No1 spammed like Tallian.
Umm u started the newbie thingy yet u didnt put 6 words in ya post..... Cin where did ya get the sprite of riku?
Lmao ok then i wont.......
I do the properties thing as well hehe. Umm ill be a trainer :D If ya need um
Lol ok well i wont tell you then lol.........Im trying not to remember it lol
What "TYPE" dya think he is AxelEight :D
Lol haha well we kinda had a convo lmao that was.......Interesting lol
I always take without asking.......I mean wat r the chances they will find out?
Me neither for numerous reasons.
LMAO yea well umm hehe i didnt think u was going to *gulp* Molest me haha
LMAO they r sooooooo funny but yea Comic sans would go better :D
Umm hey its 6 words per post menba? I like Heartless best. My fave colour is black hehe so thats why i like dark n mysterious
OMG i love V2 of it, tis awsome stuff :D
Soul Eater Way to dawn or is it path to light lmao What keyblade makes enemies drop more money, hp & mp items?
Atlantis the lost empire was fantastic, Finding Nemo was so fuuny i also liked Monsters Inc too. Fantasia is good too hehe
I hope Demyx survived, he is my idol hehe
I admit lvling up in maple story did get boring and ppl would run before u could say high cause u have ta clik the talk bar
Wow so wat makes it good then?
There was only one bit that scared me through the whole game and it was wen u had to go through the maze at the castle. And the wolves jump out at ya i screamed and everything brrrrr
I think the struggle battles are tooooooooooooo easy the could put some challenge in it :(