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  1. tenshigrl

    I like the song and its rlly good to me
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Sep 6, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. tenshigrl

    would it....

    be a good idea to make a bleach rp or a fruits basket rp?

    I rlly like bleach andI just started to watch fruits basket and I'm starting to like that show but I'm not sure which one to make first.

    please help
    also if I make one or both would it go under the anime/manga rp
    (this might be a stupid question or the most stupidest question yet)
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Sep 6, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. tenshigrl
    I'm trying to get one of them scarlette (can't spell them) but I'm missing some ingredients I'm only missing
    orichalcum and dark matter but I don't know where or how to get them can someone please help me
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Aug 16, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Gaming
  4. tenshigrl

    is this weird

    ok I've slept in a room with ppl for nearly all my life, so I don't like to sleep in a room alone, my older sister is at our pawpaw and granny's house for a couple of days so now I have to sleep in the room by myself for a couple of days since e have a cat which loves to sleep with me or my older sister it gives me company, but this morning at 5 she woke up and went to the top bunk and I woke up all of a sudden. this asn't the only time when someone left the room when my older sister was gone and I woke up not feeling their presence, is this weird
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Aug 1, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. tenshigrl
    I made this out of boredum and because I never made an rp in a long time so I decided to make an rp today and hopefully it will last a good bit

    Sora and his friends were in the school library since they had nothing better to do until kairi came upon a secret door, well it was a secret until she found it, and called riku and sora over. "where do you think it leads to?" kairi asked them after a minute went by of examining the door. "we'll never know until we open it." riku repied, sora got a werid feeling about opening the door because they had no idea where it lead to and since the event of kingdom hearts he didn't want to lose his friends again, before he could say a thing riku already opened then door. when they looked inside it was a whole new section of books except they had many different topics and it was about the event of kingdom hearts and the keyblade. after they all took five steps in to the room the secret door shut itself and it bacame dark for a few minutes then the lights came on one after the other, "no wonder it was kept secret" riku said "the ppl who entered must have died of thirst or starvation."
    "we're not sure if they all died or if ever anyone was ever in here." sora said. "right so lets look for a way out" kairi replied so they went deeper into the secret library until they came unto a book in the middle of the room when they walked near it it opened up showing some of its continents. kairi went over to it and was reading silently then said to riku and sora "thats werid." sora looked at her and asked "whats weird?" she looked at them and said "this book talks about the keyblade masters it even has what happened to us in the book and it has every detail." riku and sora came up to the book now "this place looks like noone has ev er been here how can that even be possible for someone to write all of the stuff down." riku said.

    then all of a sudden the book turned it self to empty pages which were never there before and started to write by itself "what the..." sora said as the book kept on writing the words "looks like another thing is happening except this time its in the future!" kairi exclaimed.

    you can be up to 4 characters some of the characters from kh will be in the story and from time to time we will go back to sora riku and kairi for whatever reason if possible you can make your own character and there will be villians whoever is the leader of the villans may comeup with the name.
    there might not be a list for the kh characters only the ones tooken

    good or evil

    half animal and half human
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jul 28, 2008, 334 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. tenshigrl
    if you wanna know what I feel srry for

    watch the angry german boy on youtube and I'm sorry for all of the bad launguage that most of you will see
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jul 25, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. tenshigrl
    it feels like the number 13 & 7 are getting used alot now adays in anime and video games for a name of an organization or something lie that has anybody ever noiticed that
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jul 22, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. tenshigrl
    put whatever you think rules seriously anything you can think of as post many times as you can to tell ppl what you think rules
    plus I was thnking of tacos

    TACOS RULE!!!!
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jul 21, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. tenshigrl
    I was thnking about thisa couple of days now I might download some vids from the site nd make amvs again but I'm worried that it might cause problems since it turned out that the reason why our old computer which we got back put nothing was saved had lots of viruses was because someone did not know what they were doing when they were downloading its either me or my sisters and I'm looking at my older sister because a little bit after she downloaded angels online the problems occured but it could've been problems from me downloading stuff wrong to (I'm not really good with downloading or anything computer related) so when my mom is with me I might try to download some of the vids but only by her permission and by her watch (maybe) or I write down the instruction again on downloading the vids
    again we're not sure what caused our old computer to get viruses it could've been me or my sisters fault for our downloading stuff to much
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jul 21, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. tenshigrl
    I found this on youtube and its hilarious
    someone made this and its amking fun of marry poppins
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jul 20, 2008, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. tenshigrl
    I was listening to a song form some of my favorite anime show,btw it was background music or some other word so forgive me for putting alonger one, anyway I would like to know what fav anime show's opening theme songs (or maybe background music whatever it might be) do you guys like you can post as much of your favorite anime theme songs (or background music) to your hearts content

    btw most likely with background music the kind I'm talking about has lyrics (sorry if I confuse anyone with this I have a hard time with the word of this one)

    one of mine is Beliver from Digimon Savers
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jul 20, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. tenshigrl
    I'm bored, my number one reason which I use....alot but some of my days were good and funny, (tacos rule) anyway I'm going to ask how y'all are doin, how was your week, how many of y'all in school, how many of y'all's school starts next month (mine does T_T) and etc

    so......HOW YOU DOIN'
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jul 20, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. tenshigrl


    I didn't go to bed until 12:45 (even though I was in bed it took me awhile) but then I woke up nealry every two hours and somethin minutes and then an hour thanx to the stupid gerbils
    to add on my left shoulder is killing me
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jul 17, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. tenshigrl
    my lil bros are being lil brats especially the youngest and its his B-day for crying outloud he has no excuse and its about stupid LEGOS (I will burn them soon, the legos that is) can someone please help me get my mind over it, why I typed it: one of them hit the other with something and the lil bro is being a bigger brat gosh they just cry over the little things

    PS sorry but I need to get that off my chest badly and I hope this is in the right part I just need something to get my mind off of it
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jul 13, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. tenshigrl
    its been raining nearly all week and the lightning gets louder
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jul 13, 2008, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. tenshigrl
    I was thinking about this since I mostly say this (really alot) HOW YOU DOIN' when ever I meet someone that I know so I started wondering what some other ppl might say alot (so I guess its kinda like a catch phrase) so if some of you got one you may say it if you want to.
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jul 8, 2008, 39 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. tenshigrl

    just thinkin

    I saw the last episode of death note and I started wandering whats going to replace it now on adult swim

    also when light was going to die my sisters came up with the funniest thing by saying something like the voice actors on princess tutu did with the crows by saying give us your heart
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jul 6, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. tenshigrl
    I just remembered a riddle my dad gave me and I didn't know the answer until some time afterward cause he told me, if you guys have riddles you can post em
    hopefully I can get it right, I think I added the last part
    heres the riddle

    I'm square, I sit in the corner, and I travel around the world, what am I ?
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jul 6, 2008, 196 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. tenshigrl
    I'm bored but I did go to the graveyard today b4 I went to my grandparents house
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jul 3, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. tenshigrl
    me and my little sister were killinbg a bug and it was hard to kill it so it took awhile but it was kinda funny with all of our attempts
    Thread by: tenshigrl, Jul 2, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone