I keep forgetting to post mine to the thread, probably should do it at some point. Oh look, I actually have my 3ds right next to me...still later...
I'll be sure to try and catch the vid later, gotta get to bed before I stay up too long again.
I missed it...I can't catch anything you host. Streams and podcasts. X_X
Bara?... Bara Bara no Mi? Spoiler Sorry, the One Piece fan in me took over. X_X
No, but it still looks fancy.
Even though it's odd, I've always liked the gamecube controller. Always wanted to pick one of these controllers up despite its flaws. Now that's fancy.
Yes, just let me grab a couple tooth picks and rubber bands...
Just found a gamecube wavebird controller at my local good will for 3 bucks, too bad it doesn't have the receiver...
Just because Wan part was pretty interesting, doesn't mean I Wan more...
Went to bed at 3:30 last night just watching random junk. Kind of regretting it at the moment. X_X
Cool trick how'd you... *note to self, either find or make better ace gifs...*
Nothing really stands out this year for me. More info on Batman, Dragon Age, and the 3rd Gen Pokemon remakes would be nice. Highly doubt Bethesda will announce Fallout 4 and I have no enthusiasm for a new Mass Effect game with the main guys behind the original games gone. Maybe they'll be a couple of new surprises, but I'm not holding my breath.
Hey, it needs to do tricks for the party, we can't eat it yet!
What's the matter with everyone, we should just all have one giant party! This party has a whale?! Do some more tricks! XD
...I will make Whitebeard the king.
K, bleh...
Meh, going invisible. Never was one for standing out.
Staying visible just for a while, then I'll slowly sneak back into the shadows.
I can speaks the englishes well?
All you did was remind me of my want list...to ebay!