Might possibly like Riku!
You certainly have a talent for rhyme and humour. Maybe you should explore this and post more.
They haunt me still these ancient dreams Of heroes bold and fair, Nightmares of battles and long gone scenes, My sleep their hidden lair. Yet when I wake they haunt me still, Tugging my thoughts and bending my will. Yet I know they are only dreams.
Actually reads peoples profiles!
Someone who beat me at posting! (Yay for the edit button!)
Not a Royal corgi I hope!
Confused, like me!
Has a strange fascination for penguins!
An obsessed fan. (runs and hides)
lolz. Knows how to make me laugh!
Likes Zexion and Luxord a lot!
Now now good fellows, dueling is such a bore and so uncivilised nowadays. Can't we just settle this over a cup of tea?
What did you do to deserve exile?
Meaning: None I know of. Pronunciation: Ga-ranth Inspiration: My first RP character. OC. Other: Is there something else?
Has been a member for less time than me.
Axel fan by any chance? Have a great time on the site, post loads and mainly enjoy yourself! :lol2:
Hi there and welcome to the forum. Read the rules and respect the staff. We are all friendly here. Have fun! :lol2:
Thanks for introducing me to a great band!
I really liked their music. This might be of interest to you as it has videos as well. Los Campesinos