The Fat Bastard Burger defiantly makes me want to throw up the rest of my dinner. :s
I'm good, thanks. :333 Hah, thanks. I just kind of realized how pervy it was. xDDD
I kind of threw up in my mouth. Barfed up double quarter pounders taste nasty.
COURAGE ROCKS. How are you?
. . . Well when you say it like that.... Um, I never thought about that until now. I was seriously thinking of the ice cream. Seriously. D:
I know, right?
^ Nope. Makes it sound bigger. D:
Nothing too much. You?
Pretty good! And you?
I would have given you my double Q/P.
I will never eat again.
You too! 8DDD Seattle? Effin' awesome! Heard the weather is great.
I think that'll be alright. I'm no literary expert so I don't want to be like, critical or anything. But I would love to see your facfic when...
The summer is the time to do it. ;o
I really love all the Roxas. Like seriously. I love it so much. Even though they could be better, I won't ***** about the graphics. I'm no coding expert and I don't work with 3D figures all day, but I guess it's pretty damn good for a DS game. It seems to be too short though. The bosses are pretty easy too, even on Pride. :/
You mean your avatar? It's not AkuRoku at all. It's just Axel. And when you think about it, we're kind of not. AkuRoku IS yaoi, after all.
Like a character is 'coincidentally' clumsy so the loving prince can save her more often. Or the lady in the story is granted super special things...
Jajaja. I think I signed up a little bit before they really got vBulliten up and running. Or however you spell it.