Blind, heightens other senses. Plus, I HAVE to have music.
Its 42. Other then that, procreation, recreation, and whatever else you want, life is what you make it.
All Dressed, peferably Rippled.
Zangoose, Absol, and Grovyle are my favorite.
I hate it when you tell someone not to do something, and they do it just to make you mad.
The rule is PICS or it never happened, and seriously how could I shop that pic, its my TV You're pretteh, really, I dont say that a lot. Your 'sistahs' look like goofz
8/10 I dont know. Everyone's gonna hate me... Btw, my dad plays partypoker
I'll join cause I can
i dunnoez..
Jaw drop. Wow, not even just a demotion?
pzoo.. What happened. What are "recent events" What did I miss? Did kitteh do something bad? Post count <------
balls, you know what i ment
yeh knowhitefillerz
aye. srsly lol wut jk i think your not the only one who knows
Are you kidding me? The first one was better, I thought, for its time.
Question for kittyeh. Wanna have a schedueled time for each question, that way I know when to come on?
Nope. Epic winz
make sense moar
Oh snap, I remember my dad had a pet tarantula when I was like 5, and I was so scared of it. I hated it too. SAME
Agree w/ reptar. Pokemon is too old, there are too many to remember, I used to know all 151, then I turned 13. Anyway, if they came out with a new game/series, that had old pokemon, I'd buy/watch it.