a girl run up to them "Suzu you're here just in time to great yourself to the team." The girl with brown hair that was panting sighed and as soon as she caught her breath she stood up and said "My name is Suzu Nara." and then sat down resting. "next." lori said and the boy stepped up "I'm Doku Shinda." he stepped back then lori looked at the blonde haired girl. she stepped up and said "I'm GiGi Mori the next taijutsu master."

    need to think some more
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Dec 29, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. tenshigrl
    kh and naruto first meet

    akatsuki and organization 13 meet for the 1st time
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Dec 23, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. tenshigrl
    I know this show and b4 I make a rp I want 2 know who knows this show

    Ouran High School Host Club
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Dec 20, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. tenshigrl
    I amde this rp cause I made up a clan for it and would like for you all to mmet them. they are the mori clan who are skilled in taijutsu they have parts of the clan and they can't choose a village till they reach master level. the other two are in-training and apprentice level. this is a naruto rp so you guys can help create a plot
    there is no list

    name (last name if possible)
    skill (kenkegenki) optional and I can't spell
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Dec 14, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  18. tenshigrl

    KH Ninjas

    this is a kh and naruto rp and I was watching naruto shippendun (and I can't spell) so I finally decided to make a kh + naruto rp I don't know the story so that why we the users and others of the site will make the story but not to random now ok

    no list
    ocs allowed
    ff allowed
    have fun
    not to much randomness ex. then godzilla attacked and destroyed us all
    lol but that was funny
    they can be in akatsuki or organization 13 and you get to choose yay again

    part of an organization akatsuki or organization 13 (optional you may put yes or no) .*if yes tell*.
    good or evil
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Dec 7, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  19. tenshigrl
    I can't wait for x-mas my favorite thing about x-mas is no school time to see family and presents
    what is your favorite thing about x-mas
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Dec 1, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. tenshigrl
    this might begin this chain of rps but this one had a nice ring to it

    up to 5 characters

    after a couple of years has passed since xemnas and kh were beaten sora and riku are back home but strange things have been hapening lately. A new girl has moved in and kinda creeps ppl out but she doesn't mind it. the girls name was Zena and she carries a jewl around and talks about how hearts has a certain element to it depending on the persons actions. it all happens in an instant and organization xii was brought back to life for some reason and when she dropped her notebook sora picked it up and saw the pictures of organization 13 and questions zena she said that it would be nice to see if they find the heart of elements and find the human keys, like herself. now sora and his freinds will have to find the human keys and stop organization 13 and the heart of elements.

    ff characters are in
    no list
    when chosing for the oc as a human key you may put yes or no

    human keys (optional)
    weapon and power

    one of the human keys
    unknown but as a spoiler she gives ppl who are near death a power of a demon with some stones that she places over their heart but in return they will serve her and protect her until their debt is repaid and if they need more power the longer they have to serve her
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Nov 28, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: Retirement Home