wow nice good job your good.
um ok lock this up i would to and kurodo whatever your name is i didnt read the other pages i didnt know he said stop posting i just read the rules mish gave and posted.
the new person of the week is MISH!!!!!!!!!! party!!!
yay!!! i like them"snatches 100 reeses cup and eats them in a sec" yay!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^............^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^-^
ok the nomines are cloud,tifa,rikku vote now
yay someone finaly understands me.
john.s joined december why is he a forum help waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i like cheese and peanut butter
i wanna sex up mish and roxas that would look weird cause roxas cant get mish to love him.^.^
you do know thats its a law to be 13 or over to be on a forum
yeah your caught the rules to this sight are for peopel only 13 and up.
beat the mods up till i kill one then i become a mod. what would you do if you were gay?
in the thread ask out center on the page before the last he said he was 12 years old and the rules are you have to be 13 or over.
srry for doubel post but aint the rules are that you have to be 13 or older?
first of all i dont take that crap with yelling second of all shut up ok your acting like a n00b third of all we dont care what pissed you off but i will tell you one thing your pissing me off.
no ones proambely going to anser but how do you make sigs and avatars.
1724 mish is the queen nevermore.
roxas up at the top(roxas in the video game) roxas look familer(i know i spelled it wrong) like my cousin or somethin.
i have to vote with kairi cause she works harder shen gives us entertainment with her cool comics only reason mish is a mod or admin and everyone likes her because her shmexyness isnt it obvious?
just know that im going with kairisorakeyoflight.