No, keep the stones, you WILL need them. They come in good handy when synthesising
Trombone. No tromboner jokes, thank you.
No, Grand piano is SOOOO much better. Guitar is good too, don't get me wrong
No, I'm saying that he sliced the pig, drank his blood, and made a little house out of it's organs and pig-skin.
..... I remember looking under Barbie's skirt when I was younger.... I never looked at women the same way again
NO DON'T LISTEN TO DS! HE'S DRUNK ON CHEEEESE!! Keep Sara in it. I already voted for her, so that's that!
Yes, that is real blood. And you shouldn't be watching this Mr. Boom!
Where's Sara? I wanted to vote for her
No offence, but I don't think you can come back from that post with just a 'sorry'
Actually, it's just one time..... The cat's on the roof O_O No offence, but if you're having trouble with THIS...something tells me you'll be posting ALOT in this section.
I sense your irony
...OF THESE SPAMMERS!!! MAKING POINTLESS THREADS!!! Arrrrgg!!! I know this is the 'spam' section, and I'm not trying to make you to stop it. It's not within my rights. I'm just expressing HOW IT MAKES ME VERY VERY SICK!!!
Whats this sudden fascination with Bunnies. I hate them
2029 The year when we will reach 1,000,000
Where did you read it from? imastupida$$*? *not an actual website
Dudes, that is a FAKE right there. It's manga images put together in columns. Of course it looks real. Anyone with Photoshop can do that. It's fake, don't think otherwise
Oblivion and Oathkeeper Because Roxas is mah hero!!!!
1990 The year BEFORE the year I was born
You are a very funny person. You're comedic take on life makes me giggle so. --yes this is a joke
4KIDS STRIKES AGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN!!!!!!! Seriously though, it's just sick what they did with the edits. Making it look like Will Turner DIDN'T aim the gun at himself as to commit suicide. It's in the ACTUAL movie. Which is PG. AND, the game it's self is aimed at teenagers. Sick, just sick.