Don't know what to think about this game, I have the original One Piece Unlimited Adventure and thought it was ok. When compared to the Pirate Warrior games, the combat in these games are a lot slower. Also the fact that the game was originally a 3DS game makes me a tad hesitant to pick it up. I'll probably pick up a copy of it nonetheless just to support the series.
Bought it and just hooked it up. Just waiting for the update to finish before I can mess around with it.
Actually I do like inFamous, just finished the second game during my stream a couple days ago. XD I was also interested in Watch Dogs...hmm... Any pre-order bonuses worth getting for inFamous?
Was playing around with my twitch page, don't know why I copied my profile link. Edit: Posting the link into the forums turned it into the stream and chat...interesting...
My local Walmart just got more PS4s in, is it worth buying or should I just wait and save my money? Reason I ask is because they never like to stay in stock long and since I currently work at Walmart I can get a discount on it. So is it worth it?
Never seen it, although you people keep saying it's good so maybe I'll get to it at some point.
It was real. The third English dub hardly any knows about. Funny thing about you bringing up Arlong park, since Crunchyroll is adding all of the older eps of the show on their site little by little I've been rewatching the older eps for the 83rd time because why not and I just watched that scene today. When it comes to how faithful the anime is to the manga, it stays pretty faithful but the last couple of years has been kind of harsh to the show... Also if you like the manga that much, there is a digital full color edition of the manga available. It's only in Japanese, but they look amazing.
On a completely different side note, have you ever heard of the Singapore dub of One Piece? Spoiler It's a thing that happened for some reason...
The ol Dub vs Sub situation huh. Being a One Piece fan for about a decade now (I'm old Dx) and having watched both subs and dubs since I am in a situation where I can say both are good. I'd obviously say the original Japanese dub is the best, but Funi's English dub has grown on me. Hell of a lot better than...this... Spoiler Almost ashamed to say this is what introduced me to the series...
Wait they still do that thing?
People keep changing names and colors... Stop it... Change hurts my unchanging head. X_X
Play a couple of minutes of Tetris, apparently there was a recent study that found that playing a couple minutes of Tetris can ward of addiction ...then again this info is from a study so take it or leave it. I have an idea on how to start my trailer, now to figure out how to continue from there. XD
That's kind of the thing, it's pretty much up to me on how to promote my final project. Any kind of good trailer is welcome.
I need to make a 2 minute trailer for my video editing class by Friday and I was wondering if you guys could point me in the direction of some good trailers. I've never been good at these kinds of things. X_X