Just swapped browser and mine doesn't work on ie7 either. lolz
Time for a food fight then!
Will do. I didn't know your user name there before.
I like it. It's clear, balanced and the colours are well matched. Cool. I hate overworked stuff what is overloaded with filters and effects.
Sad to see you leave but if thats what you think is best. See you on dA. Yep I'm there as well.
Sadly being cheated on is part of life and it happens to most people. Don't be discouraged. She obviously wasn't good enough for you. You will project how you feel unconsciously as a lot of communication is no verbal. Relax and don't try to look too hard as you may come across as desperate. Enjoy life and someone will turn up. True Arc. A lot of guys see me as just another 'guy'. I don't think there is a magic formula and it is mostly luck.
Start as friends and chat to her. She will be able to find out what you are like and what sort of things you are into. Don't lie as you will get found out and trying to impress doesn't work. Just be yourself and I'm sure you will be fine. You talk to girls here so just transfer that to the real world.
^ My secret is out! < Is watching Dare Devil V Likes waffles
Hi there. You need to upload it to something like photobucket or image shack then post it into your sig with the coding like this one [IMG*]http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o174/hevvymonster/Ghalav.jpg[/IMG*] removing the stars.
It doesn't work on Safari. Mine has stopped since I swapped. No problem though, I like being mysterious...
^Wibble! <Is sick V Watches Bleach
If you need someone I am here. I have been through similar. I nursed my father through leukemia until he lost his battle (my mother died before of a heart attack). It is hard to see someone so strong fade in front of you. It is important to say your goodbyes though. I know this is tough but it is impossible once they have passed on. Please think about this and remember there are a few of us here who can help and understand should you need us.
Would be following me walking in a circle just to tease me.
Is angry at me. :(
RSKO - Gets lost easily! (Gretna Green I presume, not in Glasgow). DP Wolf - Is such a cool person.
Have to agree that real men use pink!
Wants to rule the world.
Realise just how awesome I truly am!
get more posts, turn pink and change my sig! I'm Back?
Mine are blue but they can appear steel-grey at times. XD