^ Is right but knows that I love 'em all. < Preferred the G1 Ratchet though the one in my avvy is the only TFA character I like. V Thinks I'm a nerd!
Midnight. He has night black fur and gorgeous moon blue eyes.
^Hi there < Is eating ice cream V Would like some ice cream
^ Is right but wants to see it. < Has a favourite TF. V Knows what it is (hint he's in my avvy)
Thinks that I'm stalking them. O.O
^Is wrong < Returning to my fan roots V Thinks I'm strange
Someone newer than me!
Not really sure what I want... But heres what I've got (yeah, really)
But I wuvs my avvy! <3
Um...why not? Someone I don't know much about yet but will surely soon (I hope). For Nexit@h XIV:
*Passes you an energon goody* I can't believe it. My hero now as you understood my user title. Wreck-gar was awesome.
Sqeeeee! Its great to see you here again! *HUGGLES*
Secretly likes Naruto??
Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!
You have confused him with your superior brain. Mwahahahahaha!
Needs a huggle?
I picked 3 and he said 3. Spooky.
I'm a doctor not a brick layer!
Has the cutest avvy I've seen in a long time.
9/10 I love that action pic. His pose is so cool.