KHV Username: Gamefreak103 Time Zone: CST (GMT -6) Xbox Live Gamertag: TheRuinedShadow Consoles you play on: Xbox 360 PSN PSN ID: TheRuinedShadow Consoles you play on: PS3, PS4 Steam Steam ID: TheRuinedShadow I'll add my 3DS friend code later whenever I can dig that thing out.
Huh...Might have to rewatch my livestream of the game to see how bad it really was because all I remember being most annoying were those guys with the rocket launchers who shot at you at point blank...
If I remember correctly I spammed the finishing move and kept my distance for the majority of the game. Also rocket attacks and sniping ftw.
Gah, reading this thread made me remember the horror of being ganged up on in inFamous 2. Cole's dodge roll doesn't all... No matter how much I liked those games, after playing Second Son I don't know if I could go back. =/
It's all on that wiki page you got that image from. =P The Funimation voices are a thing you have to get used to. Even though I thank 4kids for introducing me to the show, I can't forgive them for several of their decisions... The acting was poor, some of the edits they did made no sense... ..., and they worse of all they skipped a couple of important arcs for unknown reasons other then to get to the chopper...
I wouldn't worry about them at least for a while, after the loss of it's main titles and the Yugioh lawsuit the company is effectively dead...for now...
It's a 4kids thing, they even did it without the editing earlier on. Best example I could find in decent quality
4kids renamed Smoker to Chaser and edited his cigar to look like his smoke powers.
There are tons of those videos on youtube. Here's one for example.
I guess from an all things Disney perspective, yes.
Just finished it and I thought it was pretty good although it does have some problems. Here's what I thought of it. Pros: -Decent sound track -Animation looks great -Likable main characters -Comic relief isn’t too distracting Cons: -Somewhat predictable plot points -Elsa’s unexplained powers/curse -boring villains Even with it's problems it's still a good movie, good to see Disney still cares about its animation studio. That movie was boring... Yohohohohohoho!
Only expectations I have is a Disney one, which means it better not be a terrible movie.
I have just rented Frozen, from what I've seen here on the forums you guys have made it out to be amazing. With that said, I'm putting myself into a Disney mood and am about to press play. I hope it doesn't disappoint.
As much fun as I had playing the game, getting 100% in it really isn't challenging and the story was kind of...meh... Just bought ACIV as well. Nothing too different about the game, so far Kenway is way more interesting than Connor...although a pile of bricks would be more interesting than Connor...
Heh...Final Fantasy 13...only reason why I bought it was because it was cheap and because I wanted to see how bad it was myself. I'll get to that one later...
Heard the sequel was terrible and thankfully I didn't pick it up. Here's the link to my stream in case anybody wants to tune in. Spoiler Don't know how to make the screen bigger so...yeah...
I've had an interest in that game, don't know why I haven't touched it yet. Might start the stream after I finish this episode of Dexter I'm on.
Been cleaning out my apartment all afternoon so I decided to start streaming soon. I still have a backlog of games, but I don't know what to stream. Please help. =/
Someone say giant zombie?
So far my PS4 seems to have no problems. It does make sounds when I turn it off and on, but besides that it's fine. Now to wait til Friday for the new inFamous game.