Who doesn't like Sunderland? Frankly, I don't trust anyone who doesn't like Sunderland soooo... Not asking you :P
I know, it was me. I drive over squirrels as I see them.
Traileroo Looks awesome. Now with more one-liners! "I just bought this tux" OFF THE CHAAAAIN!
I'm a tromBONER. I have a very big tromBONE. ...lol..
You.......still haven't got in your sig........ :(
Supermodels aren't exactly helping. They're becoming role models to children, and encouraging them to stick two fingers down their throat and throw up all the fat. That's sick. Maybe if supermodels ate good food once in awhile, they might not even HAVE to throw up
Seems a waste IMO. You could've gotten those two games in one pay-day. But to waste them on CHRISTMAS....or was that not your main one? If they weren't the main one, then GRATZ
get crisis core
You have to find food. mushroom #1: In the secret place (Next to the waterfall where wakka is) mushroom #2: Next to the big tower where you race Riku Coconuts: Keep hitting trees Seagull eggs: On top of trees Fish: Catch them in the sea ~fin~ EDIT: Oh, and just walk into the waterfall to get fresh water.
ATTENTION! ONLY THE NON-ANIMATED ONE CAN BE PUT IN YOUR SIG!!!!! The other is just too sexy for school.
Then that explains George Michael's a$$. m i rite? Who's with me? UP HIGH!
Since the start of Nov, my Dad kept saying he couldn't find the Wii anywhere, and it was sold out everywhere. I believed him. Then, I found out it was in the first shop he went to....that *******! Ah, well. At least I gots some Wii. And Wii sports. And Wii play. And Legend of zelda: TP. And I'm gonna buy Red steel tomorrow....
Hah! I'm not a total sap like......you......losers....... *cries like a little girl in the corner w/ NRA, KairiSoraKeyoflight, Mr. Bob
Ok, I've kissed no-one.......ya happy? GAWD!
Ooooh cool. It's like that ninja episode. Except they're samurai's.... OMFG SAMURAI'S! COOL!! *points to username* OH! PANDAMAN! COOOOOOL!
me too. AND Wii games. You must be me from the future
And a merry X-Mas to ya to!
Sorry, already got one this morning. Give it to charity or something, I don't know
Destiny islands Where do you first fight Riku?