I think it means am i sexy, cause well look wat roxas wrote lmao
hehe i agree HEY AxelEight *sniff* u didnt say anything about my pic *sniff sniff* but u did that girl *throws tantrum*
No not really......LOL
Sora n Valour Also Demyx knows how to make a black cloak look good *thinks of demyx n drools*
Lmao thats a good one lol so random I thought this was funny dunno y
Aint that just Chamillionaire changed loads lol
LMAO oh right thats wat it means hahahaha. Umm i int seen wat u look like lmao I think the guy in ur Avvy is sexy Roxas hehe
Rikku they r just tooooooo scary *hides behind keyboard*
BAH....I get the point im just a perfectionist hehe
AxelEight I love MIKU, she is the best project Zero character
Swim this way What is the name of Minnie's Reaction command?
Na just one of those wierd facts of life :D
Its actually the tunnels by Usual spot hehe. Umm Xehanort and sora noone knows the rest yet only on thoery. What is the reaction command of Samurai?
Welcom love for Sora hope ya have funny times. Um hi Yuna freak hehe Just joking :p
Rikku u posted that already lol But tis funny hehe I love rikku :p
KK this is me......Dnt get too scared of my ugly face :( Oh btw the address on it is where i upload my piccys, so im not advertising a forum or anything :)
Ok ur obsessed with Yuna........
Once u gain control of sora a place opens so u dont have to catch the train to the other half of twilight town ya know sunset terrace.