A turret is an automatic, mounted gun, usually accompanied by a box of ammunition, basically meaning, he hit the "Bullseye" a number of times.
'92 ftw. whitefill
no ur old.
I'll PM you directions for it.
It's not just you, I cant access the forum index either, fix pl0x.
Just to put an end to "HOW DO I PUT ____ IN MY POST!!!!" Okay, to clarify, any tag that has an asterisk(*) in it, is just there so the tag shows, so, unless otherwise told, remove it to make the tag. Okay, first things first, there are a lot of different tags in BBCode, and there's probably a lot that I dont know, but most of them, I think I do. --------------------------------------- List And Descriptions: [C*OLOR="Color"][/COLOR] Makes text a specified color. [S*IZE="SIZENUMBER"][/Size] Makes text a specified size [F*ONT="FONTTYPE"][/FONT] Makes the text a specified font [B*][/B] Bolds your text [I*][/I] Makes the text in italics [U*][/U] Underlines the text [LEFT*][/LEFT] Makes the Text align left[CENTER*][/CENTER] Aligns the text in the center[RIGHT*][/RIGHT] Aligns the text to the right [LIST*][/LIST] Makes a list [INDENT*][/INDENT]Indents the text[U*RL="Link"][/url]Inserts a link to the website entered in "Link" [EMA*IL="Address"][/EMAIL] Inserts an email link [I*MG]IMAGELINK[/IMG] Inserts an image into your post, by using a direct link which you put in "IMAGELINK" [Q*UOTE][/QUOTE] You can alost put [q*uote="USERNAME";POSTNUMBER][/quote] and have a username and post number entered in to quote a specific user and post. [C*ODE][/CODE] Code: Puts text in code, meaning that instead of having a mile long page, you can scroll in a box [H*TML][/HTML] HTML: Puts text in HTML, I dont really know what this does. [P*HP][/PHP] PHP: Does some PHP thing, Again I dont really know what this does either. [M*ARQUEE][/MARQUEE] [MARQUEE]Makes marquee text.[/MARQUEE] [S*TRIKE][/STRIKE] Puts a strike through the text (A line) [Y*OUTUBE="VIDEOLINK"]COMPLETELINK[/youtube] Embeds a youtube video into your post Thats all for now, probably get a little more later.
Puts text in code, meaning that instead of having a mile long page, you can scroll in a box
Puts text in HTML, I dont really know what this does.
Does some PHP thing, Again I dont really know what this does either.
PS3 sucks.
me plzfilling
You scared me.
has 123 in username
Cake plz. Dont lie about it.
Kind Dedede KO's scrubs at 12. You lose.
Whats 6 inches long, 3 inches wide, and drives women crazy. Hilight for answer -----> Money
Yes you do. You KNOW this thread got 3 pages.
I dunno...
Mine was 2 weeks.