^ lolz You know me so well! < Is a robot in disguise now! V Wants a cookie
Nice one! That made me laugh!
A brand named One Winged Angel...
O.O I'm allergic to cats....*runs away*
??? I have no idea what happened but you are cool with me!
Waaah! Well I think it suits me better!
It must be catching! I knew straight away who you were!
Is a really nice person.
I never take what other people write seriously! I saw it at a pre-screening and I really enjoyed it. The end was a little unusual for Indy but what the heck.
^ Gets a hug < Is very happy (thanks Neku!) V is a moogle in disguise!
^Wants to know! < Went to see a movie today V Wonders what I saw
Is relaxed so it seems.
OMG Its awesome!
Mine stays *hugs avvy*
[after being shot down, captured and imprisoned] Hot Rod: We've got to get a new travel agent. This film rocks big time for quotes.
Has already said it XD Wants to see the next KH game now.
A classic one: Springer: I've got better things to do tonight than die.
Is definitely amazing!
Arcee: Did we have to let 'em detonate three quarters of the ship? Springer: Seeing as how they would have detonated *four* quarters, I think it was a good choice.
An interesting theory. If time does move in a circle however it would have a circumference a lot longer than just one lifetime. Time is also supposed to be linear and the concept that this warps causing the time line to cross would potentially cause paradoxes.