I play HeRO www.hero-server.net
lmao thats so ****ing stupid...it shouldnt be funny, but I have to laugh at stupidity. if your gonna copy something, copy something good, not a subpar anime with a lame story....
well in that case :p *grabs sara by the waist and dips her backwards before kissing her deeply and passionatly*
it is still pg-13, I've seen pg 13 movies do more than what we did lol. hell on tv even! so :p
hehe.... yeah....we try :D
why?????? *so confused*
I noticed this too man lol. Bebop is packed with music references, hell even the title 'bebop' "bebop 1944, from bebop, rebop, bop, nonsense words in jazz lyrics, attested from at least 1928. The style is associated with Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie."
nah your not nice Sara, your a sweetheart almost to a fault, people that say otherwise just arent appreciative and need an eye opener.
why? I'm nice....
Sara. Shes great. Strong, dependable, outgoing. One of the nicest, sweetest girls I have ever known. She goes out of her way to make me happy, and all she wants in return is a smile. I love her to the bottom of my heart, and would move the world for her if she asked.
Well, KH2 is what? a year old, if not more now? And then theres the new school year, more of us working, etc, its bound to slow down, jsut wait till holiday breaks, I bet you it'll spike durning winter vacation.
oh shut up, your just jealous bro.
I dont get it...
Nice, but Riku weilded Dawn(Hence his weapon's name) He used Darkness AND Light, though in KH2, Light is substantially stronger within him,from what I saw. closest I would say would be Sai'x, who used the Moonlight to give him power.
*wraps arms around Sara and kisses her back* :D
so im gonna brag a bit I'm dating Sara Sara loves me I love Sara <3
Welcome to the real world my friend. just be glad your parents don't expect what mine do. I have to keep an A average, including my Advanced Placement Chemistry courses, AND my college biology courses. If I get below an A-, they take away all fun I have, so that I can study uninterrupted. I got in trouble the other day, because I got 499/500 questions right on one of my tests
im not evil, I just don't have sympathy :p He would laugh at me too, its in our blood. lmao same with us. One time when he was with us, I didnt see him for two weeks, and figured he went back to California, then I saw him and was all "WTF!? YOUR STILL HERE BISH!?"
Be weird though, if he was my big brother and I didnt know him, huh?
Just a little thing called siblings...