five times :D What does the moogle say to you after you beat hades cup, in the accessory shop?
Oh um um can i get a Pupu?
Na RE4 was awsome and i love how he dies wen he gets hit by the boulder lmao
Wow i love the 3D background, wish i could make siggys
Cloud: Cause he is just the best Squall: Cause he would just totally kick his *** Vincent: Cause he can use chaos bah
Yea I get the same problem every time i go to upload summit
Lol he looks happy to me .....
Umm dunno How many combo plus's does sora learn?
Yea lmao :) No cause ive posted in other parts of the forum and my posts aint going up *throws tantrum*
Hahaha thats soooooooooooo GAY like me hehe+ Has anyone else noticed our posts are not going up??
lmao thats a good one
This is a nice one
this one is ugaly