I'm a strong advocator of buying your games and making backups in case you lose the original disk, so here's my hangup: I own KH1 but have since lost the disk so I'm thinking of burning The Final Mix version to replace it because of the fact it's basically the same game with some new additions and touch ups. I'd like to know what you guys think as I'm kinda iffy on if I should do this or not and some input would be most lovely.
Can someone link me to a decent tutorial on how to use MMD? There's this person on youtube called VentusWTH who does Kingdom Hearts MMDs and I want to know how to animate my models slowly and with some-what fluid motion.
Nothing special just a quick video I wanted to do and maybe get a laugh out of some of you! Enjoy! [video=youtube;iu7Zm7GOZhE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu7Zm7GOZhE[/video]
Probably long overdue but I feel I should give the people here at least a feel of who I am. I wasn't all that big into Kingdom Hearts at first but after playing KH1 it started off slowly but when I saw the secret ending of KH2 I knew this series went up in awesomeness and it just took off from there. I own KH1, KH2FM+, and BBSFM. I can't draw to save my life but I wish to start making codes and leave an impact on this site. I have Asphurgers. I can come up wit creative stories and I write fanfiction. (Blackspiderman 4 on FF.net) I'm a nice guy who you could come to and tell me what's wrong and while I may not understand I'll do my damnest to try. I'll make you feel better and maybe make you laugh. I hope this gives you an idea of my personality. I hope we can be friends! :cheers:
Now, I don't know where you stand but I've chosen to stay out of the whole religion part of life as I don't lay my problems down and ask someone to solve them for me, I'm more of a lay the cards as I see them" kind of guy. I mean If my mom and dad want to do that and go to church that's fine by me but I kindly ask to be left out of it. How can I tell them how I feel without them trying to bring me back into the fold as they say. Edit/Delete Message
Pardon me if this is in the wrong section but I'm making a mash-up series using Kingdom Hearts and MMPR. I have 5 parts of the first three episodes of The Mutiny already up and will upload more as I make them but what I'm asking is for some feedback so I can know what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong. Hope you enjoy! [video=youtube;-n2npJ-dLmA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n2npJ-dLmA&feature=related[/video] [video=youtube;R_ZeG-buIA4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_ZeG-buIA4[/video] [video=youtube;_G7juu-Ce4s]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_G7juu-Ce4s[/video] [video=youtube;bpfhngYIL8c]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpfhngYIL8c[/video] [video=youtube;vqq78Wq21g4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqq78Wq21g4[/video] [video=youtube;G6zYSMClu0I]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6zYSMClu0I[/video]
I felt it best to apologize for bumping those old threads by Jaden, I was pulling an all nighter and I think by brain went bye-bye. Again, I'm SO SORRY. :sorry: