Hehe, yes! Ooh! I got it now. Why thank you! ;o Now that part I meant.
My signature is dirty?! O___O I have the mind of a 6 year old, but I'm terribly corrupted. ;o How about that?
I lol'd .
I think it's cute! Where did you get the stock? I like the text on the bottom. The colors are pretty good too. The effects are kind of plain though. Looks like you just smudged it a bit. It's really good if you've taken a big huge break though. Very nice. C;
...So. If I wanted to make a Roxas gif where he does nothing but humps the air I could do it?
Don't have a favorite yet. Riku'll probably take the cake though. The Leechgrave pissed me off though. Took me forever to get that damn thing.
Ruh roh .
Naaaw. I fricken' love yours. How did you get such good effects? And the colors blend with it splendidly!!
T;AR;EAR Random comment! *glomp* How have you been, CtR?
Quoted for truth.
'A' for effort. 'F' for results.
If she wants to draw pictures of some chick screwing the SEAMEN out of Mr. Silver, fine. Just leave Jim out of it! >:< Jim/Silver is such a nasty /b/astard pairing. Makes me wish I never ate supper.
but who the fuck wWOULD HAVE AN AVATAR LIKE THAT. PuKE, VOMIT, bARF ect.
WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?! That was in caps, btw.
Harharhar! Why, thank you. ;o
Psu. Psu. Usa. Usa.
Quite so .