But this is Roxas we're talking about. He makes double penetration an non-hurting experience. 8D
You know you like it. :Awesome:
Oh god. I can wait for a bit, y'know? I'm certainly not planning to rush this year. :l I'll probably cry like a ***** during graduation day. xDD...
God it's been forever since we've had a gun threat. :/
I really like the cropping/colors to be honest. It just looks a little sharp for me. But you did really good! 8D
I'm in my last year of HS. It's spooky! D: Hehe, yes! You'll make friends fast, promise!
Really? Neato! Kind of reminds me of L in a way! 8D
Yeah. I've been busy with other stuff too. xDD Ohgeez, just go around and post like crazy! Most people hang around the S/Z, but you can't get...
Caporira? whaaaa. xDDD What did they do? o3o
Pretty good! Yourself?
I'd say. As a study my teacher made us take a test. Then he had us take another test with the privilege to listen to our iPods/MP3/whatevers. To make a long story short we all did better on out tests by about 3.1% or some number like that. Not too shabby, I'd say.
Really?! Thank you! <33
L-bags? Sounds....L-ish! XD
Awesome! I'll join tomorrow, kay? Gotta get to bed now. Night!
Oh wow, I'd love to! 8D
Jajaja! You'd love it at my school then. People here are EXACTLY like that. xDD Move heeereee!
Eesh. Well I'm happy you're not all sad about it! 8DD;; Oh god, I'd love to see their face. "What?! *tears* Is it because I don't have two...
Um, if you want a biased answer I'm going to stick with Roxas's keyblades. If not then the Gay Flower Spear. 8D
Grandstander. Defiantly. 8D
FFFFF- I'm sorrrrry! D: I probably would too. *chinstroke*