SNL is win.
Destroy Teh Forumzzzzz
The wild have too many young stars, and thugs to lose.
inb4lock Oh crap, spam. Anyway, WoW is for no-lifers.
eyeroll so. washington is winning they are quite the underdogz in this post season
And I only just got back to wreak moar havoc.
Kirby music, but AMAZING and with GUITAR and all like...METAL?
Ugh. I just had a blank mind. Should done some searching first.
Go cry in a corner.
I never really wanted to get into Halo, you basically started it. Anyway, I find that Perfect Dark, along with THE BEST graphics of the N64, has THE BEST gameplay and storyline of almost any game ever, I think.
That is exactly why Perfect Dark is the best.
KWIK. SOMEONE CALL THE WAHHHHHHHMBULANCE. Sorry, its an apostrophe, big deal Reasons to support....the idea that Halo(Series) has the best multiplayer? It's common sense, seriously, just ask anyone. Here are a few...I guess Chat. Proximity Chat Range. Lag is minimal. Matchmaking is substantially easy and fast due to high population. Wide variety of game types and many rule variations and options. When you play on a ranked playlist (Halo 3) the game matches you up with opponents who have near the same rank and skill as you. ----------- 300 till prem, ugh.
Halo has the best multiplayer of any game. Ever. Dont argue that, you have to know its true.
Variety does not mean the quality of the weapons, but the quantity(of different weapons).
Sigh. I NEVER said it was a copy. Reason One: Halo has Multiplayer. Reason Two: Superior Storyline (Apart from endings) Reason Three: Variety of weapons.
Wiimote + Wiimote condom = Comfy.
You mean I forgot about Portal. The thing about Half-Life, is that it's the same time as Halo, which kinda makes it inferior.
Wow, quite a unique word. @ Da Freak: Hai
Twinkies r btr
Basically, vote for which First Person Shooter game you think is the best of its time, meaning, that it wasn't necessarily the best EVER, but the best it ever could be, given the era. When you first see the two games Goldeneye and Halo your instinct is obviously to go to Halo, because it has the graphics and such, but remember how the graphics of Goldeneye were, they were pretty great for the N64, especially if you had the Memory Expansion Pak. Now, just because I said that, doesn't mean you have to believe it, vote for what you want. If you dont think its any of these choices, post your pick.