hahannuh, the hottie. justAnobody, because I respect her. Mish, because even though I've never 'seen' her, alot of people think she's hot. And I wanna be with the cool people. That's how I role.
I like to make up titles. Such as "Harry Potter, and the Da Vinci book of Sudoku" I'm pretty good at making AMV's, and try to make them half as good as other people, but fail miserably. I enjoy the Kingdom hearts series, but have never been able to get into the FF series. People call me a homosexual, but they are wrong. In fact the other day, one guy shouted "Hey, you with the hair." And I looked. "You're gay!" I ignored them. 100% straight
*imitates Kairi* Hehe, so you noticed. The first person to compliment me on my AMV's
A serial killer. 'tis the truth. Don't ask. It just sounds like a serial killer name. No offence to you of course.
You're name, and that Austin powers movie.
KHII FM. RE: CoM is basically the same game except 3D.
Yes, well, Cloud is definetely NOT the main character. He wasn't in before crisis, and he won't be here. So don't expect to see him much. The art is cxy tho
Sum41 A simple plan Linken park NOT McFly
Hey! Why did you do that all of a sudden?
1782 To lose 5 stone! I'm not fat, I just really like foodz
What's a good way to get 1,000 points in maniac mode? 'cause I got nothing. I can't even get halfway, I suck that bad.
Serial killers, murderers, drug dealers and Superman 64 fans go to jail. A person under 12, who joins a forum.......does not go to jail
Erm, edit your post Kairi. I fixed mine. I didn't realize people hated knowing the endings of stuff before... To stay on topic, the last book was really exciting. And am currently waiting for movie 5 to come out. As good J.K. Rowling is a writer, it's just hard to picture some of the stuff she writes
Wouldn't the rinsing in water part, I don't know....ruin it all over again?
A short I did in one day. (today). Heck it's christmas eve. Why the HECK not? Link!
Naruto: Try transforming into that babe
Yeah, but when the time comes, how are you going to get it? XP
Sasuke turned to see Inuyasha wielding a longsword. "Coward? Tough talk for someone who's a scaredy cat." Sasuke threw a kunai at Inuyasha.
I'm gonna use Play asia to import KH2 FM+RE: CoM. And while I'm at it, I'm gonna buy KH FM aswell. What about you guys?