Got the day of and I got nothing of importance going on. Let's see what happens when I go un-invisible for a while.
I think they are referring to random number generation. It can be very cruel at times...
Guess I'll have to give it another try at some point, but first I think I'll go with another game. Need to pick something out of my backlog, just finished Burial at Sea ep 2.
I've also toyed with the idea of collecting the manga, but as you've stated the cost... Also what do you mean by arc headers? I know there have been misspellings here and there but I can't think of anything major.
In a funny way, a weird thing one of my high school teachers said made me create the original Science vs Religion thread. Oh how that thread went wrong...
I don't collect...actually I do have a small collection of One Piece media... Spoiler Just waiting for Season 6 and Film Z...also there's the upcoming PS3 physical game release... Huh...I guess I am some sort of a collector...
Human Revolution, played the first area and couldn't work the stealth at all. X_X Lot of games I have yet to play, got to stop buying games when they are on sale...until the summer sale hits... Absolution is also on my backlog of steam games...
I just did that a while ago while I was playing. XD The peeping tom plasmid breaks the whole sneaking mechanic especially after you have all the upgrades for it...
Ah, shoe horned mechanic for dlc, I see. Dishonored is still on my backlog of steam games so I'll get to that at some point.
After replaying the main campaign of Bioshock Infinite again and finally playing through the dlc episodes, ep 2 of Burial at Sea reminded me of how bad at stealth games I am. I'm starting to get flash backs of my failed attempt to play Deus Ex. X_X
I lied, been watching House of Cards on Netflix. Quite good so far, but other than that I've done nothing. Now that the semester is over all I have is work, need something productive to do. X_X
The scenes look gorgeous, can't wait for this collection.
a waste of space I know but I felt like doing something yet nothing at the same time...
So there's more I can do with my psp besides have it collect dust? Who knew?
I hate shipping threads, not really sea worthy and they always have leaks.
Most Unchanging Member
Meh, I find them creepy but I've seen worse...
Spoiler The judge from the trial that sentenced Korra's dad and a few others to life in prison. Korra chased him down on her polar bear dog and made him crash his car. After that he told her everything.
Actually as I saw those spoiler posts pop up I was on the part of the episode the judge was spilling the beans.
Well I'm done for a while...