Hi all you guys, to the people who played this video game and those who haven't, Need For Speed is a racing game, and the most wanted game is when you go up against the police, in police chaces. In this role play, you get to be in a city called Blue Rose, and in this city the most wanted street racers challenge each other, in races, but remember; watch out for the cops. ----- In this role play you can either be a cop, or a street racer, your choice. The cops will have to try to catch the street racers, while the street racers get to try to evade them. ----- Rules No Yaori Yuri No flaming romance to the level of pg 13 choose who wins in a racing, or in a pursuit, must be decided before, in racing, win, lose, or tie can make up other characters to challenge against them, like temporary ones, without forms is allowed have fun racing have fun getting away from cops and catching the racers ---- adittional info If you are a cop, you have a police scanner. I will play the person who overlooks the pursuit, and calls in backup, and you must put your request for backup, or more info on calls. ---- forms Police Name: Age: Gender: Supervisor or backup(supervisers are people who are police who are the first to be in the pursuit): Car type (undercover or police): Car (normal or Sports car): appearance: personality: why became a cop: other?: Street Racer Name: Age: Gender: Car: Cars appearance: your appearance: personality: why became a street racer: other?:
Yo there! While I was surfing on Youtube, I saw this real funny video. check it out, watch the whole thing! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKRaXxK5OOo
I've played it plenty of times, although I don't own it. It matches my system, and so now I'm dieing to get it. I've saved up, unluckily, my dad now owes me lots of money because of $200 he borrowed from me, so now I'm waiting for him to get me back that money, and get to that game. Anyone heard of it? Anyone played it? Anyone loved it?
My last thread went dead, so I thought, fun role plays are next to see if they go popular! So here it is.. The organization bought tickets to go to an amusement park, while Sora and the gang also went to the same one! You know how this will end up! Other notes, the organization owns this big bus that is called, "the organization mobile" The rides you can make up, or can get from other places. There are two parts of this amusement park, themed and entertainment, the entertainment restaurants, shows, ect, while the thems are the rides. Rules.... Same as any rules apply, Always play everyday, at least once, I would like this to be big. No godmodding Make this fun No killing off people without mine and the other users permission No role playing without my permission to be let in pg 13! Kissing and hugging NOT ALLOWED!!! Small blood, not big gushing out stuff.. You may only take 2 people. People: Sora- Kairi2011 Roxas- Namine- Kairi- Kairi2011 Riku- Way2Dawn Leon- Roxas-Chick Yuffie- Roxas-Chick Tidus- Wakka- Selphie- Cloud- theonly9one Aerith- theonyl9one Jack Skellington- Aladin- Jasmine- Donald- Goofy- Evil: Jafar- Hades- Pete- Malifecent- Way2Dawn Oogie Boogie- Ursula- Captain hook- Iago- Sephiroth- Organization: Xemnas- soraroxkairishot Xehanort- Saix- Luxord- Zexion- Soranspartanti Lexaeus- Larxene- Axel- Xigbar- Soranspartanti Marluxia- Kairi_Girl_92 Vexen- soraroxkairishot Demyx- Xaldin- Roxas- Soranspartanti People I made up.... Alex- Ola- Kevin- Occ form (I think thats what you call it) Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Bio (story) : weapon (optional) : Powers (optional) : other: Ok, I also heard from the rules I'm supposed to make three... Name: Alex Age: 18 gender: boy appearance: blonde short hair, with blue eyes, wears mostly a white flannel shirt and cut off jeans bio: Its vacation, so Alex here wanted to use up his money he worked off of and go to an amusement park with his friends. Sadly, his friends still had to work. weapon : nope powers: nope other: His personality is calm, easy going, and cool. ---------------------------------- Name: Ola age: 17 gender: girl appearance: Has green eyes, pale skin, a skinny face, wears glasses, blonde, curly hair, and wears a school uniform. bio: For a project, Ola wanted to enter the science fair so she could win a form to get her a degree in Science, so she was thinking she could create a project over the summer vacation at the amusement park with her family. weapon: nope powers: nope other: Her personality is sharp, and she is always punctual. She barely rests. --------------------------------- Name: Kevin age: 32 appearance: Is muscle bound, has black hair and brown eyes, and wears a police suit. bio: One of the security guards for the park, he is on the look out for trouble makers and people like the organization. weapon: a gun powers: uh...no.. other: His personality is tough, and weary, and cares about his job.
YO WAZZAAAPPP!!!! Soranspartanti here...not exactly new.. kind of...joined this year...anything else....Hi.
oK...I hope no one posted another like this... My favourite game in the Need for Speed series is Most wanted. Whats yours? I like the most wanted one because its awesome in the pursuits and the speedbreaker.
I was thinking maybe a story on vampires should do.Rated pg 13 for blood and violence.Can create 2 people. Heres the base: Name: Age: Look like: Personality: Vampire hunter,policeman,vampire,werewolf,or victim: Can be killed?: Rules: Pm each other if you want to fight or not, this is a tough story. Romance is aloud but nothing beyond disgusting level... So here it is. Mansions of Greed.... A strange name for a piece of land. It has large trees, and lots of animals. Strange disapearings have been happening, and lots of strange things. Vampire hunters believe that they can get a fortune here, which they do. Police line up the streets, agents of corporations are everywhere. At night, nobody goes out. Bats shriek, vampires lurk, vampire hunters begin their hunt.....police are confused with the mess. Lots of mansions and abandoned houses are everywhere, mostly at the countryside. Anyone who enters the countryside,forests, or abandoned houses are never seen again. Except maybe on a death bed. Some people leave straight away once they hear the stories, or seen them happening. Some don't believe The stories. Fools. Do you want the truth? Vampires are everywhere. Hunters are never resting on their job. Police are trying to clear up this mess. Werewolves will come after you. Are you scared? You should be.
Which form do you like best? Not the wisdom or stuff like that, i mean when you go into a different world- half fish half human type, lion, technical, or spooky type?you know- when you go to halloween town, or into the computer system, or to pride lands, or to the sea!
ok some people when someone posts something, like a story,and you say you dont like it, or if you didnt know, something, other ppl post next, saying how awful or how dumb you are and then they take down ur rep.isnt that annoying?and MEAN!!?? :guns: :yelling: :nono: :(
Alright so everyone loves the idea of putting themselves in peoples stories,like sorikai,sorarulz, and mexony.Then i give all credit to them for the wonderful idea.Ill make up a story when the first person puts their base. so ill just give the base of your character. Name: Gender: Good/bad: Weapon: Powers: Personality: What the look like: Additional information: and if you want, you can even add more people. So, lets start! Sora walked around the white room, which he just woke out of."What is this place?" Jimminy bounced off his shoulder, and looked around."I guess I should start my journal again!" Jimminy wrote down a few things. Day one, We first apear in a very bright room, which we all meet each other.No one remembers a thing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok so first person to post on here will get the continuation of the story.
Alright so, do you know how you fight? This seems like a real wierd and confusing question, but I'll explain. What would be your way of fighting? do you: a)run away from your enemies and try to get as little attack on you as possible, b)run at the enemies like berserk,not caring if you get hit c)you dont know how to use combos and magic, so you just attack with your keyblade hoping the best d)be an agile person, dodging and reflecting all attacks on you e)be a range person, giving all the specials and magic you got
Ok this story is a thing that was made up over being based on the future and the kingdom hearts....so i hope you like it...this is my third story...why doesnt anyone like my stories?????? ================================================================= retrieving data.....-beeep +78#hj....beep...-beep 56 percent..........-beep Now flying off destiny islands-beeep now performing check...beep throttle-on...beeeeep auto pilot-on..beeep manual off....beeep check is complete...beeep good morning captains. "Good morning Tania." Riku said. Sora sat on the floor, eyes closed, holding a necklace, with a heart on it. Robyey came in (hes a robot) and steered to the front of the ship, The Hero 7000. "Ugh."Riku laughed."You sap. You'll see her again." Sora still sat on the floor, not moving. "-Are-you-ok-master-sora-?" Sora nodded his head, still holding the necklace. Riku sat down beside Robyey, and clicked on a few buttons. Sora clicked a button on the heart necklace, and it opened up, revealing a picture of kairi, and sora. Riku shook his head, and turned on the psg (gps) "Where would you like to go, master riku and sora?" "Take us to the base." Riku commanded, and walked to HWR (house wife robotic) "(-What would you like, dearies?-)" "Get me a coke, and sora a sea-salt-ice-cream." Riku said, patting Sora on the head. The alert sound turned on,and the ship shook, shaking sora out of his sadness, riku off the ground, Robyey off the seat, and HWR off her wheels. "WARNING-WARNING.ENEMY FIRE APPROACH.ASTEROID BELT APROACH.REPEAT.ENEMY FIRE AND ASTEROID BELT." Riku jumped up, jumped into a chair, and turned on manual control."Sora!Buckle up!" Sora stumbled up, and used no gravity on his suit to fly to his chair. "Alright so. Who do we have here?" Riku laughed, turning on auto fire. "Heartless Sk9's" Sora said. Boom! "I'm going manual." "Manual turned on." An asteroid flew past the ship. Three H Sk9's surrounded the ship, and fired at it. Sora took out a sharp shooter, and clicked it on the window. Clang! Sora fired three homing missles, and turned on auto watch. Boom!Boom!Boom! heavy loaded firing rockets now aproaching west.... A muffled scratchy voice spoke in the radio. "Captain Sora and Riku?" "You got it.Requesting back-up."Sora called in the mike. "Can't do that.Back'up is already fully helping Sergeant Heart."The voice said. "You can't help us."Riku siad, cursing."Can't you listen to the auto watch?Heavy loaded firing rockets aproaching us!" An asteroid rocketed the ship, knocking the help-ful robots off ships floor, making them fly across the rooms. "Riku?" "What, Sora?" A loud sound that screetched like a kettle became louder and louder, and Sora glanced at the radar screen. 20 arrow shaped objects were flying around, and apparently it showed they were moving around, meaning dodging asteroids. "Heavy loaded rockets turning to condition 8, homing device dodgers.20 scanned." "Oh God no." Riku whispered. "You said something about seeing Kairi again?"Sora responded, turning on shields. "Heck.Whats the plan?"Riku said, trying to stop himself from chocking the radio which didnt help. "Um.."Sora sighed, looking around the black galaxy filled with asteroids."Thats it!We'll just try to dodge to asteroids while they will smash into each other, or the asteroids!" "Thats suicide."Riku said dumbly."Whats your next plan, choosing what to get hit by?" ================================================================= Ok this isnt halo, but it still is futuristic like.....hope its good.i still havent got to the good part yet.anyone who gets to the forums, go to heartless resurection.
This story was created because nobody read my other story-shadows revenge....darnit.nobody likes mine.so let me try again! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue, part 1 Atlantica: King Triton was sitting at his throne, concerned about everything(which is what kings do) and thinking, and being bored. He leaned his head over on his hand thinking...being concerned...and bored. His subjects were talking, and his daughters and sons were also talking about many things. So now King Triton moves his thinking, concerning, and boredom to his sons and daughters. He thought about Ariel, how she always gets into trouble, which he never gets bored of getting her out of trouble. Something was missing.....Ariel. Angrily, he hoped that she was just somewhere else. He searched and searched, calling her name. He swam around the castle, and through it, hoping to find her, with sebastian and flounder following him, not saying a word to make his heart drop. Flounder was getting really scared, and Sebastian was holding his head in his claws. So now he decided to go away from the kingdom. They swam on, hoping to find her. Now, all of them were calling her name. Deep in the kings heart, he knew he only wanted her safety, not to make her feel sad about him ruining her dreams. The next series of events were quite horrible, and I'm guessing you all want to read on, with curiosity. They all swam through a valley, with no exits, only the entrance, and the other side. Jetsam swam behind them, with a large group of black creatures that looked like sharks, with red eyes and tentacles flowing around their backs.They had large teeth, which were jet-black. "You!"Boomed King Triton."Wheres my daughter?How come you are still alive!Didn't the key bearer destroy you!And the heartle-" "So many questions.."Jetsam croaked. Flotsam swam in front of them, with another large group of hearless. Sebastian and Flounder huddled behind the king, he bared his triton, furious. The triton started glowing, and he attacked wave after wave of heartless, a never ending flow of them that never ended. "Well, deary, I think that I could answer those questions....when I'm ruler of the sea!" Yelled a voice that could only belong to Ursula, which it did. "You!" Triton yelled."Didn't the keybearer defeat you!?Why do you always show up!?" "With this sweet-hearts help." she responded, and a figure in a black coat inside a shere-like shape floated down. "Wheres my daughter?" Triton yelled. "She's here." The figure yelled. A large ice block slammed straight down, knocking some heartless,and inside was a figure,which was Ariel. The trio gasped. The cloaked man took that distraction and swung out a large shield, slamming King Triton. His weapon fell from his hands, and the figure caught it, throwing it to Ursula. She aimed it at the ice block. "Give up your crown, and she'll be away from that prison." The black cloaked figure said."And, if you don't, you and your precious daughter will die, and it will be a no-win-win end for you." "Oh no mon!" Sebastian yelled when a heartless attacked him. "Help us!" Flounder cried when a heartless attacked him. King Triton was still on the floor."Ariel." he moaned. "Thats an answer."the cloaked man said. A heartless grabbed the crown of the king and placed it on Ursula. Ursula slammed the ice block, and Ariel floated, uncauntious, beside the king. Sebastian and Flounder were also placed there. "Nighty night!" Ursula cackled. The cloaked person sent out a ray of ice onto them. "You said-" King Triton started. "That she'll be free from that prison, but now I put you all into this one!" Key blade bearer,King Triton thought. Help us! The figure, when the companions were frozen, rose his arms, and blackness filled through him. Ariel, King Triton, Sebastion, and Flounder apeared before the heartless. "There, if that brat with the key comes, these will surely trick him." The figure said. ================================================== ============= Prologue, part 2 Land of Dragons: Mulan and Shang Li were talking in the courtyard, both together, laughing about things. It was the celebration of The New Year, and all of the guards had a break. In Captain Shang Li's mind he thought, I just hope she's thinking about me. But in Mulans mind she was thinking about Sora, Donald and Goofy.So she asked Shang if they would come. "Of course-"Shang Li started. but he was cut off by a black cloaked person. "Would you just stop flirting and get to the throne room?" The figure said. Shang Li was angry for the interruption, he almost had her. The couple looked around and spotted the person. The figure was in a black coat, and he stood on the rooftop. Mulan glared."Its that spy!" "A spy? As if!" The figure called, disapearing through darkness. "Somethings wrong!" Shang Li yelled, running away to the throne room. Mulan understood. The enemies had picked the perfect day to strike. A holiday, when everyones guard was down. She unsheathed her sword, and followed the captain through the halls. Dark creatures apeared. They wore broken, rusted armour, had two black blades which floated around there hands, and their bodies curved around, with sharp feet. Whats more, they had a long opening through there torso. The two soldiers ran fast to the throne room, and saw lots of guests and soldiers being attacked by them. They continued to apear, more and more, but the two agile souldiers slashed through them, making them disapear. At last the two got to the throne room. They saw the same person in the black coat, holding a purple weapon at the emperers neck-with Shan-Yu at the other side, with his sword at the emperers neck. "Now you'll bow to me!" He cackled. More creatures apeared in the throne room,with a raid of Huns running in, with the creatures shutting the door. "Give me the sword."The cloaked figure yelled. "No."The emperer said, not scared at all with the two weapons at him."The sword I gave you is the key for Sora and his friends to pass through this world." "Be quiet slave!"Shan yu yelled. Sora. Please!Come!Mulan thought. The figure did something with his weapon, it clicked, and the emperer fell down, with his eyes closed. "Emperer!"Mulan yelled. The black figure shot the two companions, which they both fell to the floor. "There. You are the emperer now." The figure said, grabbing Mulans sword.He threw it to Shan Yu. Three figures apeared before Shan Yu.It was Mulan, the captain, and the emperer. "This oughta stop these traitors." ================================================== ============== Prologue, part 3 Olympus Coliseum: Hercules swung around the large beast, which made the creature feel awfully dizzy, and herc slammed it against the wall. The crowd went wild. Hades apeared."Hello wonderboy." "What do you want now?" Herc yelled, punching Hades in the face, but he only missed since Hades was behind him. "Oh."That. Right."Hades responded, snapping his fingers. The beast flinched, and got up. The crowd wasnt sure what was happening. The large monster turned to ash. It had large red horns, with yellow eyes.It was muscular, with large fins jutting out of his arms. The ashes broke, creating five of the same monster.The monsters jumped, crashing through the stands. People screamed, and ran. Herc jumped into action attacking the creatures. "So.what are you going to do.Meg is over here, and you'll have to save her,first."Hades said,"Oh yes.She had a date with the underworld, but got lost in the process." "Shes in there."A cloaked man said. A hole with grey fire spurting out apeared. Hercules didn't know what to do. He saw all of the people yelling, screaming, running away. Sora. He thought. Help me! Hercules jumped in. The hole closed. "What a joke."The cloaked man said, as he heard Hercules yelling in pain."We tricked them all." The black coated figure raised his hands, and shadows filled his fingers, streaming out, filling the ground. Three figures apeared.Meg, Hercules, and Phil. "That oughta stop the light bearers-and lead them to failure."The black cloaked figure said. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 The letter of King Mickey. Dear Sora, Riku, and Kairi I hope this is not a problem.Something has turned up.I cannot say anymore since this might go into the wrong hands, but i will explain everything at the castle.Please travel to my castle immediately! signed, THE KING Sora smiled. Riku looked at him, puzzled. "Why are you smiling?" Sora looked at his two best friends. "Its a new adventure!" "Whats so great about that?"Kairi asked. "Cause this time, Im with my two best friends!"Sora said, putting his hand out. "You sap!"Riku said, putting his hand on Soras. Kairi finished it with her hand on top of theres. =============================================================== Chapter 1 part 2 Timeless river What could anyone explain?If you could, all you could say that this was only filled with blackness.Yes, we know this world is the Timeless river, thats black and white, but it was filled with heartless. Millions and millions of them. Mickey was walking on a trail, and he spotted the heatless.He ran in the other direction, shocked. Pete was piloting his steamboat, and he too,spotted the heartless. "What do you punks want? Scram!"He yelled,putting his black furry fists into fighting position. The creatures jumped onto his steamboat, and the only thing you could see was Pete flying off into the grey water. A black coated figure walked over to the cornerstone of light, and the sphere-like ball blackened, like a storm cloud inside it. The villain walked slowly through the black and white forest, and the trees transformed into strange tall logs, which had faces on them. The black coated figure raised his hands, and Mickey and Pete apearing before the mischief.
Alright, when ever a boss comes theres that sweet music that goes on, and you see the boss, whatever it is-are you ever afraid?
This story is the continuation of Kingdom hearts.hi all of you guys out there,successful and readers of stories...anyway, tell me if i should keep on writing.this is my first story....and I had to do it twice since it didn’t work before…and so here it goes.....post if i should continue. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue, part 1 Atlantica: King Triton was sitting at his throne, concerend about everything(which is what kings do) and thinking, and being bored. He leaned his head over on his hand thinking...being concerned...and bored. His subjects were talking, and his daughters and sons were also talking about many things. So now King Triton moves his thinking, concerning, and boredom to his sons and daughters. He thought about Ariel, how she always gets into trouble, which he never gets bored of getting her out of trouble. Something was missing.Ariel. Angrily, he hoped that she was just somewhere else. He searched and searched, calling her name. He swam around the castle, and through it, hoping to find her, with sebastian and flounder following him, not saying a word to make his heart drop. So now he decided to go away from the kingdom. They swam on, hoping to find her. Now, all of them calling her name. Deep in the kings heart, he knew he only wanted her safety, not to make her feel sad about him ruining her dreams. The next series of events were quite horrible, and I'm guessing you all want to read on, with curiosity. They all swam through a valley, with no exits, only the entrance, and the other side. Jetsam swam behind them, with a large group of black creatures that looked like sharks, with red eyes and tentacles flowing around their backs.They had large teeth, which were jet-black. "You!"Boomed King Triton."Wheres my daughter?How come you are still alive!Didn't the key bearer destroy you!And the heartle-" "So many questions.."Jetsam croaked. Flotsam swam in front of them, with another large group of hearless. Sebastian and Flounder huddled behind the king, he bared his triton, furious. The triton started glowing, and he attacked wave after wave of heartless, a never ending flow of them that never ended. "Well, deary, I think that I could answer those questions....when I'm ruler of the sea!" Yelled a voice that could only belong to Ursula, which it did. "You!" Triton yelled."Didn't the keybearer defeat you!?Why do you always show up!?" "With this sweet-hearts help." she responded, and a figure in a black coat inside a shere-like shape floated down. "Wheres my daughter?" Triton yelled. "She's here." The figure yelled. A large ice block slammed straight down, knocking some heartless. Inside was a figure. Ariel. The trio gasped. The cloaked man took that distraction and swung out a large shield, slamming King Triton. His weapon fell from his hands, and the figure caught it, throwing it to Ursula. She aimed it at the ice block. "Give up your crown, and she'll be away from that prison." The black cloaked figure said.And, if you don't, you and your precious daughter will die, and it will be a no-win-win end for you. "Oh no mon!" Sebastian yelled when a heartless attacked him. "Help us!" Flounder cried when a heartless attacked him. King Triton was still on the floor."Ariel." he moaned. "Thats an answer."the cloaked man said. A heartless grabbed the crown of the king and placed it on Ursula. Ursula slammed the ice block, and Ariel floated, uncauntious, beside the king. Sebastian and Flounder were also placed there. "Nighty night!" Ursula cackled. The cloaked person send out a ray of ice onto them. "You said-" King Triton started. "That she'll be free from that prison. But now I put you all into this one!" Key blade bearer!King Triton thought. Help us! The figure, when the companions were frozen, rose his arms, and blackness filled through him. Ariel, King Triton, Sebastion, and flounder apeared before the heartless. "There. If that brat with the key comes, these will surely trick him." The figure said. =============================================================== Prologue, part 2 Land of Dragons: Mulan and Shang Li were talking in the courtyard, both together, laughing about things. It was the celebration of The New Year, and all of the guards had a break. In Captain Shang Li's mind he thought, I just hope she's thinking about me. But in Mulans mind she was thinking about Sora, Donald and Goofy.So she asked shang if they would come. "Of course-"Shang Li started. but he was cut off by a black cloaked person. "Would you just stop flirting and get to the throne room?" The figure said. The couple looked around and spotted the person. The figure was in a black coat, and he stood on the rooftop. Mulan glared."Its that spy!" "A spy? As if!" The figure called, disapearing through darkness. "Somethings wrong!" Shang Li yelled, running away to the throne room. Mulan understood. The enemies had picked the perfect day to strike. A holiday, when everyones guard was down. She unsheathed her sword, and followed the captain through the halls. Dark creatures apeared. They wore broken, rusted armour, had two black blades which floated around there hands, and their bodies curved around, with sharp feet. Whats more, they had a long opening through there torso. The two soldiers ran fast to the throne room, and saw lots of guests and soldiers being attacked by them. They continued to apear, more and more, but the two agile souldiers slashed through them, making them disapear. At last the two got to the throne room. They saw the same person in the black coat, holding a purple weapon at the emperers neck-with Shan-Yu at the other side, with his sword at the emperers neck. "Now you'll bow to me!" He cackled. More creatures apeared in the throne room,with a raid of Huns running in, with the creatures shutting the door. "Give me the sword."The cloaked figure yelled. "No."The emperer said, not scared at all with the two weapons at him."The sword I gave you is the key for Sora and his friends to pass through this world." "Be quiet slave!"Shan yu yelled. Sora. Please!Come!Mulan thought. The figure did something with his weapon, it clicked, and the emperer fell down, with his eyes closed. "Emperer!"Mulan yelled. The black figure shot the two companions, which they both fell to the floor. "There. You are the emperer now." The figure said, grabbing Mulans sword.He threw it to Shan Yu. Three figures apeared before Shan Yu.It was Mulan, the captain, and the emperer. "This oughta stop these traitors." ================================================================ Prologue, part 3 Olympus Coliseum: Hercules swung around the large beast, which made the creature feel awfully dizzy, and herc slammed it against the wall. The crowd went wild. Hades apeared."Hello wonderboy." "What do you want now?" Herc yelled, punching Hades in the face, but he only missed since Hades was behind him. "Oh."That. Right."Hades responded, snapping his fingers. The beast flinched, and got up. The crowd wasnt sure what was happening. The large monster turned to ash. It had large red horns, with yellow eyes.It was muscular, with large fins jutting out of his arms. The ashes broke, creating five of the same monster.The monsters jumped, crashing through the stands. People screamed, and ran. Herc jumped into action attacking the creatures. "So.what are you going to do.Meg is over here, and you'll have to save her,first."Hades said,"Oh yes.She had a date with the underworld, but got lost in the process." "Shes in there."A cloaked man said. A hole with grey fire spurting out apeared. Hercules didn't know what to do. He saw all of the people yelling, screaming, running away. Sora. He thought. Help me! Hercules jumped in. The hole closed. "What a joke."The cloaked man said, as he heard Hercules yelling in pain."We tricked them all." The black coated figure raised his hands, and shadows filled his fingers, streaming out, filling the ground. Three figures apeared.Meg, Hercules, and Phil. "That oughta stop the light bearers-and lead them to failure."The black cloaked figure said. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, the continuation will be coming soon....tell me if you guys like it.Cya!
Alright, so everybody loves video games. now, what if you-got to add something to kingdom hearts 2? it can be anything!plz be creative and descriptive,i would like to know everyones thoughts. I'll write mine down soon as i thought of it.
This appears to be in the wrong section. Proceed reading if you like, and answer. Now everybody has dreams to be awesome and all, but what if you could be an organization member! No, dont choose someone already made, make up ur own! State your name, how you look like, how you fight sora, or how you got there, state your power,and your weapon.
Heya guys who is your favourite organization 13 guy?
Can I use Kh vids to make a video?I really wanto.
Hi I dont have kh but im gonna get it anyways is kh in Japanese?!