Umm Diz After Roxas' story wat is the quikest way to the other part of twolight town?
Na dont like that one lol either seen it on google
Well its not very visible ya know so i say rikku and axel eight are winning so far
What u going on about mr?
Umm yea we know that already thats why the post was created.....
U cant get to lvl100 in kh2
I love both begining and end cutscenes.
OH NO......YUNA!!!! Im gay so ner hehe, I love Demyx hehe
Thats wat i just said......Did u read my post?
Ah right that wierd. Yea I know its so irritating. Did you tell her about the site? Or did she find it herself?
OMG lol YUNA *smaks head off wall* "OUCH" :p Rikku rules, Yuna is just doo doo. I seriously dislike yuna. I used to act like rikku and everything lmao (too much FFX2). I loved it she is sooo cool. But yuna noooo lol Y dya feel wierd though?
Can you imagine running round with a giant key lmao.
Just get an action replay and test out all the cool stuff you can do.
You have way too much time on ur hands. Im mod on there as well but i prefer it here. For some reason I get the hunch Kairisorakeyoflight dont like me. She ignores me most of the time rikku :( U wont just ignore me all of a sudden will ya?
I love mickey's kingdom key for obvious reasons hehe
Lol tis k. Umm sora porn movie hehe
Lmao wat does that word mean?
14 or 16 cant menba what does Kairi say just before she runs after pluto through the portal?
Umm there are many disney princesses. Kairi is a princess of square - Enix and cinderella etc are princesses of disney. There is no final princess of disney because future films will probably bring out more princesses. But from classical films the princesses are: Cinderella Snow white Aurora Belle Jasmine Ariel There is no seventh classic princess so i think maybe thats why they used Alice cause she is from a disney classic if ya get me. And they didnt use Ariel, i think because once sora released em she couldnt stand around in hollow bastion :D Hope u understand
Kingdom hearts, kingdom hearts: COM and the KHII