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  1. tenshigrl
    I'm just going to talk about some ghosts maybe until the conversation gets changed around and also b/c I got interested in ghosts again, I have read some ghost stories and some legends and saw some posts that had something to do with ghosts. some of you might say ghosts aren't real but I've heard some whacky stuff at school that actually happened (I should've tried to make a ghost club at school) that I was stunned to know that it happened to ppl at my school. anyway if you guys would like to talk about some ghosts or you heard a ghost story please tell I love ghost stories and I rlly am interested in ghosts I forgot to add this I had an experience with a ghost when I first came home from the hospital so I won't joke around about the supernatural
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 28, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. tenshigrl
    this is what I did out of boredum, yes I did that to one of my 1icefox avis

    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 27, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. tenshigrl

    just bored

    I'm so bored to the point to where I can't think of anything to do rlly: I can't think of an rp to make, I can't think of a title that doesn't have something to do with boredum and I've been listening to candy pop by heartsdales for the past day or so. if I could I would play a video game but nearly game I got I beat in 1 to 5 days or more maybe up to a week it depends on how difficult it gets or is.

    I'm just going to ask ppl random questions

    1st question who has heard of Flow?
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 27, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. tenshigrl
    I found this on youtube and I laughed alot and I want you guys to see it if you find something funny please post it here I mean we all need a laugh every now and then
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 26, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. tenshigrl
    huh looks I wasn't apying attention to my spelling -_-
    I'm bored and I'm just putting some randum stuff up if you have something random to say or show you may do so. btw I'm just telling you the title of the videos that I'm putting might not know the song


    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 26, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. tenshigrl
    well I'm bored and I saw a picture and was wondering what life is like and I need ppl to do whatever they can to fill in the Life is like.... sentence and try to say why and you may add a picture

    Life is like a video game, since we have to play many levels and make decisions.

    and I don't mean literally

    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 18, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. tenshigrl
    made this rp out of boredum, and I'm adding my old character(s) Nori Miles and Rita (she dyed her hair and changed her outfit) also its when ansem the wise is stilll around and kinda in between when bad things started to go wrong and has to stop his project about the heart
    players up to 4.
    the story:
    Nori and her freinds are working in the lab with their professor Dr. Shroud yet something comes amiss when Nori notices patterns in the soul that was never there before and contacted Dr. Shroud and while they were studying it seemed like there might not be an answer for why this pattern happened. So Dr. Shroud dismissed them for the day, well while they were in the town someone broke into the lab while the professor was still studying the pattern and kidnapped him along with the project. The next day they discovered what happened and were looking for clues to what might have happened, during their search rita found something in the files and reported it to Nori and Miles it turned out that Dr. Shroud did find something but was unable to finish the report. what was in the report was that the soul contained was an unknown marking which was somehow written inside of the soul and as he studied it further was part of a legend that twelve guardians only contained it to prevent them from becoming a heartless no matter how dark their heart was, yet if they face death they can pass it on and live again but they are more likely to become a heartless and form a nobody, after reading this they wondered who the other eleven guadians? who and where are they? why did the kidnapper need that soul and the professor? (even I don't know I just make things up as I go along)

    (if the person is the guardian of a place but it was already taken your character will recivev the power next to guard the place if that person is close to death or they have obtained it before and still have the abilities, yes even after they loss the position they still keep the powers but its more of a strain to use them and after lossing the position they must wait for one week before using their powers)

    good evil or both
    guardian(opptional) if so then where

    hollow bastion

    hollow bastion
    light and dark


    twilight town
    her fists
    protects twilight town
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 12, 2008, 15 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  8. tenshigrl
    this is a list of blonde stuff that I found on the internet

    i knew a blonde that was so stupid that.......

    she called me to get my phone number.

    she spent 20 minutes looking at the orange juice box because it said

    she put lipstick on her forehead because she wanted to make up her mind.

    she tried to put M&M's in alphabetical order.

    she sent me a fax with a stamp on it.

    she tried to drown a fish.

    she thought a quarterback was a refund.

    she got locked in a grocery store and starved to death.

    she tripped over a cordless phone.

    she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept.

    she asked for a price check at the Dollar Store.

    she studied for a blood test.

    she thought Meow Mix was a CD for cats.

    when she heard that 90% of all crimes occur around the home,
    she moved.

    when she missed the 44 bus, she took the 22 bus twice

    when she took you to the airport and saw a sign that said
    "Airport Left" she turned around and went home
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 12, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. tenshigrl
    not sure if this was made or is in the right section but anyway

    if you could go on any epic adventure what would it be? where would you go first? how will you react?
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 12, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. tenshigrl

    should I....?

    question for whoever wants to help out.

    should I make a rp for the world ends with you?

    ur choices:
    let someone else make it

    ps I am sorry if someone made this if one is there but this has been bothering me lately and yes I put the let someone else make it there since I barely get on much
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 10, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. tenshigrl
    not sure if it was made (I looked but didn't see one)

    did you ever notice that

    when someone says there is no stupid answers or questions yet ppl still say thats a stupid question

    when someone says that there are no wrong answers there is one

    when ppl get a church to take care of a ghost problem it gets worse
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 10, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. tenshigrl
    dang I'm rlly bored can't find anything to do. can't think of a rp to make nor can I write a story and finish it....I think I might have an idea but I'm not sure about the title *watches some of the scooby doo spoof on youtube* lol... I wonder if there is a rp for The World Ends With You if there is one, going to be one, or something else please tell me b4 I make it
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 10, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. tenshigrl
    if I can do this I will leave some lyrics here and if you guys want to you can leave some lyrics to and if you want to you can also leave a link to that music

    This is DHT
    We're gonna take you into the World
    Of Darkness and Magic
    Come to me Children
    And follow my way
    Into the World
    Of Darkness and Magic
    With all my Power
    I'll show you the way
    To all your Dreams,
    Hopes And Illusions
    Come to me Children
    And follow my way
    Into the World
    Of Darkness and Magic
    With all my Power
    I'll show you the way
    To all your Dreams,
    Hopes And Illusions
    Come to me Children
    And follow my way
    Into the World
    Of Darkness and Magic
    With all my Power
    I'll show you the way
    To all your Dreams,
    Hopes And Illusions


    ps my friend made this amv
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 10, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. tenshigrl
    its a new game from what I've seen and I'm wondering has any of you guys heard of it or got it?
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 7, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  15. tenshigrl
    I saw some pictuers and som e vids on the internet and would like to share them with u guys. sorry if there is anything werid or any curse words in these vids or pictures.

    NOTICE ANYTHING about this car wreck?

    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 6, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. tenshigrl

    weird dreams

    I had a jacked up dream about being in school and there were demon cabage patch kids (the little ones) and the only why to defeat them is by pullling the heads off.....dang that was jacked up!
    have you guys had any weird dreams that was more jacked up than this one? if so please post it or try to post it
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 5, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. tenshigrl
    this rp will be made but I still need someone in charge who is trustworthy (if that is a word) to control this rp as I said on the kh idea for a rp (I think thats the title) I might (or will) leave a friend in charge. I really hope this rp will last for a good while until no one else posts or something else.
    whoever I leave in charge may pm me the plot (if there is one) the character list (if required) and other stuff that you (the person in charge) requires
    alright forget the owning thing about the rp the person can be the co owner when ever I'm not on.

    companion (if there is a companion what does he she or it do to help)
    good evil or both
    assist (can put noone or anyone)

    Suzu the hermes rabbit (gender is unsure, it helps Marie find openings and places that ppl can't find)
    mostly good
    she will assist anyone who is in need of help
    mastered all attacking elements but bad and the defense spell
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 5, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  18. tenshigrl
    ok I know I have not been on for a couple of days or more but I was kinda busy also I was at my dads new house and also I had to wait for my report card good news is to me that I did not fail a single class. anyway I might have an idea for an rp but I need ideas its going to be an epic adventure I might call it:

    KINGDOM HEARTS the lost story

    no back ground yet so I'm asking you ppl to help with this epic adventure also if you want the title to be changed say it needs to be changed. also I might ask a friend to make this for me if they r on everyday when ever they can so that I will know that its in the hands of someone who is onto welcome ppl in when they want to join and keep it interesting (or I might make it and leave someone in charge, I will put the persons name in bold and if they can't do it I will change it, if it requires 2 ppl it might happen)

    this lost story will include organization XIII, sora, riku, kairi, and etc.
    whoever I leave in charge of this rp may put the rules down and whatever they might think up. well if any of you have any ideas please post them here.

    PS I will be going to the lake on the 19 of this month (june 19)
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jun 4, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. tenshigrl
    dang this stupid gets stuck most of the time and I'm getting ticked off at it....well since I really have nuthin to do I will ask ya''l this question as if I did't ask enough questions in a week or day.
    the question for the next couple of from is:
    when was the time you were last ticked off?
    did you nearly or you did break something?
    what do you do to calm down?

    you do not have to answer all of them and I will give you my answer
    for #1 I get ticked off at lil things and at my siblings for those small things
    when I was playing a game I was getting ticked off because the ninja monkeys on naruto were beating the crap out of me and in anger I nearly broke the controler
    #2 look under #1 were I near;y broke the game controller I was useing
    #3 I just swing outside and listen to my mp3 player
    Thread by: tenshigrl, May 29, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. tenshigrl
    where can I post up vids on here
    Thread by: tenshigrl, May 14, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone