Aww AxelEight the are lovely piccys :) Like the piggy back one thats cute :p
Well its not that hard, u just gta know his moves thats all.So u know wen to jump wen to block and wen to attack.
Its actually "are u the ones winning all those tornaments. Ive been having these wird thoughts lately Like is any of this for real or not? Hehe wats Yuffies's first line?
Demyx is lmao.KK i gta go now hehe bed time its 1.10am hehe. Night *hugs AxelEight* Bye
YAY sexy Demyx :D :p. *hugs Demyx* Brrr that feels good hehe
Lol yes totally but i like Demyx *stomps foot*
Oh project Zero hehe i loved that battle with camera obscura hehe
Lol thanx Axel..... But I thought king was a male monarch lol. *hugs AxelEight tight* My best buddie:D
What is going on in that pic lmao
What did u expect? A female?
Well something was anyway lmao...sorry thats rude hehe love that pic
Laexene and merluxia dnt look like em Thats sexy Axel looky
My nan, mum and aunt all said she isnt a princess
Lmao we dont have lockers in schools in the uk huff. Looky at this Axel Its very nice :D
Ahh ur bro hogs the game eh. Thats why i like having me own. I go through it over and over but i have one save file which has all my stuff completed on it and everything
Yea Axel thats why i was pissed : This is who i want as me BF hehe
No I did understand i was just aving a joke lol
Ya know i dont either, I may just go as me lol I just want the sweets. I love americans and there "CANDY" lark its such a cool word hehe
So wat dya think of me lmao. Umm no i hadnt heard wen did u find that out? I look so pist lol cause I broke up with my Boyfriend that day *sniff*
Umm your thinking of a diff film hehe